
CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
I am grateful for this program and the people who show up every day, whether in a face-to-face meeting or online, to share their experience, strength and hope. COE is a horrid disease and unlike other programs, we are confronted and challenged with it every day. This program works if you truly work it!

I'm also grateful for a supporting spouse and family and an awesome sponsor!


  • Rocksham
    Rocksham Posts: 13 Member
    Me too! I am so grateful. We all need the encouragement that we get.
  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
    I am so grateful for the gift of actually being able to live in the now, fulfilled, happy, content, and aware of how blessed I truly am. How ironic... to be grateful for the gift of gratitude:).
  • julesoa
    julesoa Posts: 68 Member
    I am grateful today for a sunny day, some of which I spent in the garden doing some work and just enjoying the warmth. I am off work for a few days and grateful to listen to AA/OA speakers on podcasts/youtube - it's like going to a meeting in my living room. Grateful for OA, abstinence, my sponsor, my family and my HP for another abstinent day.
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
    We have so much to be thankful for, don't we?

    For those who can't get to a meeting, there is a conference call that you can participate in via telephone. You would call into a scheduled OA meeting ( or any anonymous mtg) and choose to share, or just listen in. Although I'm able to get to F2F meetings, I plan on calling in to share my experience an experience this type of meeting.different type of meeting. If anyone is interested, let me know and I'll share more info. My sponsor told me about it and I'm waiting on a call-back to get the name again.
  • Terri_Wickwire
    Terri_Wickwire Posts: 149 Member
    I'm grateful for taking care of myself by checking into MFP. It always helps when I'm logging my food, even if it isn't perfect. I'm grateful that my beautiful teenager got her first job today! I'm grateful for the gardening goodies I purchased today and for not beating myself up over the fact that I went over my budget. I'm grateful for my business that allows me to work from home. I am most grateful for my amazing husband that loves me unconditionally -- which I have never experienced in my life before -- and for the fact that we are getting ready to celebrate 14 years of marriage and just celebrated 15 years of being together. God is Good! Now for the DIRT!!
  • Terri_Wickwire
    Terri_Wickwire Posts: 149 Member
    I am deeply grateful for the abstinence that is stringing together, and for the clarity of mind, body and spirit that flowers with that abstinence ... :heart: