Introduce yourself!



  • So, I'm BabeintheMoon's friend, we call ourselves "The Tweedles" because we both love purple and wear it as often as possible. Sarah has been super inspiring for me to give this a try. So, other than being called Tweedle, I am also called Rebecca and I am quickly approaching 50 years old and want to shift this belly.

    Since July I have been doing a Low Glycemic Index/Load Diet in order to lower my A1C (blood glucose) numbers and to prevent diabetes from happening, This worked, and my Dr was thrilled but I really couldn't loose and keep weight off, so here I am.

    First morning of first day and I'm already wondering how I'm supposed to eat everything. I'm not going to start tracking myself until Sunday though. Thanks for getting me into this Tweedle!
  • Im_Worth_It
    Im_Worth_It Posts: 23 Member
    hi my name is Joan.. i found about carb cycling after searching for numerous diet plans.. then came across Chris Powell's book and decided to give it a shot... im currently on week 4 and feeling great!!!! i still have 15-20 lbs to lose.. MFP and friends ive met here gives me support to keep going.. nice to meet all of you going on the same journey!! Good luck!!!!
  • babeinthemoon
    babeinthemoon Posts: 471 Member
    Welcome Rebecca and Joan!!!

    Rebecca is my partner in crime! I love my Tweedle friend. She is so sweet... especially since she refuses to call me "tweedle dum" even though that was the one I chose for myself. LOL. Rebecca, you'll soon get the hang of it... the big thing to remember is lots of veggies, and watching your portion sizes! :) You can do this!!! :) I am so proud of you for getting your A1C numbers down!! That is a huge accomplishment already!

    WTG Joan! How exciting that you are so close to your goal! Keep up the great work!
  • Im_Worth_It
    Im_Worth_It Posts: 23 Member
    Sarah,i was so close to goal last yr july( completed p90x2) ,went through a bit of depression Oct and gained all the weight back .. I started not to care at all.. I was unhappy, so decided to make a change.. We got this!!!!!

    "I may not be there yet but Im closer than I was yesterday..." :)
  • babeinthemoon
    babeinthemoon Posts: 471 Member
    Sarah,i was so close to goal last yr july( completed p90x2) ,went through a bit of depression Oct and gained all the weight back .. I started not to care at all.. I was unhappy, so decided to make a change.. We got this!!!!!

    "I may not be there yet but Im closer than I was yesterday..." :)

    Believe me.. I'm no stranger to depression. I'm struggling right now. But I'm trying to get my support system in place.
  • "I may not be there yet but I'm closer than I was yesterday..." :)

    I LOVE that!!! :heart:
  • Hi everyone. Nice to find this board. I have been encouraged everytime I see Chris Powell on TV or on the internet. I keep watching him every time I see him. But I swore off diets. I have tried just about everything out there to no avail. My weight seems to stay where it is if I just eat what I want. But every time I diet and lose 10 pounds, I gain 20 when I stop. So, after several years of swearing off "diets" all together, I saw a post on facebook about a childhood friend starting Choose to Lose. I thought, that sounds familiar, and realized it was Chris Powell's system. I had downloaded the sample on my nook. I decided to puchase the book and finish reading it. I am not finished yet, but anxious to get started. My instinct is to say, I hope I can do this, but I know I should say I can do this. I am not much of a meat eater, so hoping I can fit in my protein easily. I have a bit of time this afternoon, so I am researching some meal ideas and then off to prep some of the veggies for the week (I did some shopping yesterday). Looking forward to getting to know everyone! I have a lot to lose - not even sure how to decide what goal to set, so I am going to be here for a while!

    seems - strange - I just posted and saw this ticker on here - apparently, when I registered a couple years ago, I was up 4 pounds from where I am now. Huh - starting off good already - lol.
  • Circapaleo
    Circapaleo Posts: 114
    Hi lexi_kaye and welcome. :) I'm new to the group myself. I've just completed week #2 on the diet. I have a similar story to you where I tend to lose about 10 pounds and then gain more back. I've found this diet to be very doable and something that I can base my maintenance plan off of when I get there. Good luck! :)
  • islandgirl76_
    islandgirl76_ Posts: 86 Member
    I have read most of the book and starting tomorrow! I have been struggling with the last 10 pounds.
  • kemit1976
    kemit1976 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi all,

    I have read many articles about Chris and decided today is the days, I have been losing weight for 2 years now and my body has come to a stand still and needs a good shake up. I clean eat and I am gluten free, but am sure I can work around this diet, I like the concept behind it. If you want to friend me that would be great also :)
  • Circapaleo
    Circapaleo Posts: 114
    Hi and welcome! I eat a "whole foods + protein powder" diet and am gluten free, and haven't had any trouble making this work. :)
  • mac377
    mac377 Posts: 2
    Howdy :)
    I'm Mandy. I'm a 36 year old stay at home mom of 2. I am going through some medical stuff, but ready to get back on the wagon and cut out some of my junky habits again. I started my weight loss journey at 236 and was 181 a few days ago at the doctor. I have a test this next week, but plan to get back on the Choose to Lose plan on the 27th of this month. My big goal is 130 unless I find something I'm comfortable with on the way there. :) (Not sure my body can do 130 anymore... but I thought it was a good goal to start with.) So basically, I'm looking at another 50 lbs. I really have to pick up on the exercise this time, losing the weight has really made me kind of soft and flabby. :/:)
    If you are checking in often, have great recipes, encouragement, etc. feel free to friend me. I can use all the support & motivation I can get!
  • babbippy
    babbippy Posts: 2
    Hi, I'm Brenda...I got the new book Choose More, Lose More and finally had a minute to go through it. Want to read in more detail soon. I've started today, yes its a tuesday so that is weird...guess i'll be more official like next week but am going to try to walk the walk.. I've gotten to the point that I need to lose to feel better...its affecting my health, mood, etc. Weight game came after kids...I am on thyroid meds and estrodiol as I had a complete hysterectomy a few years ago. I'm 52 and weigh 166 right now...hoping for 135. i'm hoping this group can help me "figure this out" I need easy food combinations or I will not make it.
  • ThisIsIt04
    ThisIsIt04 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello All,
    My name is Wendy, I'm 24 yrs old and I am stay at mom to 4 beautiful little boys! Their ages are 5, 4, 2.5, and 2 months. I've struggled with my weight all my life and now that I'm done having children, I would really like to concentrate on getting the weight off for good. Without trying, I actually lost about 25 lbs during my pregnancy with my last son. But since giving birth my weight has been at a stand still. My sister came across this diet and after doing some research, we are starting our journey tomorrow morning. We are so excited and we look forward to getting this weight off for good!
  • Circapaleo
    Circapaleo Posts: 114
    Hi Wendy and welcome!

    Wow...I bet your house is active! :) I've been doing this for a few months and have had steady weight loss. One of the keys for sticking to the plan for me is to have all my meals planned and prepped so I always know what I'm going to eat next. I even have an area of the fridge that I put "my stuff" to make it easy to just grab and go. That's great you have someone in real life that is doing this with you. Good luck to both of you. :)
  • linda_p
    linda_p Posts: 25 Member
    Hi, I'm Linda. I've been watching Chris Powell since the show's first season and am extremely impressed with the results that his clients have. I am at a point where I need something different and decided to look into what kind of program he used. I found Choose to Lose and have been reading through the book this week. I believe this program can work for me. My biggest challenge is my mental attitude and the chapter on "Change your Mind, Change your Body" was a huge help. I know I will be re-reading that constantly for reinforcement. I've begun adjusting my eating as I'm learning but plan is to prepare and start Day 1 on Sunday, June 9th as my "funday" will have to be Saturdays.
  • linda_p
    linda_p Posts: 25 Member
    Oops...posted twice.
  • densa56
    densa56 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    My name is Dianne. I joined MFP today, starting CTL on Monday, June 10th. Using this weekend to get ready. Highest weight ever (6 years ago) was 210 lbs. Current weight 170 lbs. Goal weight 135 lbs.
  • mamacita903
    mamacita903 Posts: 13 Member
    Hello all,

    I have been prepping to start Choose to Loose all week and I am trying out some recipes today and will officially probably start tomorrow with my reward day being Saturday. I have tons of knowledge about nutrition and exercise but have a hard time sticking with either. I'm 28 and 5'10". While I have always struggled some with weight it never got really bad until about of depression after graduating from undergrad 6 -7 years ago. Met my now husband about 6 years ago, married a little over 1 year ago, and just graduated with my MBA one month ago. Work full-time as well. After losing some weight for my wedding and tons of inches with a trainer last year I got down to my most recent lowest of 210. I am now at an all time high of 240-245 (241 today). Last year (while truly "doing it all right" and not losing weight like I should) had bloodwork done and discovered I am borderline hypothyroid (family history of thyroid problems and on the other side obesity). I love organic, fresh, local and tasty food and have found things like weight watchers just don't work for me because they don't focus on true health or people with wrecked metabolisms (not bashing here, just know it doesn't work for me). Yes, I have things working against me (including stress) but I will not use them as excuses. I am still young, love to travel and with all the other accomplishments I have in my life I still haven't been able to accomplish a constant healthy weight/lifestyle. I have several other serious personal stresses going on right now,but I am dealing with them head on for the better and have become much less stressed and more balanced after graduation and feel that now that I have to make myself and my health my number one priority. I am lucky to have very supportive husband, family and friends. I want to start a family soon (within a year) and I am terrified of becoming pregnant at this weight. Especially due to all of the complications obesity can cause in pregnancy. Basically I finally believe on the inside that I am worth it (most days at least :) ) and I am choosing to make myself a priority in my life. I am doing this carb cycling because I know low-carb is what I need to see results. I also know I cannot give up carbs entirely and need to have a cheat day every week. This plan allows for all of this. When I was working with a trainer he also told me carb cycling works really well, he had low-energy on lo-carb days, but it helped him dropped 40lbs quickly (mostly fat). Something he said one day has really stuck with me, especially since I generally eat "healthy and balanced." He said (while discussing low-carb) "I figure, you didn't eat a healthy and balanced diet to gain all of that weight. So, you can't really eat healthy and balanced to loose all of the weight either." After seeing my body re-gain to alarmingly new highs, I have really accepted and am excited about the reality of what low-carb and carb cycling can do for my body, health, and weight loss goals.

    Excited to have this group on here for ideas and support!
  • boyz4us
    boyz4us Posts: 42 Member
    Starting today! June 10, 2013. I will go back through and read all the recent posts. Who of you are still here and actively following CP's program?