Cardio Days instead of 15 min interval training

stonel94 Posts: 550 Member
So Im at stage 3 (almost done with it) and at the end of workout B it has 15 min interval training. Now i was wondering, I haven't been doing this, but I do separate cardio days (3 days for cardio 3 days for lifting 1 day rest) when i do interval training for 30-45 mins, so is this okay instead of the 15 min interval training at the end of the lifting workout? Like will I get the same results? is there a reason that it's placed at the end of the workout?


  • chocolatecroissant
    chocolatecroissant Posts: 155 Member
    I've been wondering the same thing - the only reason that I can think of that it is placed at the end is to ensure you get your cardio (including intervals) in but not to let it interfere with the weights workout. Any other thoughts?
  • tammymusic1
    tammymusic1 Posts: 243 Member
    great question I would like to know too sometimes I just don't have the time I will be there soon .
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Here's my $0.02.
    I think that whether you do it on your days off depends upon your body and how you feel. Personally, I find it hard to do HIIT the day after a strength session and lifting the day after a HIIT session. HIIT affects your muscles in a similar way to weight training and therefore you may find you NEED that rest. The advantages of HIIT over steady cardio are incredible. (
  • mjpbgtd
    mjpbgtd Posts: 115 Member
    I've been wondering the same thing - the only reason that I can think of that it is placed at the end is to ensure you get your cardio (including intervals) in but not to let it interfere with the weights workout. Any other thoughts?

    I'm wondering the same thing myself. I just finished stage 2 and I'm taking a week off and doing HIIT for three days until I start Stage 3. I understand that doing HIIT between strength days can defeat the purpose of a rest day so that's what I'm worried about. I'd be interested in other's experiences.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    I lift 2-3 days per week and play soccer, run, do spin, or do sprint workouts on the other days. I tend to skip the BWM and HIIT because my time is up after the lifting. I am in stage 5. I lost 15 pounds and since the end of January and I am pleased with my strength gains.

    I would say that you should adjust the program how you want to and if you don't like the results you are getting, decide whether you should follow the book more carefully.

    I agree that you will get the best lifting results if you have rest days instead of HIIT, but my goals are more broad than that.
  • JDubbs339
    JDubbs339 Posts: 44 Member
    I just did my first Stage 3 workout and I so far I have gained 3-4 lbs. I am currently 144 and I would like to get down to 135lbs. I'm frustrated because clothes are fitting tighter, but I am liking the strength I've gained and my body feels good...but I want to LOOK good too...

    I'm thinking I should go for a run on off days instead of doing the HIIT. Because someone mentioned that HIIT has similar affects as weights do on our bodies, I think I am bulking instead of slimming. I'm thinking running will elongate my muscles and still give me the fat burning I need...


    P.S. the shorts I fit into last summer are too tight in the butt and thighs areas and they ride up when I wear them now :(
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    jdubbs - what deficit are you shooting for? If you are gaining weight (whether fat or muscle) you are eating in a calorie surplus. Adding cardio on non-lifting days works for some (like me!). Others find cardio makes them hungry and unable to stick to their eating plan. Could you give us some stats?

    I dont think HIIT/Cardio is an either/or. You can do both. I do not, as I really don't have much more than an hour to spend in the gym. HIIT is intense like weights, but it is NOT the cause of your "bulking."

    You can have more/less fat and you can have more/less muscle, but muscles don't "elongate" from a particular cardio regmine.
  • JDubbs339
    JDubbs339 Posts: 44 Member
    I'm aiming for 1,400 calories/day. I feel confident that I've been around (or over on weight days) this goal consistently, but the quality of the calories leaves more to be desired. I need to buckle down and eat more salads/veggies : /

    Two summers ago I was successful in my attempt to slim down while lifting and the cardio I did then was running. My schedule is the same in that I don't really have more than an hour to spend at the gym, which is why HIIT appeals to me.

    I also have been lifting 4-5xs per week instead of the recommended 3. Maybe this is another contributor to my bulking??

    Maybe I should reduce my lifting to 3xs/week (no HIIT) and then run on off days?
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    I would definitely pull back to no more than every other day for lifting. I really dont think you can bulk on 1400 cals a day. your muscles might be inflamed/retaining water, though. Try 3x/week lifting and 3x/week running with a rest day OR 3x/week lifting plus HITT/BWM and see how you do.
  • chocolatecroissant
    chocolatecroissant Posts: 155 Member
    I would definitely pull back to no more than every other day for lifting. I really dont think you can bulk on 1400 cals a day. your muscles might be inflamed/retaining water, though. Try 3x/week lifting and 3x/week running with a rest day OR 3x/week lifting plus HITT/BWM and see how you do.
    Great advice. HIIT tends to burn more calories overall due to the intensity. Running is a great calorie burner if you are comfortable with it but tends to make me hungry! I read an interesting article about running and calorie burn recently - apologies if it's already been posted -