Primal/Paleo Honesty

frantim528 Posts: 48 Member
I need some Primal/Paleo friends that will be honest with me when they read my exercise or food diary. I get a lot of "Way to go!" and "Nice job!" when I know that I totally blew the day.


  • nynvilva
    nynvilva Posts: 54
    I took a look at your diary for the past couple days, and while I see some room for improvement (e.g. sugar intake, some processed items, some dairy/bread – though not sure if you’re more primal than paleo - etc.), I am not seeing where you “blew it”. You seem to exercise often, are honest with your logs, and mostly tend to stay within your “allowed” caloric intake for the days (give or take a bit)…

    Some days we all blow it. So long as you’re getting back on track and not allowing an indulgence or a bad day take the reins of your goals, then you’re fine! Feel free to add me as a friend! I will be honest that I do not look at everyone’s diary, but if you want me to, I am happy to do so – just ask me. I am also relatively new to the lifestyle (12 weeks), but I do believe we can all learn from each other.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I'm pretty honest though I usually try not to say much about the diary unless asked. I have unfriended people if they say they are primal/paleo but don't eat anywhere close to it. Artificial sweeteners are a deal breaker for me too.

    I see some good things in your diary and some not so good things, and similar can be said about my diary though I do the best I can considering my access to food (I live in the Arctic). I think you have your fat macro set great but you may be getting a little high in the carbs. Have you tried quiting added sweeteners for awhile?

    Add me as a friend if you like. I am comfortable giving you my opinion when you want it and I welcome the opinion of others too.
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    I agree with the above. I generally don't comment unless I see a recipe I want, or say good job when they get a lot of veggies in, unless someone asks specifically for advice.

    I'm not a fan of artificial sweeteners, either. Splenda gave me headaches, esp liquid form (in drinks). And diet sodas made me gain! I've started using some stevia on occasion, when I need it to sweeten a treat. Still getting used to the taste of it.

    Other tips I have: more veggies - or more consistently; more water/plain tea to drink.

    Wait, let me back up. What are your goals?
  • monkeydharma
    monkeydharma Posts: 599 Member
    I need some Primal/Paleo friends that will be honest with me when they read my exercise or food diary. I get a lot of "Way to go!" and "Nice job!" when I know that I totally blew the day.

    If you want another old fart's advice - I sent you a request. I don't normally review other's diaries (I'll answer questions), I'll make an effort to in your case. :)

    I'll tell you where I'm coming from: I'm not specifically 'primal' or 'paleo', but a generic follower of the hunter/gatherer way of nutrition. I follow the mantra of "Whole foods, organically grown - and simply prepared". I avoid manufactured foods, and convoluted 'paleo' ways of trying to imitate post-agricultural recipes.

    While I've been eating this way for a couple of years now, I am not always on the straight-and-narrow. I can help with coping strategies for the cravings and habits we've built over a lifetime. Anyway, add me if you're inclined.

    Looking over your last couple of days, I'd say you are eating healthily from a SAD perspective (Standard American Diet), but have a ways to go to become realistically paleo or primal.

    - you are using added sweeteners (don't eat sugar unless there's a plant around it);
    - cake??? (grains are a no-no);
    - lemonade (artificial sweeteners have no calories but still produce an insulin response - something we are trying to minimize/avoid);
    - personally, I consider the whey powder and shake manufactured (you can't find those in the wild);

    OTOH, I do notice you are making the effort in other ways (coconut oil, etc.)

    Have fun on your journey!