What did you do this week to get closer to goal?

missshyeviolett Posts: 310 Member
What did YOU do ladies/gents?

I went to Bar Method class tues-friday and was slightly under calorie goal each day. I ALMOST skipped today because my schedule changed at the last minute, but took a morning class instead! Today makes 21 classes in the month of May :D


  • Arredondo145
    Arredondo145 Posts: 50 Member
    On days that we are not living in the Dust Bowl, I walk a mile or a mile and half in our neighborhood. I've been keeping my calories close to 1,400 per day. I have lost this week :-)
  • SilverLotusGirl
    SilverLotusGirl Posts: 537 Member
    I went for it and did the jogging and jumping jacks on my work out today, I used my ten pound weights for a barre arm work, I plan to have another really long barre workout tomorrow.
  • wpbmommy1
    wpbmommy1 Posts: 58 Member
    I did NOT eat the cake at work that my co-worker's wife makes with her homemade lemon icing.
  • abikinibyjuly
    abikinibyjuly Posts: 330 Member
    I took two zumba classes and started weight training.
  • ShaunaMcMac
    ShaunaMcMac Posts: 160 Member
    I worked out everyday last week except for my rest day on sunday and burned a total of 2,625 exercise calories including running, elliptical, and weight training.

    This week, same thing. I've also been eating 1200 cal the last week and will do so until the end of this week. Unfortunately eating this low cal has negatively affected my workouts so I'm going to bump up my cals by a few hundred. Hopefully this won't have too much of an effect on my weight loss!

    Keep up the good work everyone!!
  • SilverLotusGirl
    SilverLotusGirl Posts: 537 Member
    Today, I did an Insanity workout. It was fun in an intense sweaty legs like jello type way. I plan to work in more high intensity interval cardio into my weeks. Maybe 3 days of harder cardio and 2 for lower intensity cardio and strength in the form of barre stuff. Not sure, I'll come up with a plan that works but I know I need to up my cardio to help the weight come off.