In my final week of JMBR - What to do next and Results..

Hey everyone!

I am happy to report that I am in week 12 of JMBR!!!!! Wow...I can't believe that I've almost finished this program. Extremely proud and motivated, which brings me to the obvious question...


I've considered P90X, Turbo Fire and Insanity. At this point I am leaning toward Insanity. Turbo Fire seems too "dancey" for me and P90X is too much sole focus on strength. I feel that Insanity will absolutely kick my a**, but in a good way.


Also, JMBR Results:
22 lbs lost!


  • kymkan
    kymkan Posts: 444 Member
    member ZeppyB is doing Insantiy and really likes it! I was doing a mix of 30DS and her Killer Buns and Thighs videos (with cardio mixed in from JMBR). I really liked that combo!

    I hope you post result pics - way to go in following thru and finishing the program - isn't it awesome?!?! I can't wait to do it again!
  • booyakazam
    booyakazam Posts: 18
    Unfortunately, I did not take a before picture. But I can post the after. :)

    I will take before AND after pics prior to starting Insanity.
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    How exciting for you! Finishing Jillian is a huge accomplishment.

    As for what to do next, personally I'm moving on to Chalean Extreme when I'm done because I'll need something more focused on toning. I'm doing C25K and plan to continue running, so that will take care of the cardio.
  • booyakazam
    booyakazam Posts: 18
    That sounds like a good plan!

    I have not checked into Chalean Extreme - maybe that will be a good option as instead..
  • karint74
    karint74 Posts: 131 Member
    I'm also finishing up Week 12 this week. I already have 40+ other fitness DVDs, about half of which are too easy for me now. I plan on doing a mix of my other Jillian Michaels workouts for a while. I just got Killer Buns & Thighs and Hard Body and looking forward to trying those. I'll throw in pairs of JMBR workouts into the mix, too. I love what it's done for my upper body strength and would like to maintain that. For cardio, I'm doing the National Bike Challenge and making an effort to get some riding in every day, even if it's only a couple of miles. I *love* cycling. I've already ridden 577 miles since April 1st!
  • SJackson50
    SJackson50 Posts: 282 Member
    Great job...doesn't it feel great to finish! It is an amazing accomplishment!

    I am currently on my third round, using heavier weights; but, between this round and the last, I did a six week combo that included Killer Buns and Thighs, Six Week Six Pack and Ripped in 30--two days of each. It worked out well and I exceeded my goals for that period. When I am finished with this round, I plan to do a combo of Hard Body and Killer Abs.

    I can't comment on other programs because I have not done anything else--I like Jillian's 30 minutes and done! philosophy :-)

    Good luck in your goals!
  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    Great job!!!!

    After I finished BR, I rotated through about 4 different Jillian DVD's for about a month and a half building up my workout time to at least one hour. This was to prepare for Insanity. I did most of Insanity and I really did not like it at all. Plus it made me soooo hungry and I had to increase my calories. I was really tired all the time even with the increased calories. It was VERY repetitive and I was quite bored. If I were to do it over I would do insanity for half the week and Jillian for half the week.

    I had greater success with Jillian but I also had more to lose. When I started Insanity I was close to goal weight. Even with the increased calories I still lost .5 inch on my waist and .5 inch on my thighs. I gained two pounds, but since my measurements did not increase that means I built muscle which is good.
  • booyakazam
    booyakazam Posts: 18
    Completely agree! The 30 minutes and done concept is amazing and definitely works for me.
  • booyakazam
    booyakazam Posts: 18
    I can imagine that Insanity is more repetitive. Some of Shaun T's other workouts have a tendency of getting repetitive as well. I need to give it a shot though...hopefully it will work.