Anyone feel like they get away with murder?

odonogc Posts: 223 Member
I've been in maintenance mode since May, and sometimes I am just in awe of what I'm able to eat!

We only go out to eat once a week generally, but when we do, I go for it! Whatever catches my fancy, it's ON!

I will admit I tend to plan for this all day, but still, when I was struggling along on 1200 calories, I never thought there would be a day that I could eat a big meal of pizza or fish and chips again.

The one thing I just don't do is dessert. One bite maybe, but even that is pretty rare. For some reason it just feels like a slippery slope.


  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Yep, even before I hit maintenance I was eating plenty. I love working out, and I eat back all my exercise calories. Now I am eating anything between 2,500 - 2,800 calories a day.

    Unlike you, I have to have pudding, so cakes, biscuits sweets etc make daily appearances on my food diaries. My work colleagues are regularly stunned at the amount of food I can put away (I eat 5 - 6 times a day), and it must be intimidating to any new MFP pal when they see my food diaries.

    Its all about balance though, on rest days I am happy to eat at base and I always ensure I eat plenty of protein.

    My only issue is eating out, I hate not being able to calorie count, so I don't buy food where I cannot obtain its nutritional value. Sometimes its unavoidable, and I tend to take these days as cheat days and make sure I get plenty of exercise.

    This is why MFP works for me, I don't ever have to feel hungry.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Sometimes I'm amazed at how much I can eat, but I know I kick my own *kitten* when it comes to exercise to be able to afford to eat that way, too.

    I have people in my life who say, "You're so lucky," but they don't see when I'm squatting more than my body weight and running in the snow and all logging my food to make sure I'm eating the right macros.
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    I have no idea what ya'll are talking about! LOL!
  • quietHiker
    quietHiker Posts: 1,442 Member
    I'm like you...I plan for the day when I'm going to splurge and I splurge! :)
  • russellma
    russellma Posts: 284 Member
    I never really thought about it. Since I have no time or interest in working out endlessly, I guess I do tend to keep moderation in the back of my mind throughout the day and have made some healthier trades in my lifestyle. But, I never feel like I'm depriving myself. I have daily sweet treats and allow myself anything I think is worth it!

    I don't really worry too much when I'm eating out. We go out once per week generally and I get what I want and then stop when I am full.

    I don't know how many calories I actually eat since I stopped logging food a couple months ago to see how well I do on my own. So far, so good! :)
  • kim_mcintire
    This is funny to read because I have also felt guilty when I see how little my MFP's are eating compared to me. Then a friend reminded me that I also had to walk that strict line until I met my goal. It is a great reward for A LOT of very hard work. I enjoy food and I hope I always do. Some people can't, and that is not how I want to live. Life is too short!! Enjoy your calories. You worked hard for them!!! Good luck!!!
  • IRollC30
    IRollC30 Posts: 54 Member
    Yes, I feel the same way. I have my MFP set to keep me at .5/week weight loss, even though I'm actually in maintenance mode. I like to keep it this way to make up for days when I slip.

    For instance, I went to a local Chocolate Festival last weekend. I ate a TON of chocolate, chips, ice cream, etc. I was basically in an insulin coma by the time the 4 hour event was over. Step on the scale a few days later and I was only up 1 pound. Step on the scale yesterday and I'm back down to my normal weight.

    Maintenance mode is a great place to be. Also, I lowered my exercise to 1/2 hour a day (was 1 hr every day for 3 years) and upped my calories to 1800. I eat back all of my exercise calories and I have to say that I haven't felt this good in YEARS. It's great to be able to go to a Chocolate Festival, slip a little, and then be OK by the end of the next week.

    Back when I first started MFP, I would have just not gone to the chocolate festival and sat at home dreaming of all the delicious food I was missing out on.

    Bottom line - losing weight is easy, keep it off is the hard part...
  • cbfliz
    cbfliz Posts: 33 Member
    I love being in maintenance mode. I find it fascinating to see just how much I can eat now without worrying about gaining weight. :love:
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    Aaah - I am struggling with this maintenance thing. I try to eat around 1500 a day (a little less on rest days) and am 80% Primal but can feel my size creeping up again. Crossfit 2 x week and lift / Hiit 3 x week.
    I just cannot find my balance - I might post a seperate post to get some feedback.
  • paxbfl
    paxbfl Posts: 391 Member
    I had to chuckle at this thread. I feel really badly for my MFP friends who see that I've lost 45 pounds, open my diary and say, "What the heck?" when they see me eating 2,700 calories some days. I wish MFP had a stamp or something that says "In Maintenance" so everyone realizes what's going on. I feel like I have to explain that when I was losing I was eating 1800-2000 calories a day.
  • karint74
    karint74 Posts: 131 Member
    Ha ha, yup! My philosophy is eat a lot, move a lot. I like exercise and usually got in about 90 minutes per day, including biking or walking my commutes. I eat about 2400 calories most days. Often 3 sweets a day. Once a week or so, I have a pig-out day, usually involving lots of quality time with a spoon and a jar of my favorite peanut butter, plus chocolate. And I means lots! I estimate 3500-4000 calories those days. I weigh and measure myself every Wednesday without fail, and I've been maintaining just fine with small fluctuations for several months.
  • hiryze
    hiryze Posts: 48 Member
    I was just thinking this the other day. I switched to maintenance a few months ago and shortly after I torn a ligament in my ankle; so little to no exercise beyond chasing my kids around. Add a couple vacations in there and several summer BBQ's and my diet has been pretty lax, to say the least. I am still almost shocked when I step on the scale and see the number hold steady. It makes me wonder just how much I was eating before to make me 50 pounds over weight. Must have been pretty bad.
  • FrancineM62
    FrancineM62 Posts: 42 Member
    It's so nice to see that others have the same experience on maintenance. I can't tell you how many times I've been afraid to step on the scale, thinking for sure I had gained weight. I was eating what I wanted and not hungry. I was amazed that it stayed the same. Someone said they couldn't imagine how much they must have been eating to get to their previous weight and I think about that too. I only know I never want to go back to the 1200-1500 calories it took to lose it!
  • kistockman
    kistockman Posts: 80 Member
    I'm not sure I ever felt guilty, but more relieved. I still struggle with maintenance. Not that I am gaining, but I still get nervous when I eat back all of my calories. I've not gained or lost but fluctuate back and forth within 2!

    I just feel like I need to end the day with a couple hundred calories left over. I guess I am worried that one day I'll wake up, menopause will set in and I'll have 5 more pounds and gradually move upward with no control.
  • mylittlerainbow
    mylittlerainbow Posts: 822 Member
    I see my problem (I've always known this): I need to get a few inches taller. Then I could weigh more and eat more calories! For my height (not quite 5'1") and also age, frame, and activity level, I can only eat 1400 calories per day. I had to get down to 1000 and less to be able to lose weight! So the thought of being able to get over 2000 calories per day sounds unbelievably heavenly to me! All it takes is HEIGHT and then the weight follows!