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  • cleller2
    cleller2 Posts: 3 Member
    The cookie recipe didn't have any flour - almond meal, chia, almond butter and coconut. She said if we passed almonds we should be fine, but something wasn't right for me.

    but I've know I have problems w/ gluten, so wasn't surprised about the bread, but you are right, I was definitely much more aware of my reaction today.
  • kayceeme
    kayceeme Posts: 105 Member
    Hi Renny,

    Welcome to the group! I agree that the book can be confusing and difficult to follow, but I find it to be a really different approach that seems to work well if you can stick to it. I think that the benefits of perhaps identifying foods that are creating health issues is a great use of The Plan.

    While it sounds like you've been eating a healthy vegan diet, you may find that there are specific foods that are problematic for you. For me, I've found that tomatoes are an issue. Since I ate them frequently, that was an important thing to find out. I now avoid them when I can and if I do have them, at least I know to expect some indigestion and weight gain. Sometimes it's worth it!

    Regarding doing the preparation before the 3-day cleanse, that is important to do since you won't be sure of how your body will react to the cleanse. For me, I had a severe reaction and the last thing I wanted to do was cook!

    Please participate and let us know how you're doing!
  • gflaumenhaft
    Hello fellow planners! I am Ginger.

    I am on day 1 and was excited to start. When making the foods last night (I prepped for the 3 day cleanse) I was looking forward to the foods today. Although, I almost puked after eating the flax and coco milk this morning. Disgusting. I like the flax granola by itself but once I added the coco milk it became gross. Maybe I will try rice milk. I am craving salt and bread! This is going to be alot tougher than I thought. Plus I started on a Monday at work. Yuk. I wish I had some coffee. :ohwell:
  • kayceeme
    kayceeme Posts: 105 Member
    Hi Ginger,

    Welcome to the group! I certainly craved bread, coffee and salt during those early days of The Plan, too. I also dislike the flax granola with coconut milk, which I have grown to enjoy now. I think the caffeine withdrawl I experienced caused a lot of stomach issues for me so almost everything I ate disagreed with me. I've been buying the Trader Joe's or the So Delicious brands of the coconut milk, the vanilla flavored versions. While these are not the brands recommended by Lyn-Genet, but I like that they are no as thick as the brand the author recommends. The consistency is more like real milk.

    A few other good things I've noticed is that I am not as completely addicted to caffeine as I was and require less salt in my food. While the cleanse has a real purpose, the good news is that by Day 3 things seem to get a bit easier for most.

    Good luck and please keep us posted!
  • gflaumenhaft
    Thanks for the wonderful welcome! I made it through day one. I was so tired last night by 7:00pm, I couldn't wait for my 1 year old, and 4 year old to go to bed at 8:00pm. Seemed like forever. The funny thing was, it took me awhile to fall asleep but once I did, I slept through the night! I havn't done that since before I was pregnant with my youngest. Also, I felt much better this morning. My basal temp. was 77.00 (It has been consisitanly 95.25) and I lost 3.3 pounds.
    This morning I decided to try the rice milk with the Flax. Way better! Actually, I ate the flax like a granola or trail mix (dry) and then drank the rice milk seperate. I loved it! Maybe Coco milk just isn't for me. I can't wait to see what tommorrow is like. I am looking forward to my salad and ginger/carrot soup for lunch! :flowerforyou:
  • gflaumenhaft
    Okay...after day 2 I have lost an additional 1.1 pounds for a total of 4.4 in two days. I felt better yesterday, but didn't sleep as well last night. I am looking forward to Cream of Broc. soup today!
  • kayceeme
    kayceeme Posts: 105 Member
    Hi Ginger,

    Sounds like you are doing really well! Much better than I did on the cleanse. Congratulations on the weight loss and the good sleep. I can appreciate how hard it is to get a really restful night's sleep with little ones around. Many people find that they sleep better on The Plan. I think you will like the cream of broccoli soup.

    As I am writing this, I'm having my plan-friendly lunch: an open face sandwich with avocado and zucchini, a spinach salad with leftover sauteed vegetables, and sunflower seeds--easy and tasty. This is a far cry from what my lunches used to be, even on those days when I was trying to be healthy. But I've grown accustomed to eating this way and find that it's both satisfying and tasty. While I do stray from time to time, know that I can count on eating Plan foods to lose any weight I pick up. That's reassuring and takes some of the guess work out of weight loss for me. When I lose or gain, I usually know why. The every day weigh in really has helped put me in touch with the connection between weight and diet. It goes way beyond the calories in vs. calories out that I used to try to monitor so closely.

    My focus now is on finding more foods that are safe so I can expand my repertoire. Testing eggs, asparagus and sweet potatoes in the upcoming days. Lots of delicious summer produce will be in season soon, and I'm looking forward to going to my local farmer's market to find some new things to try.
  • Dorene68
    Dorene68 Posts: 17
    Glad to find a support group. I tried to get both my mom and my sister, who are both over-weight and saying they want to lose weight to start The Plan with me, but both declined (sigh), so not much support from the family network.

    Both are giving excuses to eating healthier, so I am not going to worry about that. I have to start focusing on myself and getting myself healthier.

    I am on day 6, the protein test, and have lost 10 lbs. so far. I was lucky that I had tried flax seed before starting The Plan and knew I liked them. I felt so bad the first day and a half of the detox but by the 2nd half of the 2nd day, I was feeling much better. I have found that I am sleeping better now and have not had any of my normal stomach issues (yea!).

    I did test reactive on the day with the rye cracker so I did a rest day and re-tested the cracker day using a rick cracker instead. Worked out much better for me. Good luck to everyone, and please remember it is easy to go off plan, but then so easy to go right back on, don't get discouraged if you have a mess up day or weekend.
  • kayceeme
    kayceeme Posts: 105 Member
    Hi Dorene68,

    Welcome to the group. Sounds like you are doing really well. Congratulations on the 10 lb loss. I think that your advice about getting back on the plan if you've fallen off for awhile is great. When I do this and gain weight, I now know what I can do to lose that weight again. And I don't have to starve myself or workout for hours every day, just need to eat my safe foods and drink the right amount of water.

    In the process of doing that at the moment, had a stressful week and ate poorly, up about 3 lbs but I think I will be back on track soon.
  • Lyndajo61
    Lyndajo61 Posts: 1

    I'm Lynda. I'm 69 years old and have been struggling with my weight for many years. I decided to try the plan because it seems to make sense. I'm going to start on Sunday, because my husband will be gone for three days, and I think it will be easier not to have to cook for anyone else during the cleanse. More than the weight loss, I"m hoping for better sleep and less pain. The reports from people who have started to feel better even before the weight loss have me very hopeful.
  • PaulaJo1954
    Hi one and all! I'm Paula, an empty nester and I'll turn 59 later this month. Since January I've been pleased to lose 30 lbs. on a tried and true weight loss program, but an old friend started telling me about The Plan over the weekend. I was so intrigued because it sounds like there are actually answers to some long term questions I've been asking myself: How can I eat 'right' and my weight is down 2 lbs. one day and up 1.5 the next? Why is it that sometimes shortly after a meal, I can hardly hold my head up? Do I really have to live with IBS for the rest of my life, not to mention Fibromyalgia flare-ups?

    So my book arrived from Amazon yesterday and I'm reading away and testing for low thyroid function (family history). Tomorrow I'll shop, Friday do the prep and Saturday I'll start the journey to finally find the answers to my questions. And along the way, I expect I'll lose that last 10 lbs. Who knows, maybe more :)
  • teresaknightmarin
    teresaknightmarin Posts: 1 Member
    Hello guys! My husband and I are doing the Plan. Today, is day 2. We are hoping to learn alot about our bodies. My husband has allergies and eczema, and I get a bloated stomach many days that make me look pregnant (4-6) months.
    Anyways, we are optimistic that we might figure out our unique problems.

    Right now...we are incredibly struggling with the flax seed for breakfast. Yesterday, we forced ourselves to eat it, but it was simply awful. I think maybe I cooked it wrong???? Any suggestions, as to a approved breakfast substitute would be incredibly helpful!!

    Trying to endure this....
  • Dorene68
    Dorene68 Posts: 17
    Hi teresaknightm,
    So sorry you don't like the flax seed. According to Lyn's website, there is a blueberry & pear compote you can do instead of the flax. Here is the web address: and you have to download The Fall Cookbook 2012 (different from The Plan Cookbook 2012). Once on the site go to Blogs and scroll down until you see the blog entitled: Fall Newsletter & Fall Cookbook, there is a link to download The Fall Cookbook for 2012. Good Luck to you and your husband, Dorene:+)
  • Grace110285
    Hi everyone,

    I'm on day 3 of the plan and I can't wait to have my glass of wine tomorrow night!

    The first 2 days were hell, physically. I really felt the detox symptoms which was surprising because I though I ate really "healthy"

    So far I am down 1.7kgs (over 3lbs) very happy with that!

    I wasn't reactive to almonds which has made my day :)

    Hope everyone is doing well,

  • Grace110285
    Finding I'm quiet hungry today, on day 4.... I think I'm missing my soup at lunch. The cup of vegetables and spinah wasn't very filling.

    Does anyone drink tea (normal black tea) wih rice milk or coconut milk?
    I finally gave in and had one today, wasn't sure if we are allowed regualr tea but I was missing my cuppa
  • KweenJosephine
    Hi! It doesn't look like much action has been happening in this forum...but I hope to hear from some of you fellow Planners. :)

    My husband and I started the cleanse on Tuesday and have just finished supper from Day 4!! Wooohooo for some flavorful cheese. (I am hoping I am not reactive.) As of this morning I was down 4 lbs. I was hoping for 5lbs but I'll take the 4! Hubby is down happy he's doing this with me otherwise I don't know if I'd be doing so well.

    As far as the flax granola--it takes me 45minutes or more to eat breakfast!! I'm glad I'm reading on here that i'm not the only one having difficulty with it. I don't like it at all...I know it's good for me and that's about all that gets me through it. I might try the compote in the next few days. I'm also finding a hard time (today it started) with broccoli. I have been on the verge of gagging, and the orange oil doesn't help it in anyway for me. The chicken tonight even was making me gag....I don't know what it is??! Today, by far I felt the worst yet...Has anyone else had the same experience? I had a big headache on day 2 but this morning (day 4) I felt like I was faint and kinda weak. My knees have felt achy, but no other joints, and I still lost .8 of a I don't know if i had a reaction or if it was a detox thing??? I tweeted Lyn-Genet and her response didn't seem to help... Soooooo, we'll see what tomorrow is like?? I was wondering if I should have had a rest day today...I'm hoping I didn't screw it all up, but right now I'm feeling pretty good...Must be that OUNCE of dark chocolate I inhaled!

    I'm hoping to successfully do the 20 days....wish me luck. :smile: I have been super confused so far (I didn't think I was so daft!! :ohwell: ) as there are discrepencies btw the book and online stuff...then it's been cold here so I was doing the winter menu, and now I'm doing the spring one...I don't know if that's bad or not!? Oh far I've been losing so I'll take the bit of confusion....hoping it gets easier as I go on. There is so much preparation too, with my 3yr old and 11month old running around, I'm continually screwing things up!! Thankfully the grocery store is only 2 blocks away!!

    I'm so happy I've found a support group for The Plan!!
  • Dorene68
    Dorene68 Posts: 17
    Hi KweenJosephine,
    Good Luck to you and your husband.

    I was not a breakfast person to begin with and I struggled with eating a full cup of the flax granola as well. I found I was throwing out about half and wasting it anyway, so I cut the serving down to a 1/2 cup, which worked much better for me. That did not adversely affect me and I still felt full even by lunchtime.

    I have lost around 17 pounds so far (been about a month on The Plan), however the weight loss has slowed a little bit now as I am testing more often than recommended. The book recommends to test about once every 5 days, but I was reactive to so much, I need to get more friendly foods on my list so there is some variety.

    I am glad I only went by the book as I have heard that there are discrepancies between the book and the website. I only go on the website to download the free recipe books, Dorene.
  • Dorene68
    Dorene68 Posts: 17
    Hi Grace,
    Here is what Lyn's website says about other drinking options:

    What else can I drink besides water?

    Peppermint tea, Chamomile tea, and Roobios teas are all fine to have included as part of your water intake. You may also have Green or Black teas but I would limit those to 16 oz daily because of their acidity.

    So I think having a glass of tea is fine. Good Luck, Dorene.
  • kjrm2000
    kjrm2000 Posts: 2
    Hi Everyone,
    My name is Julie and I started the plan 2 weeks ago. I hate vegetables but I suffered through the cleanse days. Had horrible headaches and was a total martyr. However on day 4, all pain I had in my foot that broke and my knee joins was gone. I was sleeping, felt energized, and was sold on sticking with this.

    I ran into reactivity on the day I added white bread. Within an hour, pains all came back and headache. Dang! I love bread.

    So back to safe days...I've lost 11 pounds and am ready to try a new food. I snuck a bite of an onion, peppers and black bean salad and immediately got a headache and so tired. So now I add black beans to the list.

    I'm curious if any of you know if Rye bread would be safe since the rye cracker was ok? I want to have bread...or is there a good gluten free bread?

    Thanks and so glad to find a group to talk with!

    Julie: love:
  • KweenJosephine
    Thank you Dorene for your response! Your 17 lb weightloss is amazing!! Congratulaions! I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one struggling with the flax. I think that I will also cut the flax back to half a cup, because I do end up throwing probably a quarter cup out...and it would be less gagging in the morning! Ha! :tongue: I might try doing the breakfast compote on Monday...switch it up a bit. I kinda wish I would've just stuck to the book Dorene, but I tweet her often and don't want to get "yelled" at again! :happy: Some of the days online seems yummier to me too, and now that it's finally hot outside I'm better with colder type food.

    Today was the most enjoyable day for me yet...nice apricot glazed chicken, cheese, rye crackers, and chocoate!! Tomorrow I think we're going to introduce steak if all goes well. So far no headaches, aches or weird things for me.
    This might be a TMI issue: But my husband had to URGENTLY go to the bathroom to have a bowel movement, but it wasn't diarrhea...would this be a reaction? He feels ok otherwise, just tired as our babies are NOT sleeping well at night. Grrrr. I would love to know what some extra sleep would do for our systems!!