Important stuff will go here one day.
Any Planners in 2021?
Hello! I am in the middle of the first 20 days on Lyn Genet's Plan. I've done several times before and, as always, I feel amazing and wonder why I ever dropped off. If you are doing it or are curious about it, I'd love to get a discussion going! -D
Group activity level in 2015?
Starting the plan in two days for the second time. Anyone else starting it soon or still active in this group?
Please introduce yourself
Welcome, group members! Please introduce yourself and tell the group a bit about your experiences with or interest in The Plan.
Restaurant plan friendly oprions
Has anyone found some restaurant options that are plan friendly? I an on day 5 of the plan but am on a 2 day trip, not sure where to eat. I have my 3 kids with me so going to a nice restaurant for every meal is not an option.
total weight loss one month on the plan?
I have been on the plan for week and half and lost 4 pounds up and down. bread wine chocolate not ever sure what i'm reacting to. i added celery and gain a pound or was it the wine that day. i need encouragement please.How much are you losing and how long on the plan???
Day 4 Confusion
So I have lost 4 lbs. so far as of the morning of day 4, but today's plan is confusing. I am able to have coffee now, half and half in the coffee, chocolate, wine, and goat cheese. If I wake up on day 5 in the morning and have gained weight, how do I know what I reacted to? Am I missing something or not following day 4…
Has anyone else fallen off the wagon?
Hi. I made it to Day 8 of the plan, lost nearly 6 pounds. But, then, I had an off weekend, or shall I say, an off four days where I ate whatever I felt like - basically how I ate before the plan. I weighed myself yesterday, at the end of my "binge", and I was up 5 pounds. I went back to a safe day today and we'll see what…
Anyone stay same in weight or gain slightly near their period? I'm frustrated bc I gained 0.2lb from yesterday (only Day 4 boo) and not sure if I had too much salt in the chickpeas vs reactive to goat cheese vs period on the horizon. Didn't think I'd be frustrated so early in the game.
My friend has followed the The Plan faithfully, and is at day 16 of 20. She was at 120 at the start, and has lost 4 lbs, stabilizing at 116. She's not had any significant reactivity, but feels better in many ways. Her hope was to get down to 110-113, but it appears that won't happen. Do y'all think she's simply come into…
Hi everyone, I am new to this group and have been following the Plan on and off. what are your experiences with exercise and weigh loss/gain? I find if I exercise 2 days in a row, I gain weight Thanks for sharing ? Rola