Hello - Just started JumpStartMD

DebbieBthin Posts: 1 Member

I started JumpStartMD last Wednesday May 8th, today was my 1st weigh in and I lost 7 lbs. I know it's water weight so we shall see what happens next week . The diet is easy to follow and with the appetite suppressant I'm not hungry and I don't think about food all day. Finally my stomach doesn't feel like a bottomless pit that needs to be filled. I will check in each week with my progress.

Hope someone will join me!!!


  • lilpinkdresses
    I started JumpstartMD about 2 weeks ago! My first week I lost 7.8 lbs as well. My second week I only lost 1 lb and they noted that the first week is always the biggest lost and it could be 1-5 lbs per week after depending on my calorie and carb intake and exercise of course! It's going so well so far, super excited. I do feel like I'm adapting a sustainable way to lose weight.
  • rozalia1031
    rozalia1031 Posts: 2 Member
    Hang in there and keep up the good work. I've been in the program since 4/13 and have only lost 5 pounds so you're doing GREAT!