JMBR Week 3

tealskater Posts: 38 Member
I started Phase 1 Workouts 3 & 4 this week - Workout 3 on Monday and Workout 4 on Tuesday. I must confess - I hated Workout 3 - I cannot do push-ups or planks to save my life, so really struggled with a lot of the moves! Seemed to spend much of the 30 mins sitting on the floor feeling thoroughly defeated :cry: I even began to question whether I would continue with the programme - that's how much I was hating!!

But - it got better - as I really enjoyed Workout 4 - it was tough but manageable, and I did feel really good once I was through it! Back to Cardio tonight, then Workout 3 again on Thursday, am hoping to improve a little but am not holding my breath.

If anyone has any tips to help me improve on push-ups and planks, I would be most grateful. I know I am completely lacking in core strength. For now, I will try to achieve a full push-up, but will drop back to my knees rather than just collapse!


  • skooter1818
    skooter1818 Posts: 3 Member
    I just modify and do a regular push up or plank if I can't do the move. I figure if I am still moving and still working, at least that is something, ya know? Not stopping is the key for me.
  • tallieterp
    tallieterp Posts: 257 Member
    i modify a lot of push up and plank moves dropping down to my knees or just holding a steady plank if i can't add any of the movement in with it...

    i'm in phase two and can still only do a few regular push ups during the work out but the planks have gotten a bit easier...

    don't feel defeated... i cried at one point during work out 3! take as long as you need on each work out/phase/week to feel like you are ready to move on again :)... you've got this
  • tealskater
    tealskater Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks for the advice! Back to Workout 3 tonight - I will approach it positively though, and do what I can. :smile:
  • Zilla100
    Zilla100 Posts: 139 Member
    Jillian discusses modifications for JMBR here, though it is pretty much what tallie told you:
  • eglembo
    eglembo Posts: 2 Member
    Keep up the good work! I started week three today and it totally kicked my butt. I struggled with the push-ups and planks too.
  • mickeyksu
    mickeyksu Posts: 16 Member
    I did workout 3 for the 1st time yesterday. Uuuuuuuuuugggggghhhhhh! I decided that the bright side is that I only have to do it 3 more times!

    Heather in KS