Introduce yourself



  • twinkfran
    twinkfran Posts: 54 Member
    I'm a bit late starting as just found I am pregnant and wanted to check with my dr but she's all for staying very active so am starting tonight.

    From UK but live in Europe.

    I usually do high impact cardio/weights (usually Spartacus and Tabata rounds) but this is my first time with this DVD
  • AnJulNZ
    AnJulNZ Posts: 186 Member
    Hi, all! Just saw this challenge, is it too late to join in? I am 29, and 199. I lost a few pounds doing 30DS in April, then took most the month of May off because of vacation. Ready to get back into a routine. :-)
    It's never to late to join in! Welcome aboard :smile:
    I'm a bit late starting as just found I am pregnant and wanted to check with my dr but she's all for staying very active so am starting tonight.

    From UK but live in Europe.

    I usually do high impact cardio/weights (usually Spartacus and Tabata rounds) but this is my first time with this DVD
    Welcome, and congratulations on your preganancy :smile:
  • salemat
    salemat Posts: 17 Member
    My name is Nina, an austrian living in Paris (since quite a bit of time already).
    for the last two years I've been a lot of under stress as I prepared the french teacher exams (which is really a lot to study... I dont know how it is in your countrys but here they ask you to know Kant by heart just to teach afterwards german to 10 to 14 years old *lol)
    Anyway, didn't gain any fitness sitting around in librarys 6 hours a day, with cookies and coffee breaks. starting working this september and know I know that I'm a stress eater. :)

    so, for my italian beach holiday in one month, I would like to burn a little bit of this belly and butt fat. I started at the same time like AnJulNZ for exemple and we did the 30 DS and Jillian Ripped in 30.
    As I'm also doing the C25K and getting home quite late normaly, I can't manage to do the workout 5 to 6 times a week. But nevertheless, I'm motivated and I'll try to keep up with you.

    By the way, changed my profil photo just for this group as I noticed many cat pictures.... so this one is my tiger, already 6 months ago, when he was a baby.
  • RedRita32
    RedRita32 Posts: 321 Member
    I would like to join this group...but I'm going to start with in 9 days because I'm still doing 30ds..I'm on level 3 day two today and then go straight to nmtz and bfbm with long are these two videos anyways??
  • AnJulNZ
    AnJulNZ Posts: 186 Member
    Those two videos are about 50 mins. Ughh. They're hard work unless you're super fit!! But you really feel like you've worked hard :laugh:
  • greatmom2
    greatmom2 Posts: 95 Member
    I will be doing day 1 today, so I will finishing later than most! I still have about 24 lbs to lose to get to my goal weight. Right now, I am more focused on the next 10 lbs which will then put me back into a healthy BMI! Hoping that this program for a month will put me closer! I have done all the videos in this program before at one time or another, so I know how challenging this will be! Was afraid to join this group before because I am afraid of failure but maybe this is what I need to keep me accountable! :) Well, here goes nothing! Guess I have nothing to lose other than fat, fat, and more fat! :)
  • salemat
    salemat Posts: 17 Member
    at greatmom2, me too, I started a little bit later. you're not alone :happy:
    dont be afraid of failure, the group ist here to tell you off when you cant achieve your goal but motivating you so that it'll be easier for you (and of course, all of us)
  • niknik33
    niknik33 Posts: 1
    Hi, I'm excited to join this group but I'm not able to start until a I finish 30ds.. So you all will have finished by then? I'll see how you all go so you can be my motivation ;) good luck xx
  • AnJulNZ
    AnJulNZ Posts: 186 Member
    I will be doing day 1 today, so I will finishing later than most! I still have about 24 lbs to lose to get to my goal weight. Right now, I am more focused on the next 10 lbs which will then put me back into a healthy BMI! Hoping that this program for a month will put me closer! I have done all the videos in this program before at one time or another, so I know how challenging this will be! Was afraid to join this group before because I am afraid of failure but maybe this is what I need to keep me accountable! :) Well, here goes nothing! Guess I have nothing to lose other than fat, fat, and more fat! :)
    Hi, nice to have you here. Don't be afraid of failure, it should be afraid of you! Glad that you've done the videos before, you won't be as shocked :laugh: