Introduce yourself



  • GrannyGwen1
    GrannyGwen1 Posts: 213 Member
    The Fast Metabolism 28 Day Diet
    Introduce yourself


    SW 265# GW 135# CW 137.4 WLTD 26.6#



  • mmathy
    mmathy Posts: 1

    My name is Michelle (42) and I live in North Carolina. I am 5' 8" and weighed 194.6 when I started. I am married with two children. Both boys, 17 and 13. So I am out numbered in my household. I am the only one on the plan. My husband and kids are VERY picky eaters. I am hoping someday they will join me. I have struggled with my weight since childhood. Although my Mom says it didn't start till after I got married. So in a nut shell I have always thought I was overweight and wanted to be smaller. I look back at my wedding pictures (20 years ago) and wish I was that skinny again :). I gained 77 pounds with my first son and never got all the weight off before I had my second son. I have done Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers and for the past 1 1/2 years HCG off and on. HCG worked great for me and I could keep it off each time for 6 months. And then it was like a switch went off in me and I wanted to eat everything in sight and up my weight would go. I never gained it ALL back but I would get close. I have had a thyroid condition for the past 4 years so that doesn't help.

    What I really need is a new way of eating so I don't keep gaining it back. I was so excited when I saw Haylie on Dr. Oz the first time. I couldn't wait for her book to come out. I pre-ordered it and counted down the days. After reading the book in its entirety I started on April 22nd. So I am starting week 3 tomorrow. I have to say I love this plan! After doing HCG (500 calories a day) this is a piece of cake. I lost 6 pounds the first week and i will do my second weigh in tomorrow morning. Like everyone else I noticed that my weight fluctuated, so I weigh in on Monday mornings. I am a little nervous to see what I have done tomorrow. I feel like I am eating so much food I can't possibly lose. I have had people tell me I look like I am losing weight so that feels great! My goal is 154, that is the last weight I remember being comfortable with so that's what I am shooting for.

    I am glad I found this group. I am not on the computer very often but I look forward to hearing how everyone is doing! I also noticed that Haylie has a community on her website as well. So there are lots of answers to questions there as well.

    Here is the link if you are interested:

  • sundrop525
    sundrop525 Posts: 3
    Hi, I am RaeEllen and I am 34 years old, I live in Cartersville, VA. I am married and have 5 kids ranging from 17 - 2 years old, 2 girls and 3 boys. My weight started coming on 3 years ago and it is about time I start taking care of myself. As any mother knows you get so wrapped up taking care of everyone else that you kind of forget about yourself. So for me to be the best I can for them I need to worry about myself also.
    I have been on the fast metabolism diet since April 15th. So now I am on my final week and have lost a total of 14 pounds :smile: and have 18 more to go.
    So after this week I will be starting another 28 days.
    I hope everyone does well with the fast metabolism diet. Good Luck.
  • SunsetDncr
    SunsetDncr Posts: 8 Member
    HI, I'm Lucinda.... I live in Navarre, FL. I'm 52, 5'2" and 170 pounds. I want to lose 30 pounds. In 2000 I quit smoking and gained 50 pounds. In 2005 I lost 40 of it and have over the years gained it all back. Diabetes runs in my family and I have no intentions of being its next victim. And my blood pressure has risen over this time also and I'm now on BP meds.

    I gained 20 pounds the past 1.5 years in nursing school and am ready to get this weight off! The past several months I've tried WW, South Beach and just cutting calories. I already eat fairly clean so I'm hoping this way of eating will work for me.

    Got the book today and plan to read it and get organized to be able to start on Monday. I start my nursing precept next week so I'm anxious to see how this will be able to tie into it. I'll be on my feet either 4 days per week/8hrs a day or 3 days per week/12 hours per day. Not the right kind of exercise. Not sure if/how I'll fit the right kind in. I'll do my best.

    Good luck to all and looking forward to getting to know you! Lucinda
  • Kreepie1965
    Kreepie1965 Posts: 4 Member
    Good morning, my name is Alex, I'm 47, 5'4", 198 lbs. I'm a single mom of a 22 yo & 15 yo and have a very high stress job. Between the stressful job and breaking my ankle a few years ago, I started gaining a lot of weight. I have wanted to lose it, but embarrassingly have not been in the right mindset to even try. I read about FMD in a magazine recently and ran right out to buy it and I read it all that day which is huge for me (I'm a statistician, love #s, hate reading).

    I'm very excited to get started, a little worried about creating my first meal plan as well as the expense of buying all organic, nitrate free etc.

    Nice to find others trying this as well. I would like to get down to 135 lbs, so I am also intimidated by the amount of food I will be eating on the plan.

    Thank you,

  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    Hi, I'm Nikki.

    Age 43
    Weight 154 (started FMD at 165)

    After a 9 month plateau I tried an 8 week metabolism reset this winter as described by the Eat More to Weigh Less group. I gained 7 pounds doing the reset, but I wanted to try the Fast Metabolism Diet to hopefully really get my metabolism moving. Here are my results so far:

    Week 1 -5.5lb
    Wek 2 -1lb
    Week 3 maintained
    Week 4 -2.5lb
    Week 5 maintained
    Inches lost - 7"

    I do think it takes time to figure out the snack and meal timing, and even to figure out how to eat correctly so that you have a minimum of 1200 calories per day. I weigh every day so that I know how my body is reacting and the scale tends to bounce up and down, but the lows are getting lower which is the whole point.
  • Hi, I'm Beth. I'm 43 years old and am currently at 195 lbs. About 4 years ago I was diagnosed with diabetes at a weight of 225. It scared me to death and I completely changed my lifestyle. I lost 50 lbs in about a year, and no longer have diabetes after more than a year of normal lab tests. However, in the last year or so, the weight has started to creep back on, and my normal "tricks" just don't work anymore. I already eat pretty healthy and work out about 5 days a week, so there is nothing "obvious" to cut out of my diet. I also quit smoking 8 months ago, which I'm extremely proud of, but I'm sure that's been a contributing factor to the weight gain.

    I bought the Fast Metabolism book yesterday after getting a recommendation from my doctor. I've just started reading it, but so far it makes a lot of sense. I've never been a "skinny girl" as my build is more athletic, but I would like to lose 20-25 lbs so I can COMFORTABLY fit into all my clothes I bought after I lost the weight initially. At my lowest I was at 175 and I felt amazing - would love to get back to that place.

    I will be starting this plan on Monday and I'm very excited about it - I'm tired of dieting and feeling hungry all the time, but never losing any weight! Clearly my metabolism has stalled, so I'm hoping this does the trick by giving it a kick start! Looking forward to meeting all of you and starting this journey with you!
  • lindaw66
    lindaw66 Posts: 258 Member
    Hi, I'm Beth. I'm 43 years old and am currently at 195 lbs. About 4 years ago I was diagnosed with diabetes at a weight of 225. It scared me to death and I completely changed my lifestyle. I lost 50 lbs in about a year, and no longer have diabetes after more than a year of normal lab tests. However, in the last year or so, the weight has started to creep back on, and my normal "tricks" just don't work anymore. I already eat pretty healthy and work out about 5 days a week, so there is nothing "obvious" to cut out of my diet. I also quit smoking 8 months ago, which I'm extremely proud of, but I'm sure that's been a contributing factor to the weight gain.

    I bought the Fast Metabolism book yesterday after getting a recommendation from my doctor. I've just started reading it, but so far it makes a lot of sense. I've never been a "skinny girl" as my build is more athletic, but I would like to lose 20-25 lbs so I can COMFORTABLY fit into all my clothes I bought after I lost the weight initially. At my lowest I was at 175 and I felt amazing - would love to get back to that place.

    I will be starting this plan on Monday and I'm very excited about it - I'm tired of dieting and feeling hungry all the time, but never losing any weight! Clearly my metabolism has stalled, so I'm hoping this does the trick by giving it a kick start! Looking forward to meeting all of you and starting this journey with you!

    Welcome Beth! Congrats on quiting smoking! I quit about 6 years ago and I put on 30 pounds! I have finished one 28 day cycle of the FMD and I feel great and I've lost inches and 6.5 pounds. I'm on cycle 2 right now, but I've had some events that have made it difficult to stay on plan. So I gained back 3 pounds, but as of today, I've lost it! I love this plan and the way it makes me feel. I have lost more inches, than pounds, but I was not as good at drinking my water as I should have been, nor was I good at being consistant with the exercising.

    Good luck and keep us all posted on your progress!
  • tdhall
    tdhall Posts: 4
    Hi FMD Buddies,

    I'm 48 yrs old, 5'6 and weigh 181lbs. I'm a mother of two little ones and wife of a meat and potato husband. He's one of those guys that can eat anything and isn't overweight. I'm just finishing week 2 and down 8 lbs. I have 30lbs more to go. The first week was tough. I had headaches because of caffeine and sugar withdraws. Also I didn't precook my meals and had to feed my family first before I could determine what I could eat. You definitely have to be organized and make your meals ahead of time. I usually eat pretty well but I like beer and sweets. So I like the food on the plan. It is difficult to give up alcohol, sugar and dairy. But I keep reminding myself it's only until I lose the weight. After that I can have them but in moderation. I like exercise but find it difficult to fit in my schedule.So only working out 3 times a week on the FMD is a good start. So far I'm pleased with the diet and the weight loss is encouraging me to stick with it. I think the foods are yummy but my husband thinks they're bland. You just need to add a variety of spices and herbs. Lately my family has been suffering from the effects of bad diet and living habits. My father in-law and uncle had triple by pass surgeries and my husband's uncle and my step father have cancer and are not doing well. All of these men have not been eating well the two cancer guys also smoked and drank. I'm sure this could've been prevented with better living decisions. I'm frustrated with the crap they put in our foods these days and feel you cannot trust the food manufactures. So I really want to avoid the GMO foods whenever possible and give my family a healthy wholesome dinner on the table. Good luck to all of you and live healthy!
  • rauten46
    rauten46 Posts: 2 Member
    My name is Robin and I am 57 years old & 5'1". I have been trying to lose the same 10 pounds for approximately 5 years. I have done the Special K Challenge, Weight Watchers and just about every other crazy diet out there. My husband heard Haylie was going to be on the Dr. Oz show and suggested I record it. Boy am I glad I did. Everything she said made perfect sense. I liked the idea of clean eating and I wanted to do it but could never really figure meals on my own.

    In January of this year a fitness studio that I take Zumba classes at started a Biggest Loser contest. I weighed in at 142# at that time and 12 weeks later finished at 135#. I had lost 7 pounds in three months but it was a struggle. I drank at least 32 oz of diet coke everyday and had to have sugar after each meal. On April 15 I began my journey with the Fast Metabolism Diet. The first week I lost 6# and by May 12th, 28 days later I had met my 10# goal. I am now on maintenance and have lost a total since April of 14# and since January 21#. I feel great, people say my skin is beautiful, my eyes are clearer. I sleep better & don't go through carb crashes anymore. I am thrilled to say I now weigh 121#, have not had diet coke or sugar in 7 weeks and have no cravings for anything I used to crave.

    I am looking forward to my annual physical in July to see if I can stop taking blood pressure meds & what my cholesterol numbers are.

    One question though. How do you get the weight loss scale that I see on everyone's posts? Thanks
  • sjrellis
    sjrellis Posts: 1
    Hi, I'm Sandra. 55 and want to lose 25-30 pounds.

    I'm on P2 week 4. So far I'm down about 10 pounds, but the inches is what I can tell the most! Will get the final number on Sunday.

    I'm glad to find access to more P2 recipes! I just cannot eat another egg white! This morning for breakfast I ate turkey wrapped in lettuce!l

    Good luck to everyone! Stay focused and be diligent! You can do it!
  • sahitz
    sahitz Posts: 1
    Hi, my name is Sandy. I'm 42, 5'6 and weigh 178lbs. 10 years ago i weighed 232 lbs. Since then I have changed my eating habits significantly by just eating healthier, more natural foods. The weight has come off very slowly but steadily. More recently I have started to work out on a regular basis and have seen even more results with muscle tone and finally see my ribs again :), but I seem to have hit a plateau. I noticed my supervisor had lost weight and asked him what he was using and he informed me about the book and how the plan works. I am about halfway through reading the book and plan on starting phase 1 on Monday. I'm a little anxious since I have always been a picky eater and not a big veggie fan.
    Good luck to everyone!
  • Marjo101
    Marjo101 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey I'm Marjorie 25, 5"5 and 180lbs. Over the years I've gained and lost. Tried every single diet and nothing has worked. 3 years ago I did weight watchers and lost 50lbs now im back to square one and am hoping this works and I can keep it off.
    I'm kinda confused on the portions because according to the book it wants me to eat so much which might be right I'm just a little skeptical. I've mapped out my meals so I hope I am starting out doing everything right
  • jellooe
    jellooe Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Everyone, my name is Jessica. I'm a mother of 3 and I live in Northern CA. I'm 31yrs old, 5'6" and weigh 160lbs. I'm at my highest weight I've ever been. Unfortunately, after giving birth to #3, three years ago, the weight did not drop off as it did with the first two...though quitting my job to be a stay at home mom did not help.

    Last month, I came across the FMD on Dr. Oz's site and purchased the book right away. Once it arrived, I read the entire book in one night (it was a long night!!) and started the next morning! I lost 6lbs the first two weeks- though I'll admit, I was not following the diet exactly. The high water intake was difficult and I was not exercising as I should have been. Still, in addition to the weight loss, I dropped two dress sizes! I had SO much more energy, skin cleared up and overall felt great! And to top it all off, I thoroughly enjoyed every dish I made from the book and was completely satisfied with my meal plans. I'll admit, I was a bit intimidated by the strict phases and rules, but after mapping out & shopping for my meals & snacks each week, it all ended up being so so easy!

    We left for a vacation only two weeks into the diet and knew I wouldn't be able to keep on the diet while away. I ended up gaining about 5lbs the couple weeks I've been off- we went to Disney & a cruise, so unfortunately, there were not many "healthy" food choices. I plan to start back on the diet Monday only this time will follow through with the water intake & exercise.

    This diet has been such a huge eye opener to me as far as how my family & I eat- I'm absolutely disgusted by all the processed junk we used to consume. I plan to not just use this diet as a tool for weight loss, but make it a lifestyle change with all whole, organic "clean" foods. While I know it will be an adjustment for my three younger children, I've been slowly replacing ingredients and recipes for healthier alternatives and so far, we have not run into any problems- even with my pickiest eaters.
  • I'm just starting the diet tomorrow - is anyone still with this group?
  • I just found this group. I started the diet last Monday and it certainly works. Yesterday I weighed and was down 7.6 pounds! Since MONDAY! I will not say it is easy however. Giving up coffee was TORTURE! However, I used so much powdered nondairy creamer in my coffee that just giving that up was probably 6 pounds of that loss! :p

    As some background info, my name is Kim and I'm 43 years old. I am wife and a mother of 3 (14,9,6) a full time nurse and a full time student (went back for Masters degree) and planning meals is far from my strong point. I gained weight with my oldest child and was able to take it off following Atkins and take most of it off. I then had my 2nd and 3rd children and am now heavier than I ever imagined I would let myself get. I have tried Atkins again with minimal success, Weight Watchers, HCG diet, Herbal life, you name I have tried it. I was really interested in just eating in a "cleaner" way but had a hard time coming up with ideas. A friend and coworker had lost 40 pds in 4 months following this plan and when I looked into it I found it met a lot of the ideas I had for how I wanted to be eating.

    While I know there are good reasons behind some of the rules, if STALLING WEIGHT LOSS is not a side effect of the breaking that rule I think it should say so lol!

    I will probably finish the 28 days and maybe "tweak" it as I go along...we will see!

  • Great! That's two of us who are new. I'm going to start tomorrow so your beginning experience is exciting to me. I am 54 and have tried for about the last 5 years to lose 10 pounds. I've always struggled with my weight. A year ago, I tried WW for about 8 weeks and only gained 1/2 pound - seriously sticking to the plan. Then I tried no meat, no dairy, no wheat for about six weeks and didn't budge - I counted calories and no luck. I thought it was crazy that I couldn't even lose a pound. So the metabolism issue made sense to me. I'm going to give it a try and see how it goes.
  • bcraigrncen
    bcraigrncen Posts: 36 Member
    I am Becky. I am a 55 year old mother of three, grandmother to 5. I have tried every diet out there. It is time to make a life style change. I can lose weight, I just gain it back the minute I stop the program I am on at the time. I am going to commit to the 28 days and see what happens then take it from there.

    I will start the program on Monday January 6, 2014.
  • Serenityshores
    Serenityshores Posts: 16 Member
    Im new to this site and this group, Ive been on Atkins Induction for 2 weeks, lost 13lbs, but I am interested in this plan you have here, only I would like to view the foods what we can eat and the calorie and /or carb intake.Is there a list or plane located in this group?
  • briannadunn
    briannadunn Posts: 841 Member
    I am new to the fast metabolism 28 day diet. I am starting it Monday. I am trying the 3rd phase today. I am going to Goodwill or value village to see if they have a copy of the book. It would surprise me if they don't. It has the lists of food in it. I love the way I can eat all the type of food I love to eat, like almond butter and celery and the fruit and hummus...yummy!!! There is real food and not yucky recipes.