Starting to run again

Although jogging was a big part of my life for many years, at present I am out of shape; I haven't jogged in almost a year, and I am carrying around an extra 30 pounds. Prevention magazine's June issue had an article on running a 5k for 1st time and/or former runners. It stated that you can train for a 5k in only 5 weeks, by first walking, then moving on to intervals (walking + jogging), then finally switching to jogging. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? A 5-week training program for out of shape individuals, seems like too much, too soon, in my opinion...I feel that an 8-week program is more realistic. Comments anyone?


  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    I think 5 weeks is overly optimistic, and quite possibly a bit delusional. I started running from a point of being in great shape and worked up to 5K in 4 weeks but ended up with an injury that put a stop to my running for 6 weeks. When I started running again I followed C25K to the letter from day 1 and didn't get hurt again. Take it slow and follow this program. Whether it's 8 weeks or 9 weeks like the one I did, you will be better off by not rushing the process.
  • ChatoGuy
    ChatoGuy Posts: 8
    I have an almost identical story to yours. I used to run ten to fifteen 5K races per year with 2-3 10K and a marathon thrown in for good measure. Then I relocated to the UK and with a drastic lifestyle change the running seems to have gone out the window. I just re-started by following the C25K programme 'as is' and believe you me it works! Slow and steady will certainly win the race! Be the tortoise, not the hare...
  • TransformingEnid
    Thanks for your valuable input...Can you share more info on the C25K program?
  • pet1127
    pet1127 Posts: 572 Member
    zenlabs c25k is fabulous I cant say enough about it