My post partum confession



  • ks4e
    ks4e Posts: 374 Member
    Oh my goodness....I'm so glad I read this topic! I am 6 months PP TODAY....and most of my pants are still maternity. I originally bought some jeans, wait for it.......4 sizes larger than pre-preggo. I thought it was going to be a motivator. NEGATIVE. I've managed to get 2 sizes down, so I guess "halfway" there right? Anyway, I gained WAY too much weight during pregnancy (about 60lb), and still have about 30 to lose to be back to my original weight. After that goal, I would like to lose about 30 more to be a healthy weight before we work on more kids.
    It's nice to see so many people having similar PP experiences as me! I thought I was alone lol!

    If anyone would like to team up with me let me know! I just started faithfully entering info on myfitnesspal last week, but it's been a HUGE motivator!

    I'm adding you! Our babies are a week apart. My little man will be 6 months next Wednesday :)

    I'm going to add you, if you don't mind. My daughter will be 6 months on the 10th. :)

    PS: I swapped out my markered maternity pants for maternity capris today! LOL I have a whole dresser full of pants I cannot wear. DH has threatened to take me shopping this week because he says it's not sexy to see me undress when his eyes zoom in on the full belly panel. LMAO
  • AMEN to that!!
  • ck1227
    ck1227 Posts: 33 Member
    Oh my goodness....I'm so glad I read this topic! I am 6 months PP TODAY....and most of my pants are still maternity. I originally bought some jeans, wait for it.......4 sizes larger than pre-preggo. I thought it was going to be a motivator. NEGATIVE. I've managed to get 2 sizes down, so I guess "halfway" there right? Anyway, I gained WAY too much weight during pregnancy (about 60lb), and still have about 30 to lose to be back to my original weight. After that goal, I would like to lose about 30 more to be a healthy weight before we work on more kids.
    It's nice to see so many people having similar PP experiences as me! I thought I was alone lol!

    If anyone would like to team up with me let me know! I just started faithfully entering info on myfitnesspal last week, but it's been a HUGE motivator!

    I'm right there with you!! I have been using myfitnesspal for months but am a huge slacker & need support!! I'll add you!
  • Ditto! Who needs real pants when yoga pants offer you everything you need? Comfort, flexibility, always prepared for work out, doesn't matter if the little one makes a mess on them....they are a fool proof way to Mommy dress...haha
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I am 16 days PP, but I gained so much that I literally have no clothes that fit properly. Even my old "fat clothes" from my last (successful) go-round are too small, and I don't want to buy new clothes. However I'm EBFing this time and am concerned that I will be one of those mamas whose body holds onto weight until she weans.

    Anyway, I've been wearing maternity yoga capris or one big old pair of yoga pants that I kept with either one passable maternity shirt or one of two giant t-shirts I have. I am SO stylish, it's sick.
  • I actually enjoy pumping sessions cause it's the only "me"time I have for 15mins w/o getting up. Lol

    @cocolo89: this must be nice. As a mother or 2 older girls and now my newborn son, even breastfeeding is a mommy-on-the-go moment. Good for you!
  • I am 16 days PP, but I gained so much that I literally have no clothes that fit properly. Even my old "fat clothes" from my last (successful) go-round are too small, and I don't want to buy new clothes. However I'm EBFing this time and am concerned that I will be one of those mamas whose body holds onto weight until she weans.

    Anyway, I've been wearing maternity yoga capris or one big old pair of yoga pants that I kept with either one passable maternity shirt or one of two giant t-shirts I have. I am SO stylish, it's sick.

    @RBXchas: this is my misfortune. I lose weight after I wean. It has been this way for my previous 2 children so far. It is so disheartening because I can't look like one of this cute postpartum mommies running around in my pumps and mini skirts.:sad:
  • I am out of my maternity pants but I agree that my nursing bra is more comfortable even though I have given up nursing. I just don't want to go by a couple new bras to fit the girls when I am still loosing.

    I would LOVE some more active friends on here!!

    @abitzan: I wore my maternity bras from my 2nd child (2010) until my newborn (2013) who I am now breastfeeding!:laugh:
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I am 16 days PP, but I gained so much that I literally have no clothes that fit properly. Even my old "fat clothes" from my last (successful) go-round are too small, and I don't want to buy new clothes. However I'm EBFing this time and am concerned that I will be one of those mamas whose body holds onto weight until she weans.

    Anyway, I've been wearing maternity yoga capris or one big old pair of yoga pants that I kept with either one passable maternity shirt or one of two giant t-shirts I have. I am SO stylish, it's sick.

    @RBXchas: this is my misfortune. I lose weight after I wean. It has been this way for my previous 2 children so far. It is so disheartening because I can't look like one of this cute postpartum mommies running around in my pumps and mini skirts.:sad:

    It's super sad because less than a year ago I was wearing adorable summer dresses every day :(
  • DragonSquatter
    DragonSquatter Posts: 957 Member
    I'm the same weight I was before I got pregnant and two dress sizes larger thanks to my very saggy belly pooch.

    On a more positive note, being a mom is the best thing that's ever happened in my life.
  • Jenny_Rose77
    Jenny_Rose77 Posts: 418 Member
    I'm the same weight I was before I got pregnant and two dress sizes larger thanks to my very saggy belly pooch.

    On a more positive note, being a mom is the best thing that's ever happened in my life.

    Oh my God, thank you for writing this! It's so true.
  • Jenny_Rose77
    Jenny_Rose77 Posts: 418 Member
    I am 16 days PP, but I gained so much that I literally have no clothes that fit properly. Even my old "fat clothes" from my last (successful) go-round are too small, and I don't want to buy new clothes. However I'm EBFing this time and am concerned that I will be one of those mamas whose body holds onto weight until she weans.

    Anyway, I've been wearing maternity yoga capris or one big old pair of yoga pants that I kept with either one passable maternity shirt or one of two giant t-shirts I have. I am SO stylish, it's sick.

    @RBXchas: this is my misfortune. I lose weight after I wean. It has been this way for my previous 2 children so far. It is so disheartening because I can't look like one of this cute postpartum mommies running around in my pumps and mini skirts.:sad:

    It's super sad because less than a year ago I was wearing adorable summer dresses every day :(

    You will totally lose the weight and wear adorable dresses again! Give yourself a bit of time, and don't stress too much about it. Easier said than done, I know. I still have my moments (like today when I noticed back fat squishing out of the Baby Bjorn) where I'm like, damn, I miss my svelte body. But I know I will eventually lose the weight even if it is SO DAMN SLOW.
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    I love nursing my 5 month old baby, it's a confession because i usually ignore my two year old (just turned 2 on Sunday!) and let him do his thing (which he is happily independent) so I can sit and usually play on the computer or watch tv. I'm sure I should be teaching him something, and I feel like a terrible mom to him, but sometimes mommy just wants to sit and nurse like I was able to do with him when he was a baby.
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    Everyone's right about the lube. And honestly the pain is less the more you do it. I had a third degree tear with my first, and a second deg with my second. I find once a week makes it so it's not incredibly painful. Sometimes we don't need lube at this point 5 months postpartum, but a lot of the time we should still use it. Agree, I thought it would be hot dog down a hallway, but I swear it was the opposite problem, and still can be.

    I gained more this time aronud, so my old fat pants from round one wouldn't fit. Instead of continuing to wear my mat pants (they emphasized my stomach more) I went and bought some old navy jeans in a bigger size. They tucked me in a little more. I am happy to say that I'm 2 pants sizes smaller than those now. I am now pp weight and my husband says I look better than I did before this last one, must have put on more muscle.

    I hear you (I can't remember the name of the mom) with 2 older ones and a newborn on nursing while on the run now. I literally was running after my 2 year old at a park to keep him from running into the street while nursing. Other mom's at the park said I was the reason why they didn't want 2 close together. Thanks rude ladies. But when he's in the house and safe I will park my butt (if I can and not feel guilty) to nurse.
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    I've had a mocha every day since I delivered.......
    I eat every night during nursing sessions in bed.
    I have zero regular size clothing. It's in the shipping boxes from Australia and I'm too exhausted to unpack it, plus we have no room in our temporary housing.
    I wear a belly binder and a girdle.......I swear it made my uterus shrink at lightening speed.
    I haven't washed my hair in one week :sick: I promise I will tonight when my husband gets home, although I'd rather pay the $35 to have it done at a salon (my hair is super thick, curly and long and takes at least an hour to blow out and flat iron).
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    I've had a mocha every day since I delivered.......
    I eat every night during nursing sessions in bed.
    I have zero regular size clothing. It's in the shipping boxes from Australia and I'm too exhausted to unpack it, plus we have no room in our temporary housing.
    I wear a belly binder and a girdle.......I swear it made my uterus shrink at lightening speed.
    I haven't washed my hair in one week :sick: I promise I will tonight when my husband gets home, although I'd rather pay the $35 to have it done at a salon (my hair is super thick, curly and long and takes at least an hour to blow out and flat iron).

    Mochas are good for calcium, getting out of the house, and Mom's sanity! My first day home alone with baby after DH went back to work you bet I slowly hobbled my sore, tired self to Starbucks to get a mocha and a 400 cal cookie! This mommy needed a treat, and some time out of the house! :laugh:

    If you can do it you should totally go get your hair done. It's well worth the $35 once in a while! I was a hairstylist for 8 years and even I had a hard time some times getting through a head of hair like that. My hair is wavy and fairly reasonable to deal with and I still think of it as a chore to do! Or, splurge on nice products and embrace the curl.

    Jenny_Rose - I'm below PP weight, smaller and fitter than ever, and I still have back fat when I wear the Bjorn. I think it's just one of those things that happens when you strap a baby into a carrier. Maybe we should design one that eliminates back fat? I bet it would be a huge seller!
  • rabbit__food
    rabbit__food Posts: 163 Member
    I'm the same weight I was before I got pregnant and two dress sizes larger thanks to my very saggy belly pooch.

    On a more positive note, being a mom is the best thing that's ever happened in my life.

    Ugh. This. I used to wear a size 8 in jeans. I'm the same weight as when I got pregnant and now wear a 12. Lovely -_-
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    I've had a mocha every day since I delivered.......
    Jenny_Rose - I'm below PP weight, smaller and fitter than ever, and I still have back fat when I wear the Bjorn. I think it's just one of those things that happens when you strap a baby into a carrier. Maybe we should design one that eliminates back fat? I bet it would be a huge seller!

    I bought a giant tub of hot chocolate mix and started adding that to my morning coffee. It is still very mocha-esque and I can do it at home. My husband just laughs at me. I'm pretty sure I did that every day for the first 5 months pp. I've slowly weaned myself from the giant jug-o-chocolate but that because it's hot out and I'm in to other flavors!

    JLS- I'm totally in for the back fat free baby carrier! I'm at my pp weight too but when I catch a glimpse of bulge from that carrier I get pissed haha! I'm working hard to not have any bulge darn it! :)
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    I'm the same weight I was before I got pregnant and two dress sizes larger thanks to my very saggy belly pooch.

    On a more positive note, being a mom is the best thing that's ever happened in my life.

    Ugh. This. I used to wear a size 8 in jeans. I'm the same weight as when I got pregnant and now wear a 12. Lovely -_-

    and another BOO to this. I'm at my pre-preg weight but darn it, my body is a completely different shape! I expected that but this darn belly pooch is a pain. I'm not a fan of the belly bulge!
  • jones092508
    jones092508 Posts: 75 Member
    Due to illness during pregnancy, mine are to big this time! Still want to lose weight though!