hey everyone..

Hey guys,
This post is to just introduce yourself and let us know why you picked to do the Jillian Michael's Body Revolution?
Also, feel free to inbox me if you do not have the dvds I will be more then happy to help you with the phases. If not you could always order her program online or go to your nearest Walmart and buy it.
I can honestly say I will not be going by the diet program she has planned out for us. I also will be using a supplement drink to replace one of my meals, its a lean shake that I got from GNC it comes in a few different flavors I love the chocolate one myself.

I am 5'8
HW: 240 LBS
CW: 200 LBS
LW: 136 LBS
GW: 150-160 LBS

As of right now my GOAL WEIGHT is 160 but depending on how I look at the finish I might lose the extra 10 LBS and then tone my stomach, arms and legs up if they are not already toned!:happy:


  • dbatts14
    dbatts14 Posts: 12
    I am 5'7" and 38 years old. Single mom to two. An 8 year old son and a 5 year old daughter.

    HW: 175
    CW: 173
    LW: 128 (I haven't seen this in about 20 years)
    GW: 135 (but realistically 140-145)

    How I look and feel is more important to me than the number on the scale. I received a shipment notification last Friday so hopefully I'll be ready to start 6/10! I'm very excited and right now I plan to follow the entire program. I also have meal replacement shakes that I use, so I may substitute those in on occasion....we'll see how it goes...
  • Hello Everyone,

    I am 5'5 - 37 years old. I am originally from South Africa but I live in Oxfordshire in the UK with my husband.

    HW: 242
    CW: 167
    LW: 121 (Haven't been that weight since University!)
    GW: 143

    I have lost a considerable amount of weight over the last couple of years after having a gastric band operation in Dec 2010 but my weight has now stayed the same for the last 6 months.
    I wanted to incorporate excercise and running into my life and started off by going to the gym in Feb this year and have worked up to doing my first 5K run this last Saturday!
    I have always like Jillian Michaels and when I found her BR series I thought I would give it a try! Istarted yesterday and so far so good. I also won't be sticking to her eating plan completely but certainly going to give it a go!
    Glad I found you other ladies on here! Good luck to you all!
  • NYCbaby28
    NYCbaby28 Posts: 12
    Hi ladies! I'm with you on this journey b/c I LOVE JM...she's tough & I need that! Please tell me more about what the program will entail, as I have several of her DVDs but not "Body Revolution," per se...

    My stats are:
    Just shy of 5'2
    145lbs (YUCK!)
    VERY busty (36DD)
    Pretty much carry my weight well; most of the blubber is belly/back. But I'm self-conscious in a bathing suit since every pound shows on a small/petite frame.

    HELP! Let's do this, girls. Have lots of big events (weddings, vacations, bf's bday, etc.) coming up, beginning in a couple weeks so let's get started! Can't wait to meet all of you...:flowerforyou:
  • dntmommy
    dntmommy Posts: 19
    Hey girls nice to meet all of you. If you all would like to share any diet tips or foods that you all prepare to keep healthy feel free to share. I have been drinking a TOXIC Cleansing drink for the past 3 days, it consist of 1 cup of baby spinach leaves, 1 cup of pineapples, 1 cored apple, 1 cored pear, 1 banana in a blender mixed with water. I HATE Spinach and Pears but you do not taste that at all, in fact you only taste banana and pineapples. Its really good keeps me energized and I lost 2 pounds already :flowerforyou:
  • dbatts14
    dbatts14 Posts: 12
    I use IdealShape meal replacement in milk chocolate. It's tasty and filling and provides over 100% of all recommended daily nutrients in just one serving. Each serving is only 110 calories.

    I am very successful drinking 1 for breakfast and 1 for lunch plus a healthy snack of some type of fruit, which brings me to about 300ish calories consumed by dinnertime. That leaves me with 1,100 available calories for dinner and beyond so for the most part I can eat/drink anything. Allows me a glass or 3 of wine if I want/need it! :drinker:
  • Hi I am Shiv, and will be joining you all with doing the Body Revolution by JM .. i am pretty excited and need the motivation, so i thought this might be a great way to do this..
    HW- 181
    CW- 179.2
    LW- 125
    GW -140
  • dmaxma
    dmaxma Posts: 11 Member
    Hi -- I'm 5'3''
    HW -- 160
    CW -- 136
    LW -- 109 (I was super sick though -- prior to celiac diagnosis)
    GW -- 125

    I started on Monday -- is anyone doing the kickstart? It's kicking my butt!
  • Hey There Dmaxma,

    I am trying my best to the kickstart! Yesterday was the start for me.... It is def hard but am going to try and hang in there!
    I am not sticking to her diet exactly (very fussy husband to cook for!!) but am trying to limit calories etc...
    Am doing her dvd every morning and doing 1 hour in the gym every night.... I am knackered and it's only day2!
  • dreamngtree
    dreamngtree Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I'm Carie.

    I'm 5'7" and 36 years old for at least another 1.5 month.

    HW- 315ish
    CW- 288
    LW- 225, I guess
    GW- ~150

    I've haven't been a normal weight for my age since I was probably 10 years old. About 10 years ago I was a regular gym rat. Made some friends, did body pump and spin classes every week, and lost ~60 pounds. Even completed a marathon. Seems like a lifetime ago. Went through some life changes, but was keeping up the jogging for awhile until I developed plantar fascitis in my left foot. It was all downhill from there. Appearance is important, but what I really miss is how much stronger I felt back then.

    Is this workout similar to her beginner's series?
  • qawe
    qawe Posts: 2
    Hello, I'm Mandy. I gave birth to my first child in November. I gained 42 lbs during my pregnancy. I'm actually on week three of the body revolution and boy it is tough. It's nice to be able to share the experience with other people. I don't have much more weight to lose to get back to my original pre pregnancy but I want to be healthy and be a good role model for my son. Good luck to everyone!!!
  • ozzy_2013
    ozzy_2013 Posts: 1
    Hey there! I love any jillian michaels video but lately i've been very unmotived to workout, I'm this kit will get me going again. I've got a vacation planned in the beginning of August so hopefully I'll be in swimming suit shape by then. I"m on the second day of the workouts & man it feels amazing to exercise again (after 2months of being lazy & making excuses).
    I'm 5'3
    HW: 165
    LW: 119
    GW: 125
    Good Luck Ladies!
  • nancr2000
    nancr2000 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I chose JM Body Revolution last fall while recovering from an major injury last summer (fractured pelvis - nondislocated, but still on crutches for 3 months) with the intention of starting after physical therapy. However I changed my goals and ended up training for a sprint triathlon and completed that last Sunday. Now I'm ready to start JM Body Revolution, so the timing of this group is perfect.! I like her focus on strength and less on endurance cardio (I'm quite burned out on running and biking!). I did Workout 1 last week as a trial and was sore for a few days, so I know what I'm in for. I'm going to try to kickstart, but probably not do her cardio DVD everyday, I'll supplement with biking/running.

    I don't think I'll follow her eating plan, like most of you. I'll track calories in and out to get to my goal.

    I'm 5'11"
    HW: 170
    CW: 167
    GW: 155
  • FlSeaCow
    FlSeaCow Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Sorry, totally "new" to this and messed up my first post. Go figure..it is Monday all over again.

    Thank you for starting this group, maybe now I will take mine out of the box and use it. Like everyone hate how my weight has blown up over the last few years. So it is time to take control.. at least try.

    My name is Vicki --
    standing a whooping 5ft tall
    pushing 147 (pout!)
    GW is 120 <but I could live with 125>

    Sadly I carry most of my weight in my top...the "girl's" are out of control. And since I am "so tall" I am starting look/feel just a wide.

    But I know we can do this...

    Thank you for allowing me to join and good luck to everyone!
  • dntmommy
    dntmommy Posts: 19
    Hey everyone I just want to thank everyone for joining..It's now June 5th we have a few more days for whoever have not started the JMBR, Monday is right around the corner so I hope you are ready to start getting healthy and in shape! :laugh:
  • dbatts14
    dbatts14 Posts: 12
    SO who will be brave enough to post before photos? I'm not sure I'm brave enough to even take them:sad:
  • dbatts14
    dbatts14 Posts: 12
    Guess what came in the mail yesterday?! I'll be ready to go on Monday. Hope to read up during work today :laugh:
  • dntmommy
    dntmommy Posts: 19
    I am happy you got your package in time for today :laugh: Good luck on your journey to lose weight and get fit! :drinker:
  • ChantalD75
    ChantalD75 Posts: 680 Member
    Hey guys,

    I just bought the program and have started on Monday. So far so good. Tonight is cardio night... hopefully I can keep up! I am also doing Couch to 5k program. So tonight is a double... 2 cardios!!!

    I'm 5'5" and 38 years old

    HW- 280
    CW- 225
    LW- I am not sure... never really got on a scale