Scared to start Paleo

I'm so stuck on calorie counting. I have a hard time knowing where to start and no paleo/low carb recipe gives me a calorie estimate. I know the idea is that eventually my appetite should decrease but I'm terrified that I'll put on more weight. Any advice?


  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    I'm 99% primal, moving toward full paleo. I still track my calories because I could easily eat 1000 calories worth of raw cashews in about 5 minutes (not kidding--I did this once). I think it's good to keep track, at least in the beginning, just so you have a grasp as to what you're eating.

    I'm not sure I understand the second part...if you're making a paleo recipe, use the recipe builder on this site for an accurate calorie count/macro ratio.
  • strychnine7
    strychnine7 Posts: 210 Member
    You can count calories AND do paleo. I do. I even recommend it. Having said that, the absolute worst case scenario is you try it while logging and find you are too hungry relative to your calorie goals and you try something else. This tends to be the opposite problem of most. Usually folks go paleo and find themselves eating fewer calories than their goal because they aren't hungry enough.

    I have the former problem which is why I log my intake. I could easily eat 3,000+ calories a day without thinking twice. I feel fine (that is, not hungry all the time) eating my 2,000ish but I have to log it so I know where to stop.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I'm 99% primal, moving toward full paleo. I still track my calories because I could easily eat 1000 calories worth of raw cashews in about 5 minutes (not kidding--I did this once). I think it's good to keep track, at least in the beginning, just so you have a grasp as to what you're eating.

    I'm not sure I understand the second part...if you're making a paleo recipe, use the recipe builder on this site for an accurate calorie count/macro ratio.
    You can count calories AND do paleo. I do. I even recommend it. Having said that, the absolute worst case scenario is you try it while logging and find you are too hungry relative to your calorie goals and you try something else. This tends to be the opposite problem of most. Usually folks go paleo and find themselves eating fewer calories than their goal because they aren't hungry enough.

    Both of these. I'm not logging right now (for other reasons), but I do off and on. Like strychnine7 said, a lot of people usually have more trouble getting UP to their calories, and I'm one of those types of people (never thought I would be able to say that one).

    It's also a good idea to do it at the start, to get an idea of what your calorie counts actually look like and can better gauge the calorie counts of certain foods. Not only are some of the foods more calorie-dense (*cough*nuts, avocados*cough*), but it often feels like a lot more food than it really is. I can't count the number of times that I could swear to you I ate 3000+ calories, but when I log it, it turns out to be closer to 1500 (a full 500 under the goal MFP has for me, and I can't stomach eating any more).
  • 365Primal
    365Primal Posts: 42 Member
    I'm Primal (not going to paleo) but start small and you can still count calories. I did in the beginning and still do on occasion to make sure I'm still on track.
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    I am new to paleo and I count my calories. There have been times I wasn't getting enough calories and had to change up my eating.
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    I'm 99% primal, moving toward full paleo. I still track my calories because I could easily eat 1000 calories worth of raw cashews in about 5 minutes (not kidding--I did this once). I think it's good to keep track, at least in the beginning, just so you have a grasp as to what you're eating.

    This! I can eat cashews or cheese like it's my job. I tried not logging for a couple weeks, bad idea. I'm on the other end of the spectrum, I still need to watch my calories (but I still eat more than most - I'm no 1200 or 1500 calorie girl!! I'd be uber cranky lol).
  • nynvilva
    nynvilva Posts: 54
    I am Paleo and religiously count my calories... for three reasons: 1.) I am just so used to it that I continue, 2.) it forces me to be accountable for all my consumption (good and bad), and 3.) like many said: it is sometimes hard for me to meet my calorie goal on Paleo.

    Logging also helps me to see trands. What I am eating vs how I am feeling. Etc.

    Do what works best for you!
  • craudi
    craudi Posts: 126 Member
    I think that if you've tried other things and it's worked out for you long term, then you probably wouldn't be looking for an alternative. If you're wanting to really see if this works, then you should try jumping in! Gaining a few pounds will not be the end of the world in the grande scheme of things. But I'm sure that if you really stay true to yourself through the process (give it a month), you'll see AND FEEL the positive effects (including either weightloss or smaller measurements, toning, depends on your starting point and goals and activity level/changes).

    Whether it's low-fat or high-fat ways of eating, you're taking a chance in order to see potential results. If you don't stick to it, you won't know if it was a success or not. I do think that mindset has a lot to do with eating for weightloss/health. If you're miserable and freaked out the entire time, your body will react, craving comfort and familiar foods (at least mine would! Bacon and whipped cream (primal) are great comfort foods for me now though :)) the added stress on your system can cause other issues, unrelated to the food you put in your mouth.

    I vote that if you're wondering about it, give it a real shot. If you're scared to death, then keep doing your research, find success stories of people that started in a similar place to where you're at (you may even find people that were scared to death of eating so much fat each day!). If you start today or a year from now, at least you'll be in the right mindset to begin.
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    I think that if you've tried other things and it's worked out for you long term, then you probably wouldn't be looking for an alternative. If you're wanting to really see if this works, then you should try jumping in! Gaining a few pounds will not be the end of the world in the grande scheme of things. But I'm sure that if you really stay true to yourself through the process (give it a month), you'll see AND FEEL the positive effects (including either weightloss or smaller measurements, toning, depends on your starting point and goals and activity level/changes).

    Whether it's low-fat or high-fat ways of eating, you're taking a chance in order to see potential results. If you don't stick to it, you won't know if it was a success or not. I do think that mindset has a lot to do with eating for weightloss/health. If you're miserable and freaked out the entire time, your body will react, craving comfort and familiar foods (at least mine would! Bacon and whipped cream (primal) are great comfort foods for me now though :)) the added stress on your system can cause other issues, unrelated to the food you put in your mouth.

    I vote that if you're wondering about it, give it a real shot. If you're scared to death, then keep doing your research, find success stories of people that started in a similar place to where you're at (you may even find people that were scared to death of eating so much fat each day!). If you start today or a year from now, at least you'll be in the right mindset to begin.

    Agreed. When I tried going Primal back in the summer of 2011 (wow, hard to believe it's been almost 2 years now!), by that point I had decided, what do I have to lose by just trying it?? I was afraid of eating way more calories due to eating more fat, but it turned out that since fat is more satiating than empty carbs, I was eating about the same calories at the end of the day. I just exchanged less carbs with more fat and a little more protein. As it turns out, it helped allieviate a lot of health issues that I didn't even know were related, I didn't need any rx medicine any longer (just take supplements now), all just because I was frustrated with the scale.

    Also, I can eat the same amount of calories now than I did weighing more, and still drop fat. :)
  • Thanks for all the replies! I've decided to go ahead and jump in. I'm the same when it comes to nuts and cheese, I can devour a load in one sitting so I'll still have to exercise some self control and definitely log everything. Now I just have to decide if I want to go Paleo or Primal and whether to start tomorrow or finish off all the wholegrain rice/wholewheat pasta I have in the cupboard.... Thanks again, excited to get started :)
  • jbonow1231
    jbonow1231 Posts: 75 Member
    If the boxes aren't open, don't feel compelled to eat them. You could donate them to the local food bank/shelter.
  • 365Primal
    365Primal Posts: 42 Member
  • 365Primal
    365Primal Posts: 42 Member

    Agreed. When I tried going Primal back in the summer of 2011 (wow, hard to believe it's been almost 2 years now!), by that point I had decided, what do I have to lose by just trying it?? I was afraid of eating way more calories due to eating more fat, but it turned out that since fat is more satiating than empty carbs, I was eating about the same calories at the end of the day. I just exchanged less carbs with more fat and a little more protein. As it turns out, it helped allieviate a lot of health issues that I didn't even know were related, I didn't need any rx medicine any longer (just take supplements now), all just because I was frustrated with the scale.

    Also, I can eat the same amount of calories now than I did weighing more, and still drop fat. :)

    What she said!
  • MikeFlyMike
    MikeFlyMike Posts: 639 Member
    "whether to start tomorrow or finish off all the wholegrain rice/wholewheat pasta I have in the cupboard."

    I get pretty passionate about this thinking.

    I may not know you personally but nonetheless..

    1. I'd rather have you start someday than never.
    2. I'd rather have you start today than tomorrow.
    3. I'd rather have you throw all poison in your home away than eat it (yes I truly believe that stuff is a poison).

    Love your body and quit putting bad fuel into it.
  • AKbluedragonfly
    AKbluedragonfly Posts: 79 Member
    I think counting calories while starting Paleo/Primal is a good idea. It will help you keep your ratios in check and will tell you if you accidentally eat something with more carbs/sugars than you thought it had. I had no idea how much fruit I was eating before hand until I started keeping my carbs under 100 g a day.

    I went about a year on Primal without logging and slowly gained about 5 pounds. I was eating 2,000-3,000 calories a day (way too much fat) and cheating probably a few times a week. Really you don't have much to be afraid of. If you do the "diet" right, it'll all work out. You just have to try.