How do you break up your sets?

I'm doing three exercises each day, so break my goal up into sets of each.
Day 1 was 2x10
Day 2 was 1x13, 1x12
Day 3 was 2x15
Today was 1x14, 2x13

Not sure if that's the best way to do it, but what do you do?

Do you try to make them even like I do, or do you have a number that you do each set and then just do a really short set at the end to make up the total? What's the max you do per set?

Or do you just do them all in one go? (150 crunches straight on the last day of the month?)


  • mnm424
    mnm424 Posts: 259 Member
    I do mine evenly.... :wink:
  • carlynishere
    carlynishere Posts: 330 Member
    I usually do sets of 10 or 20 and then the last set is an oddball amount...