Can someone check I'm doing this right please (Newbie)

trappedslim Posts: 11 Member
Hi All

I have read a lot of the forums on MFP regarding EM2LW, downloaded the spreadsheet, used Scooby calculator and I also have a Ki FIT (Bodymedia for UK) device. I have opened my diary in MFP and hope someone can take a quick look and ensure I have setup everything correctly.

I am Female, 35, weight 180lbs. I'm 5' 1.5" (I need that half!)
From Scooby my BMR is 1435 and TDEE is 2476, TDEG is 1981 @ 20%.
I do an indoor bootcamp at 6am mon-fri (It’s cardio, weights - I use 7.5-10kg – and resistance. Using my Ki Fit, exercise days TDEE is approx. 3300, non-exercise it’s approx. 2400. Looking at my report its approx. 2692 per week, give or take.

I want to do this correctly as I know right now I am so not eating enough. Please can someone check that:

1. I have setup MFP correctly
2. I have it correct that i can sync my Ki Fit to establish my NET Cals
3. How can i eat more without eating junk (i was diagnosed with IBS recently so really trying to watch what I eat)?

Some background…

My BF is 41% :sad: . I had my fat composition done at Nuffield's and at the gym, both dead on. I was told my muscle mass is very high but my metabolism score is extremely low. Up until end of April I ate pretty rubbish (takeaways) and way over 3500 a day.

I have set my MFP now to maintenance, very active and at 1900 a day. I have synced by Ki Fit so that it takes my approx. exercise for the day and calculates so that I know how much to eat to get to my NET BMR.

Now I know when you look at my diary that my NET BMR seriously below what it should be. I seem to have lost my appetite but trying to eat more. Think it’s because I am trying to eat more sensibly these days and veg feels me up that I think I have eaten more than I actually have. (Sorry for the rambling lol). However since doing my bootcamp (only 4 weeks) I have lost 6lbs gained even more muscle mass and lost a lot of inches.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you ^_~


  • trappedslim
    trappedslim Posts: 11 Member
    Sorry also forgot to add I've set my ki fit to lose 1lb per week.
  • rowanwood
    rowanwood Posts: 510 Member
    The standard answer seems to be healthy fats, nuts, avocados, full fat yogurt. I just added protein supplement powder to my diet to help getting my protein where it needs to be.
  • trappedslim
    trappedslim Posts: 11 Member
    The standard answer seems to be healthy fats, nuts, avocados, full fat yogurt. I just added protein supplement powder to my diet to help getting my protein where it needs to be.

    Thank you Rowanwood for answering and on how I can get my calories up.

    Now all I need to do is check I've got my calculations right and that MFP is setup correctly a long with using my ki fit and I think I'm good to go.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    So why estimate your TDEE level from 5 broad categories when you have a device that is designed to tell you your daily TDEE?

    I'd suggest here at the start, eat the same everyday, and keep a consistent workout. Learn to eat more with healthy stuff, and how you'll do it.

    So that spreadsheet has a tab FitBit_BodyMedia.

    You fill in Simple Setup tab down to Activity Calculator.
    Go to the FitBit tab, delete the RMR value since you aren't tested. Notice if the height has big correction.

    Use Method 3.
    Enter in normal week of activity, get the multiplier to use on the Simple Setup tab..
    Change stats as instructed.
    There's your goals, enter the info instructed in to MFP.

    The only caveat to this is if your workouts are really variable and iffy.

    Then unsync your device for now. Eat to the same calorie level.

    A month down the road, when you are still wearing the device and getting TDEE estimates, you can come back and change the method to allow small adjustments.
  • trappedslim
    trappedslim Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you heybales :smile:

    I used different sources as I only found out about EM2LW about a week ago by accident and still trying to figure it out. So I used the spreadsheet as well as looking at scooby and my ki fit. Some users on here say one some say others so looked at all to see if I roughly got the same figures.

    I only for my ki fit last thursday afternoon so still also seeing how that figures out. Some people say leave it sync some dont.

    Apologies if I havent followed it correctly. Will relook at the spreadsheet once I get more used to how this all works and get more readings from my ki fit.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Ah, too early then, it has to adjust first to you, if you are good with the sensors anyway, then you need some days with adjusted BMR.

    In which case, run through the whole Simple Setup tab, and unsync device for now. You'll get same figure daily, automatically zig-zagging calories you might say as exercise takes different amounts off.
  • trappedslim
    trappedslim Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you :happy:
  • linski24
    linski24 Posts: 155 Member
    Can I ask how much the fat analysis thing was at the Nuffield ..??
  • trappedslim
    trappedslim Posts: 11 Member
    PM'd you full details as that is not the only thing i had done.