looking for a partner

This is my first day on southbeach
And im actully feeling great
But need some encouragement
I hope a girl partner would be with me and we could help each other on the diet :)


  • kmkelly68
    kmkelly68 Posts: 3 Member
    I am on week 2. Doing pretty well. Lost 5 lbs so far. Don't think I will come in at a loss of 10 by Friday though....cheated a tiny bit as I put regular sweet relish in my tuna salad (I try to avoid fake sugar at all costs) and had regular (but high fiber) V-8 but now that is all gone and sticking to low sodium hot and spicy - didn't think I would like it but it is a yummy mocktail with celery after my 30 day shred workout and before bed. Skipped one day of workout as I felt totally zapped (probably a combo of SBD and period). I think I am eating WAY too much salt...I occasionally want some crackers or bread as it is easy but I haven't given in. Made the "spaghetti" and meatballs recipe in the SBD gluten book - didn't have any ground turkey so used grass fed ground beef. Felt like that was okay. Daughter and hubby just add bread and cereal where they want. Hubby wants to try the 2 week phase after my birthday in July. I wish you luck. You can write me and tell me anything that is going on if you want. I ultimately plan on losing 35 - 40 lbs with a lot of that gone by my wedding anniversary on Sept 25 and the rest between then and Thanksgiving.

    You can do this. Consider having a go to food when you get hungry. For me I like cabbage so I just cut one into 1/8s and grab a chunk when I am hungry. I also portion control my lowfat cheese and almonds and walnuts. I also drink a done of hot tea and water. Also, weigh in every day and try and do some sort of workout. I am doing the 30 day shred workout plus 3 days of run/walking when I can.

    I am going on a trip on June 25 and I am bit nervous about that as I won't be adding back any gluten until well into half of the trip but I figure salads are my friend (with dressing on the side). When I come back from the trip I may repeat phase 1. I don't think I am gluten sensitive but it is inspiring to get some of this weight off. I also plan on drinking wine again once out of phase 1 (but not until my birthday) so I want to get a better handle on that....well I am rambling.