


  • twayland1
    twayland1 Posts: 3
    I couldn't find it in the database, but I wish it was!
  • You can do it Merrylass4ever! I'm only one day ahead of you and day three was easier! You deserve it! You can do it!!
  • Merrylass4ever
    Merrylass4ever Posts: 17 Member
    jakesgirl, thanks for the encouragement! I'm catching up to you :laugh: -- I just completed Day 2 Level 1 and I am thrilled to be DONE (with the "shred" for today) ... now I have another 5,000 steps to walk to meet my Fitbit exercise goal for the day. WOO HOO, I'm NOT giving up this time:bigsmile:
  • Katrina2778
    Katrina2778 Posts: 42 Member
    Day 5 Level 1 complete! :smile: Might I add, I absolutely HATE the anterior raises/side lunges!!! I digress, I shall continue on. What size weights are you ladies using?
  • ohtender
    ohtender Posts: 21 Member
    Week one, day one complete! I am so much stronger than the last time I attempted to do this. I followed it up with Day 4 of 5 from the daily hiit beginner challenge. :)

    I am worried though, because at the end of the month, I am hosting people for a week and a half. How do you squeeze in these workouts in a tiny apartment full of guests?
  • Merrylass4ever, I am so stoked for you! See, you're already doing it! Lets never assume that we can't! I just finished my workout too! I am so glad it's done hahaha! I know I'm getting somewhere when I glow! Hooray us! All if us women getting it done and proving to ourselves we can do it! Yes we can! Yaaaa us!
  • Merrylass4ever, I am so stoked for you! See, you're already doing it! Lets never assume that we can't! I just finished my workout too! I am so glad it's done hahaha! I know I'm getting somewhere when I glow! Hooray us! All if us women getting it done and proving to ourselves we can do it! Yes we can! Yaaaa us!
  • I'm using two pound weights. I figure at this level I'm going to give myself resistance but I don't want to kill it. That will come later u hope lol!
  • Merrylass4ever
    Merrylass4ever Posts: 17 Member
    Ohtender, congrats on your first day!! When your guests are visiting, you can either invite them to work out with you OR give them the opportunity to explore on their own. It can be a lot of fun to do an exercise video with friends:drinker:

    jakesgirl, I should have started with 2lb weights instead of the 5lbs but I know that if I use the lighter weights, I tend to wobble like a weeble when I'm doing the lunge/bicep curl combo :bigsmile:
  • Merrylass4ever,
    Lol! Wow! That is awesome! 5 lbs would do me in haha! My arms get really tired doing the workout. My lower body seems on though. Day five here I come!
  • Merrylass4ever
    Merrylass4ever Posts: 17 Member
    WOO HOO!! Day 3, Level 1 is DONE!! Yippee ... sad that I would be so excited to complete the day's exercise but it was a toughie today. I'm also walking 10,000 steps per day (love my Fitbit) and usually it's not too bad BUT with all the rain today, I wasn't able to walk until right before doing the 30-day shred ... I survived but barely :noway:

    Hope everyone else is doing well!! We CAN DO THIS!!!
  • That is great! It is so wonderful that you are motivated and hanging in there! I finished my 30DS as well! Yay! Its a challenge, but I keep coming back and doing it! Can't get out to gym or walk, hubby getting home late so gotta stay home with kiddos. I'll make up for it tomorrow though!!! Great job Merrylass! You're awesome!
  • Merrylass4ever
    Merrylass4ever Posts: 17 Member
    jakesgirl, you are too kind. Thank you but I think we are ALL great -- we have each decided to MOVE and make some changes in our lives. HOORAY to US!!

    Now if I can only convince my little dogs NOT to sit on my stomach whilst I'm trying to do my ab work:bigsmile:
  • ohtender
    ohtender Posts: 21 Member
    Day 5 Level 1 complete! :smile: Might I add, I absolutely HATE the anterior raises/side lunges!!! I digress, I shall continue on. What size weights are you ladies using?

    I dont have weights, but I have been using wine bottles. I worked at a winery, so I have a lot of wine, and I know that they are 3 pounds each. haha! :drinker: :laugh:
  • ohtender
    ohtender Posts: 21 Member
    Ohtender, congrats on your first day!! When your guests are visiting, you can either invite them to work out with you OR give them the opportunity to explore on their own. It can be a lot of fun to do an exercise video with friends:drinker:

    jakesgirl, I should have started with 2lb weights instead of the 5lbs but I know that if I use the lighter weights, I tend to wobble like a weeble when I'm doing the lunge/bicep curl combo :bigsmile:

    I was thinking about inviting them to do it too! Either that, or me doing cardio and cursing being their alarm clock. :tongue:
  • Missyb322
    Missyb322 Posts: 145 Member
    Yesterday was my 2nd time to start over. I'm determined to do the 30 days straight. Back for day 2 when I get off work!!
  • Merrylass4ever
    Merrylass4ever Posts: 17 Member
    YIPPEE, SKIPPY!! Day 4, Level 1 done!! In some ways it was less painful than yesterday but I still hate jumping jacks the most ... even with a really good sports bra, the "bounce" is not comfortable :embarassed:

    I hope everyone is doing well!

    Missy, welcome to the challenge! :flowerforyou:

    Jakesgirl, way to go -- I'm still working to catch up to you! :laugh:

    ohtender, your guests will have a hoot -- whether they join you in the workout or curse at you for waking them up in such a novel way:bigsmile:
  • Merrylass4ever
    Merrylass4ever Posts: 17 Member
    Come on, everyone!! We CAN do this!! Day 5, Level 1 complete -- it wasn't easy because my muscles are sore.

    How is everyone else doing?!?!
  • getsuyoubi
    getsuyoubi Posts: 55 Member
    Hi everyone,

    good to be in this group. It made me set up a plan and start again, RI30 Lv1 day1 done ^__^ keep working everyone
  • meesh109
    meesh109 Posts: 189 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Sorry, I'm lagging a bit behind! I'm only doing it Monday - Friday, but couldn't manage on Wednesday as I gave blood!

    Day 5 for me tonight.

    Keep up the good work everyone!