June 9, 2013

FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member


  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Good morning peeps!!

    Well, yesterday was a rest day for me, I didn't do too much. It was rainy and windy, tropical storm Andrea was passing through and my table umbrella has ended up on my roof this morning! Wow!

    Today is looking better though, I will be running sometime today. Friday I did RI30 Jillian Michaels Level 4.

    Hope you're all having a good weekend!
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Restday here. Took a little walk with my son to the playground to play.
  • PamHealthMission
    PamHealthMission Posts: 471 Member
    Happy Sunday Pals!

    Sherry - thank you so much for the info with regards to side lunges possibly being able to strengthen the areas that support my knees. I am going to do a little research on this, too. Knee discomfort/pain is a PITA! :sad:
    Sundays are my official rest days so it's just as well for my right knee, too. Your walk at the park with your son sounded nice.:smile: I've spent the morning playing outdoors with the pup but came indoors because we have RAIN...yay!!:smile:

    Maureen - good morning! I think that Andrea is creating a lot of moisture along the Gulf Coast and bringing us this rain in Texas today. Oh wow about your table umbrella being blown on the roof!! So, who gets up there to get it down...heehee. Enjoy your run today.

    Liz - did you decide to go ahead and do L2 & L3 of 30DS today? You doing great with this program!

    What's up with the rest of our pals, today? Wishing each of you a beautiful Sunday!!
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    Where are you Pam? I see you asking where everyone is, its only 9am where I am, starting the day!

    I plan to swim today, didn't end up swimming yesterday because we didn't get home from mountain thing until 10pm. We had camp fire after dinner.

    It was the most fun day ever dancing on the mountain until I came home and discovered a tick bite. My side was stinging and a black thing was burrowed in it. I got it out but it was swollen last night.

    Today is a red mark, sore with a pin point on it. Scared me because of Lime thing.

    Has anyone had a tick bite??? Makes me not want to go hiking now!!!
  • PamHealthMission
    PamHealthMission Posts: 471 Member
    Hi Marla....I am in Texas...:happy: What a wonderful time you seemed to have had until the tick was discovered...ouchy! I've never had a tick bite but understand your concern because of lime disease they give off. By now, you have probably Google'd and know what symptoms to look out for. I bet you will be just fine.
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    Your right, saw more than I wanted of what bugs can do to you! Lol
  • auntsammy88
    auntsammy88 Posts: 401 Member
    Did C25k Week 7 Day 1= 5 min walk 25 min run 5 min walk. I did a little over 2 miles of actual running today. Still working up to the 2.5 miles in 25 minutes that they want at this point.

    I also did a 25 minute post run yoga video from youtube.
  • Hurdisnie1
    Hurdisnie1 Posts: 218 Member
    Hi everyone

    I have not been logging or working out besides challenges. Moms been a handful lately and its been crazy hot 109

    I would bring it up on the computer And then mom would be stressing out over something she miss placed. I am hoping its the heat and she will adjust.

    We will walk tomorrow its suppose to cool down ..we shall see.

    I need to go back and read the threads