Any Ideas? - Food Diary

I was really struggling today and felt really weak - I even went OVER on my carbs today. Not sure if it's just the carb flu (I'm on Day 6 of Whole30) or not enough fat today. If anyone could take a look at my food diary today and give any input or ideas I'd appreciate it.

Thanks! :smile:


  • lindzmt22
    lindzmt22 Posts: 335
    How tall are you/how much do you weigh? And what is your activity level? Depending on those factors, you may need to eat more calories. Also, I don't think you went 'too high' on the carbs, at least in my opinion...especially if you're active. For me, I aim to hit at least 100 g with all my macros- fat, carbs and protein. I tried the lower carb thing and it was fine but at my activity level (usually 5 days a week 60-90 minutes of moderate-intense exercise) I needed more carbs. I also figured out my lean body mass and am eating a gram of protein x my LBM, after doing lots of research. Eating more fat and protein will help satiate you (keep you full and energized). So more meat, coconut oil, avocados, olive oil, etc.
    Just my 2 cents. :) I also recently increased my calories and am loving it. It's allowing me to hit my macros easily and I really feel like I am fueling my body. Hope this helped!!
  • AMdreams7
    AMdreams7 Posts: 46
    The day before I started my Whole30, I weighed 205 and I'm 5'6". Wasn't working out much for the past 6 months, but getting back into a routine of at least 30 minutes of high intensity most days. Until I work up to longer workouts I think my carbs are ok where I have them set, but maybe not. I usually eat more, but I have some things that have to be done tonight, so I most likely won't be working out today.

    I'll try to calculate my lean body mass.

    Thank you!
  • lindzmt22
    lindzmt22 Posts: 335
    You're welcome! If anything...more fat would be my first suggestion. It's the safest route. Good luck!!
  • tommyprice2k
    It may also just be your body getting used to regular intense exercise as well. Give it another week and add some more fat/protein and see how you go
  • meghanner
    meghanner Posts: 180 Member
    What are your macro %'s at that level? You may be eating way too much protein. Robb Wolf suggests never having protein levels beyond 25%. When you consume that much fat and that many carbs (especially when combined in meals), it may slow you down a bit. I'd try to cut back on the protein and keep the rest the same. As long as you keep your carbs below 150g/day and continue to lose, you should be okay to keep enjoying sweet potatoes.
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Do you add any salt to your food that isn't accounted for in your diary? Your sodium looks low, and if you've been outdoors/highly active, your electrolytes might actually be out of balance from sweating a lot. That causes me some fatigue/sluggishness (salt and/or potassium are low for me). Also, I don't know how you ate before starting Whole30, so I don't know how much of a change in carb levels you had.
  • whatjesseats
    whatjesseats Posts: 228 Member
    I don't have any ideas about your diary but thought I'd share this Whole30 timeline, which explains the different phases you're likely to go through on a Whole30--according to this, what you're experiencing is totally normal.
  • justaspoonfulofsugar
    justaspoonfulofsugar Posts: 587 Member
    and if I remember correctly,no tracking food or weighing yourself during this time.It is a time to get back in touch with your natural hunger.
    If you were eating a lot of processed food before you started your whole 30,it could take up to 2 weeks to get past the tired feeling.
    I did 45 days last summer and remember feeling craptastic for a while.
    Also,eat more fat,it is your best friend and will help you feel fuller longer.
    I also remember reading not to be so worried about the exercise when you are starting out the whole 30..give it time and give yourself time.good luck