New Weekly Check in 6/10 - 6/17



  • marky3320
    marky3320 Posts: 5
    Did Day 3 of Insanity on Monday, and damn are my calves feeling really tight. It sucks that I can keep up with most of the exercises, there are times I feel like my heart is going to explode. Hopefully I can gain strength and endurance as time goes on.
  • teminowi
    teminowi Posts: 17
    Doing TurboFire Inferno this week to lose a little before my cruise next week. :D Today is Day 2, and I'm really impressed with the food choices! These recipes are tasty. Granted, it takes a lot of time in the morning to do all my meal prep, but I figure I can manage it for 5 days. I have no preconceived notion of what I will lose over the 5 days. I just want to stick with it because it's better than sitting around doing nothing all week and THEN going on a cruise. Because I'll surely be doing a lot of sitting and eating then.
  • I lost 3 lbs and a friend lost 8 lbs. I'd do it again, b/c it is fairly intense cardio for 5 days.
  • amandabcdefg
    amandabcdefg Posts: 58 Member
    im still going by the schedule, in order, but i skipped a few days since the hubby had a long weekend (i prefer to get insane alooone or i get distracted lol)

    so technically im on day 8, cardio p&r.. i'm feeling good though. i feel so good once i finish. i skip the final stretch and cool down for a few minutes then get right up to go walk our new dog.. so i've been getting a little extra in!

    i've been taking my husbands preworkout, c4, to get me going.. but i take 2 scoops.. the same as he does, and hes about 50-60lbs bigger than me, and i have little to no reaction to it.. it says take 20-30 mins prior to workout.. here i am almost an hour later with not much energy still!

    anyone have a suggestion for a good preworkout? i apparently have a high tolerance to caffeine because most people are crazy about this preworkout and my body has the opposite reaction?
  • JonathanBB
    JonathanBB Posts: 252 Member
    Day 8 Pure cardio: Did better time around on this. Needed 30 second breaks on suicides, frog jumps and ski jumps but kept up with the rest at close to full speed through the first 30 minutes and varied between 50% to 100% on the last 5 - 7 minutes of cardio (then the rest was stretching). Don't skip the stretching! I have gone up a little in weight 163 to 165.5 and back down a little to 164.5. Yes, I know I shouldn't weigh myself daily (but I like to. I have done it for years and small daily fluctuations don't bother me. More concerned with staying within a range). Thought I would be going down especially since I have been having trouble eating back all the exercise calories. I know it is more about fitness and inches than weight loss.

    I eat a banana about 1/2 hour before the workout. Easy on the stomach and healthy source of carbs for energy and potassium for muscles.

    I have been drinking chocolate milk for post workout recovery followed shortly after by a high protein dinner. Anyone else drinking chocolate milk as a recovery drink?
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    im still going by the schedule, in order, but i skipped a few days since the hubby had a long weekend (i prefer to get insane alooone or i get distracted lol)

    so technically im on day 8, cardio p&r.. i'm feeling good though. i feel so good once i finish. i skip the final stretch and cool down for a few minutes then get right up to go walk our new dog.. so i've been getting a little extra in!

    i've been taking my husbands preworkout, c4, to get me going.. but i take 2 scoops.. the same as he does, and hes about 50-60lbs bigger than me, and i have little to no reaction to it.. it says take 20-30 mins prior to workout.. here i am almost an hour later with not much energy still!

    anyone have a suggestion for a good preworkout? i apparently have a high tolerance to caffeine because most people are crazy about this preworkout and my body has the opposite reaction?

    I have never tried a preworkout drink before a workout. I also have a high tolerance for caffeine so I am not sure if it will help me or not. I used to drink monster drink after monster drink and not get energized. The 5 hour energy drink did nothing for me either when I tried it.

    My brother ordered some E&E and said it works great for him. I am getting a sample from him to try. I will let you know how the E&E works. Today would have been a great day to try it.
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    Day 9 Insanity Pure Cardio
    I noticed improvement again today but the last 10 minutes were killing me. My legs and knees did not want to move. My mind was thinking fast but legs did not want to listen. My legs felt like they weighed 100 pounds each.

    This workout is going to be a killer workout in 4 more days. Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs. I can't wait. Looking forward to it. I want to dig deeper. Awesome job everyone. Keep digging and bringing it.
  • teminowi
    teminowi Posts: 17
    Okay this eating healthy stuff is insanely time consuming. This week I've been waking up at 5:30a to get all of my food prep done for the day with enough time to get out the door to work at 7a. I get home at 6p and then do my Inferno workout(s), followed by cooking and eating dinner. I just finished at 9:10p. So from 5a-9p I'm either working or focusing on being healthy. Booooo. Where's my slacker lazy time?? :D (Or god forbid I want to see a friend). How do people have social lives when they're following these programs and working full-time jobs?
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    Okay this eating healthy stuff is insanely time consuming. This week I've been waking up at 5:30a to get all of my food prep done for the day with enough time to get out the door to work at 7a. I get home at 6p and then do my Inferno workout(s), followed by cooking and eating dinner. I just finished at 9:10p. So from 5a-9p I'm either working or focusing on being healthy. Booooo. Where's my slacker lazy time?? :D (Or god forbid I want to see a friend). How do people have social lives when they're following these programs and working full-time jobs?

    A lot of my friends prepare their meals for the whole week each Sunday. I have not tried that but I do prepare my lunches and snacks 2 to 3 days ahead of time if possible. My dinners are rarely prepared ahead of time unless we have left overs but that rarely happens in my house.
  • I work 12 hr plus night shifts. For me what has worked and would work well for others, plan & prep everything ahead of time. When I grocery shop, everything and I do mean everything (except plain veggies) gets broken down into single serving sizes as I put it away. Adds about 15-30 mins extra.

    Then, yes I put aside a few hours on my day off to fix all my meals ahead of time. Cooking everything from scratch takes 1-2 hours. If I get fancy do something with lots of ingredients it may go up to 3 hours. Other Half always helps me and the time includes prep & clean up and it is snacks, lunch, & dinner for 6 days.

    The only draw back which does not bother me, eating the same thing or similar for the week. If I make a roast which I will this week, it will feed me all week long. I have made up plates and frozen them for later to help mix things up a bit. I happily trade it though as I spend 2 hrs cooking for the week!

    I literally reach into the fridge or pantry, grab my food and go.
  • June 10 Power 90
    Hard time pushing play today because I worked all day then had to cut the grass. After about 10 minutes into the workout I took control and crushed it. Another day done and glad I stuck to it.

    Great job all. Keep it going and digging deep and bringing it and whatever else you do. You got this.
  • 6/11
    A bit of a recovery day for me
    20 mins of yoga
    Tone 20
    515 calories torched :smile:

    It is awkward for me to use bands over free weights. I'll get used to it.

    I ate out today. My macros did not get where I like them, but the calories were in check. I'll call it a win.
  • zeusbella
    zeusbella Posts: 137 Member
    Early work day for me... workout done by 5:30 AM - Yah me! Insanity day 9 - done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Feels so good. Seriously, everyone should be doing this.
  • teminowi
    teminowi Posts: 17
    Day 3 of TurboFire Inferno. Holy CRAP I'm ravenous. I just finished lunch and I cannot wait for my afternoon snack. The first two days I didn't feel this hunger, but man has it kicked in full force this morning.

    Last night's workout routine was a bit of a beast. At least with Insanity I knew it would be done in 45 minutes. I loved those workouts. 75 minutes yesterday was a little torturous. I was almost certain I would cause myself to be injured again because I maintain such a high heart rate and finish completely fatigued. Fortunately I came out unscathed. I may have to step it back just a touch tonight to be safe.
  • JonathanBB
    JonathanBB Posts: 252 Member
    Okay this eating healthy stuff is insanely time consuming. This week I've been waking up at 5:30a to get all of my food prep done for the day with enough time to get out the door to work at 7a. I get home at 6p and then do my Inferno workout(s), followed by cooking and eating dinner. I just finished at 9:10p. So from 5a-9p I'm either working or focusing on being healthy. Booooo. Where's my slacker lazy time?? :D (Or god forbid I want to see a friend). How do people have social lives when they're following these programs and working full-time jobs?

    Hang in there. I find when I adjust my schedule or try new things it takes a while to settle into and adjust to the new routine, but once I do it takes less time, becomes easier and what I used to need to think through becomes a habit.
  • teminowi
    teminowi Posts: 17
    Thanks. I'm just cranky b/c I have to stay away from sugar and caffeine. I know my body needed this detox of sorts but my mood isn't liking it. ;)
  • mrsroc2010
    mrsroc2010 Posts: 28 Member
    I work 12 hr plus night shifts. For me what has worked and would work well for others, plan & prep everything ahead of time. When I grocery shop, everything and I do mean everything (except plain veggies) gets broken down into single serving sizes as I put it away. Adds about 15-30 mins extra.

    Then, yes I put aside a few hours on my day off to fix all my meals ahead of time. Cooking everything from scratch takes 1-2 hours. If I get fancy do something with lots of ingredients it may go up to 3 hours. Other Half always helps me and the time includes prep & clean up and it is snacks, lunch, & dinner for 6 days.

    The only draw back which does not bother me, eating the same thing or similar for the week. If I make a roast which I will this week, it will feed me all week long. I have made up plates and frozen them for later to help mix things up a bit. I happily trade it though as I spend 2 hrs cooking for the week!

    I literally reach into the fridge or pantry, grab my food and go.

    MAn this is a fantastic idea. Do you have children? I think I need to incooperate something like this. Thanks for the idea.
  • This is the only way I can do home cooked meals. I will say that I make 2 different meals usually. Such as chicken 2 different ways. If I try to make each meal something different, it takes a lot longer. If you think baking dishes and crock pots it gets even easier.

    I also do a batch of once a month cooking, freeze it for a day when I can't do the kitchen. I got a bunch of sectioned storage plates at Wal-Mart and portion it all out in those for the week. I almost always steam my veggies.

    And if I don't portion items as they come in the door, I'll eat way more than a single serving. I use little zip lock bags for that.

    It takes a bit more time up front, but saves me scrambling or making bad choices later. Oh, I write down the ingredients I toss in, divide by the servings to get my calories. Key it into the data base.

    Search for healthy once a week or once a month cooking. Lots of ideas out there.

    Oh and no, no kids, but I'll be keeping my 7 yo niece this summer. She wants to learn to cook so we'll be making everything from scratch.
  • amandabcdefg
    amandabcdefg Posts: 58 Member
    im still going by the schedule, in order, but i skipped a few days since the hubby had a long weekend (i prefer to get insane alooone or i get distracted lol)

    so technically im on day 8, cardio p&r.. i'm feeling good though. i feel so good once i finish. i skip the final stretch and cool down for a few minutes then get right up to go walk our new dog.. so i've been getting a little extra in!

    i've been taking my husbands preworkout, c4, to get me going.. but i take 2 scoops.. the same as he does, and hes about 50-60lbs bigger than me, and i have little to no reaction to it.. it says take 20-30 mins prior to workout.. here i am almost an hour later with not much energy still!

    anyone have a suggestion for a good preworkout? i apparently have a high tolerance to caffeine because most people are crazy about this preworkout and my body has the opposite reaction?

    I have never tried a preworkout drink before a workout. I also have a high tolerance for caffeine so I am not sure if it will help me or not. I used to drink monster drink after monster drink and not get energized. The 5 hour energy drink did nothing for me either when I tried it.

    My brother ordered some E&E and said it works great for him. I am getting a sample from him to try. I will let you know how the E&E works. Today would have been a great day to try it.

    i think i may try an amino blend instead of c4. c4 also has some creatine in it, which is something i am not looking to utilize at the moment. but i can drink coffee right before bed, 5 hours and energy drinks have zero effect on me... i feel like a weirdo because the things that pump most other people up, have me still yawning! i'm hoping the right mix of aminos will maybe help me out, been researching a ton the past few days to find something that may work.

    i've got pure cardio today, i've got to REALLY push today. i've been saying that everyday LOL but today, i'd love to skip it.. but i know how good i feel when i know the cool down stretch is only a few more minutes away and i'm almost done! but i'm contemplating a heavy leg workout either today or friday, maybe friday because the days after leg day are brutal and i want to be able to at least finish this weeks insanity workouts and run a bit with the dog.. then waddle around all weekend lol
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Yesterday was to be Pure Cardio but I had to go clean a bachelor friends house for 4 hrs , then my son asked me to take the 2 boys (ages 6yrs & a 5 month old) home with me so he could get some yard work done before it rained. Well the baby is quite spoiled & cries if he gets put down so yes I held & rocked him till his daddy came & got them. Needless to say I missed my Pure Cardio but I did it today before I did Plyometric Cardio Circuit. My face sure was red when I got done with them. I did the warm up with stretch before the first one but skipped the cooldown & since I was warmed up I also skipped the warm up for the plyo circuit but I did do the cool down/stretches after that one! I ate cottage cheese with some greek yogurt afterwards! YUM!!!