Pregnant Runners Thread!



  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Just wanted to chime in to give hope to those of you who want to run but have been sidelined for whatever pregnancy reason.

    Up until about week 6 I was a very serious, competitive runner (multiple marathons, lots of trail races, half ironman, etc). During the first tri I very reluctantly gave up running because it felt like it further churned up my nauseous stomach, plus I felt exhausted all the time and had lots of aches and pains. I kept swimming with my master's team throughout the first tri, but then the workouts got to be too much.

    Enter water running! I love it! It's so energizing and easy on the joints, not to mention a real workout! You can run around the shallow end (with hand paddles if you want an arm workout). Many pools have weight belts that patrons can use and then you can do water running workouts in the deep end. It's so easy on your joints. I always feel really energized afterward, like I got a land workout but without the impact. And now, at almost 39 weeks, it's the only real workout I get. Walking feels so much worse.
  • ritmeyer
    ritmeyer Posts: 136 Member
    Still running here! 25 weeks. I get in 3 runs a week, 3-4 miles, then a long run on sundays about 6 miles. I have to constantly tell myself to slow down. Though the need to pee definately helps the slowing down process.

    I'm still racing, doing a 10k on mothers day weekend.
  • ybodwen
    ybodwen Posts: 340 Member
    Wow I am really impressed and inspired by you girls!!
    The ones who are still racing and the ones who are listening to their bodies and giving it a rest (both require lots of determination and self discipline)! And happy to see some people on here like me who are jogging little bits here and there when it feels right :)
    Super cool to have a little "village" of pregnant runners!

    Went for a 2.5 mile jog/run today- 2 12 min miles with some walking in between when my belly started aching.
    I wore my Fit2Bmom top for the first time- it is super fitted and I felt really pregnant in it! I really like it though :)

    Is it worth it for less intense runners like me (2-3 miles 2-3 x/week) to invest in a support belt? Will that help stop the crampy feeling and allow me to run more without walking breaks?
  • jaimemariel
    jaimemariel Posts: 183 Member
    I consider myself a less intense runner, and I purchased a support belt. I don't think it will stop the walking breaks though that has to do with the heart rate (for me at least). The belt helps from keeping me pitched forward. At 20 weeks and not really showing I don't think I "need" it and sometimes it feels cumbersome but I will keep wearing it.
  • Chubbyhulagirl
    Chubbyhulagirl Posts: 374 Member
    Really happy! I made it up to four miles today since my morning sickness ended about 1.5 months ago. It took me 45 minutes. Not bad! I walked a bit and did the stair treadmill afterwards. Hopefully I will be back to six miles soon. :)

    I am curious to see how you ladies with a support belt like them? I read comments on motherhood maternity and a lot of them said it makes a huge difference, especially for walking/running. I want to get one but not sure which to choose. If anyone can give me some feedback?
  • jaimemariel
    jaimemariel Posts: 183 Member
    I bought the Gabriella band from Amazon. I find it a bit cumbersome. But I'm not really showing yet. It might be a godsend once I get a big bigger. Part of the cumbersome factor: Is itchy, so I have to wear a belly band under it because I don't want it touching my skin. Buy a size up they say. I did it it fits fine.
  • gingerjager
    gingerjager Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! I've run off and on since my 20s but a year ago decided to really make an effort. I've done about 7 5ks in that time and 2 8ks. I'm not best times were about 8:30 miles. But I felt good. A littleness frequently in winter but also taking cycling classes. (I'm 36 years old).

    I'm 9 weeks today. Have run 2 5ks since finding out, another this weekend. Not as much running between because of low energy and nausea all day. But I'm going to keep up! I didn't exercise through my three other pregnancies and I regret it. Want to stay active this time. I'm happy to find this group because no one I know has run while pregnant! My OB said I could keep it up but listen to my body. At my last 5k last weekend, I had to pee so bad after 1 mile!

    I'm glad the weather is nicer because that makes it easier for me to get outside. Winter running kinda sucked.
  • Chubbyhulagirl
    Chubbyhulagirl Posts: 374 Member
    I bought the Gabriella band from Amazon. I find it a bit cumbersome. But I'm not really showing yet. It might be a godsend once I get a big bigger. Part of the cumbersome factor: Is itchy, so I have to wear a belly band under it because I don't want it touching my skin. Buy a size up they say. I did it it fits fine.

    Thanks for this info. I still run pretty comfortably but I worry about the bump jiggling up and down when I run. Lol. And I have some intense back pain every now and then. Hoping it helps me keep my posture while I run.
  • jaimemariel
    jaimemariel Posts: 183 Member
    I bought the Gabriella band from Amazon. I find it a bit cumbersome. But I'm not really showing yet. It might be a godsend once I get a big bigger. Part of the cumbersome factor: Is itchy, so I have to wear a belly band under it because I don't want it touching my skin. Buy a size up they say. I did it it fits fine.

    Thanks for this info. I still run pretty comfortably but I worry about the bump jiggling up and down when I run. Lol. And I have some intense back pain every now and then. Hoping it helps me keep my posture while I run.

    From the reviews on Amazon, a lot of women who are not runners wear this belt to help with the low back pain! I might do that too later on.
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    Hey gals! I just ran a 10 mile race this weekend (14 weeks along) and felt GREAT. Seems the fatigue of the first trimester is on its way out the door. I had to keep reminding myself to slow it down, actually. I finished only five minutes slower than last year, so I am thrilled with my result. The last three miles, however, were tough because I felt like there was pressure on my bladder and I had to pee. When I would walk, the sensation would go away. HOW ANNOYING.

    One more race (13.1!) and then I'm hanging up my distance shoes til post-bebe.
  • mltdown
    mltdown Posts: 311 Member
    I'm only 12 weeks but I'm still running my regular miles. I have a 5k every other week untill November and plan on racing unless I am unable. I am actually found that I have a harder time doing Zumba than running which has alot to do with the jumping lol
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    After a lot of soul searching and tearing of hair, I decided to go for one last half while pregnant - I'll be running one this Sunday at 22+2. I do not expect a stellar finish - my plan is lots of walking, lots of water, and LOTS of fun. I know I can finish under the time limit and while it's funny to think of going to a race where I can't run competitively, it's a race I'd been looking forward to since November because it's the 35th anniversary of the race so it's got a really cool medal. We had initially decided not to spend the money on registration since there's no way I can come in anywhere near my PR, but a friend of mine actually booked herself for two halves this weekend with one across the country and so offered me her bib to run with. It seemed like serendipity - she wouldn't even let me give her a partial payment - so I'm going for it and going to eke every teeny bit of fun out of it. I'm nervous because I'm undertrained having decided not to do anything longer than 10K, but I know with lots of walking I'll finish it so I'm okay with that - I'm just going to enjoy being out there.
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    @hbarnstein: That's awesome! I know as runners we get into that competitive spirit and it's tough for us to just slow it down. I tend to pick people in a race and then decide that they are the person for me to beat, and I couldn't do that this time. It was a different experience.

    But I felt AMAZING when I was done, even though I had to slow it down.

    Take it easy, walk when you're winded, and drink lots of water. You'll do great, and you'll feel like a CHAMP when you're done! And then tell us all how it went!
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    Thank you! (And congrats on your 10 miler! I wish I could say the peeing thing gets better but uh...definitely planning to hit every single bathroom, lol) I ran a half at 14 weeks and was so disappointed because I had planned on running the whole thing but ended up walking the last 3 miles due to round ligament pain. It took me a few weeks to realize that I just set my expectations too high and that the victory right now is finishing - I feel like I robbed myself of fun, so this time, I am planning to have as much fun as I possibly can :)

    When is your half?
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    Hahah. Yeah, I was so annoyed because I would have come in probably exactly the same time as last year if I didn't have to wait for a bathroom at one point.

    My half is June 23 (Chicago Women's Half).

    I suppose it's good for us to be reminded WHY we love running and participating in races, other than the whole competition thing. They truly are a fantastic way to spend part of the weekend. And yes, SO much fun. I love reading the signs and high fiving the supporters!
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    No way! You're local? I'm doing the North Shore Half in Highland Park this weekend. I love/hate Chicago races - they're always awesome but parking is such a pain since I'm in the suburbs, so I only do special occasion races in Chicago - I did the Cinco de Miler a few weeks ago and it was fun but parking was a huge pain! So now I have to guess - was your 10miler Soldier Field?

    The bathroom thing is a pain but it's just part of life and part of being a pregnant runner - I was irritated to realize I could have PR'ed at the Cinco if not for two bathroom breaks, since I was only 30 seconds off lol, but then reminded myself I was there to have fun. Races ARE fun - I just have to let go of trying to beat myself. I really am excited to be able to do this one - then 10Ks for as long as I can.
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    What a fun coincidence! Yep, Chicagoan here, but I live in the city. SO yes, you are right on, I did the Soldier Field 10 Miler. That's a fun race, and it's amazing finishing on the 50 yard line! This year, they actually had servicemen handing out the was a very nice touch, and reminder of the holiday.

    You'll have to let me know how the North Shore Half is. I am contemplating doing some surburban races next year because they aren't nearly as crowded as the city ones. Although, I love the city courses. I agree with the parking thing though. Public transportation tends to be a nightmare too.

    I actually think 10K is my favorite length...long enough to stretch your legs out, short enough to not require intense training!
  • mcwdvm
    mcwdvm Posts: 54 Member
    i am a long time runner that just got pregnant 15 years after my last child... no, that's not a typo. I am at 7 weeks and up to last week I was putting in around 20 miles a week, with 2 of those runs being tough hill or interval workouts. For the last 5 days, fatigue and constipation (sorry- maybe a little too much info) have overwhelmed me. I have only been able to manage some 20-30 minute interval training dvds I had collecting dust in my basement. I was happy to read that many of you started feeling better by the 2nd trimester. It really has been so long for me that this is like going through it for the first time. Going to attempt a short run at lunch tomorrow and see how it feels.
  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,764 Member
    For those of you runners who have in the past started back running postpartum while breastfeeding....what kind of support did you have to use? Did you have to double up on sports bras? Or did you just get larger sizes of sports bras? Although I haven't gained that much weight, there is no way my good sports bras are going to fit me postpartum, especially when my milk comes in...and I have heard it can be painful to run at first! Also, were you able to build up to a normal training routine (long runs, interval-type training for races), or did you have to wait until after weaning to really get back into it?

    I think it may all depend on how big you get. I started back at about eight weeks post partum with my regular sports bra but it was sore nipples which held me back from doing more than a couple a 5kms each week (my daughter had a ferocious suck). You just have to wait and see how it goes, and of course you'll want to time your runs for immediately after a feed so you don't have too many issues with discomfort and leaking!
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    I got into running last year, and I was shocked that I actually loved it. I never thought I'd be a runner! Then I had to stop at the start of this year because of personal issues. I kept saying I'd start again, and my husband kept saying he wanted to go with me, and asking me to wait for him -- and then when he didn't get up on time to go with me, I'd feel all defeated and depressed and not go.

    Getting pregnant made me really want to get back to it. I feel exhausted and sick and crappy all the time, and I KNEW that if I could just get outside and run, I'd feel better. I've only gone twice so far, and then today I went for just a walk as a rest day. Two of my kids go with me, and they have way more stamina than I do! The first time, my 8yo daughter said, "This is easy! I thought it was going to be hard!" And when I got too tired and decided to walk the rest of the way, my 9yo son was sort of jogging really slowly to stay with me, LOL.
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    Tell me about it - I started running in July, hated it the first month and then fell in love. Huge shock because I hated running the mile in high school!

    Ran my half marathon today and realistic expectations made it go so much better than my last half - I actually "prego-PR'ed" (lol - a friend's term) and beat my half at 14 weeks by a good 2:15, which was unexpected but nice. I had a blast, grinning the whole way and even running to the end whereas last time I had to walk the last 3 miles. Very proud of myself - my last half until next April, but I'm happy with that this time. This was a good one to go out on. (And it rained the whole time! LOL! Actually I think that helped me not overheat though.)
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    Yay for your half, hbarnstein! That's so amazing. It gives me hope for mine in three weeks!
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    Major victory! I ran three miles before work, and didn't have to pee the entire time.

    Hehe. (This was after 6 on Sunday where I felt like I had to pee almost the entire time.)
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    My husband is concerned that when I get bigger running with all that extra weight will damage my knees. Anybody know anything about that?
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    My husband is concerned that when I get bigger running with all that extra weight will damage my knees. Anybody know anything about that?

    I think I'd just feel it out. If your knees hurt, then take to walking more. Listen to your body.
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    Thank you! Your half will go great - just have fun!

    As for running with extra weight, a lot of people do it in the reverse way, start heavier and get lighter...I would imagine your body will grow used to it but like anything else listen to your body. Unusual aches/pains, try to correct your form - not everyone can run throughout pregnancy and some have to stop by a certain number of weeks. (Common milestones I've seen have been 20 weeks, 25, and 30 - I know a few who had to stop at 35 and then a few who ran the whole way.)
  • mcwdvm
    mcwdvm Posts: 54 Member
    Trying to run as much as I can. In my ninth week and this pregnancy is kicking me to the curb- tired, tired, tired. Felt good for the first time in a week yesterday, so I ran 3 miles which felt like a pre-pregnancy run. Today, however, my eyeballs are on fire and I could pack a week's worth of running gear in the bags under my eyes. Really hope this turns around in the second trimester. I read somewhere that building the placenta is what takes so much out of you- just what the heck is it made of?
  • I don't run as often now but maybe 2-3 times a week on treadmill. I take it easy though. No overheating and running out of breath. I would ask runner mommies about maternity belt that comfortable. I am desperately looking for one to hold my belly in place.

    You should try Fittamamma clothing, there stuff is amazing! My friend wore it thoughout her pregnancy and I use the support top for my back. the difference is amazing, you feel so supported and the best thing is the top actually covers your bump, so when my friend did yoga or stretching it didnt ride up!

    They also have all this awesome advice on exercising whilst pregnant! Im currently training to be a post and pre natal trainer so their advice has been really useful!
    Hope this helps :)
  • Seaglass1123
    Seaglass1123 Posts: 500 Member
    So glad I found this thread! My dr said it was OK to keep up with what I had been doing as long as it was not 6 miles or more. I was only running 3ish at a max anyway. But for some reason when I found out I was pregnant even though I knew it can't harm the baby it didn't feel right to me. Then morning/all day sickness hit when I hit week 7. I have my first ultrasound tomorrow and am hoping that after that maybe I will feel a bit better and can ease back into some jogging. I was loving running before and would love to get back into it.
  • BaysiderNY
    BaysiderNY Posts: 66 Member
    I am 23 weeks now and man it hurts to run. I have slowed down, less work outs now. But like the belly feels so heavy when running. Lots of pressure. Do you guys feel the same?