PS4 - (cheaper and no restrictions)



  • DesignGuy
    DesignGuy Posts: 457 Member
    Why are people trying to use paying for multiplayer ($5 a month, still cheaper than Live) as a negative? If you can't spare $5 a month, then don't expect to buy the $400 machine, IMO.

    PS Plus is well worth the $5 a month to play online multiplayer. It's better than Live. You get a ton of free games. Now in the US they are finally starting to give us AAA titles on it, too.

    PS4 has won the next generation and it hasn't even started yet, especially if the only 'negative' people come up with is paying to play multiplayer.

    I'm buying the One (the "negatives" aren't an issue to me) but may get a PS4 at some point (still have one on pre-order). Personally, I don't care who won this or that. I just want to be entertained.

    And yeah, I don't understand why PLUS is being used as a negative by anyone. But then again, I don't get why things like console price even matters. If just $100 is the sole thing moving you from one console to the next (a purchase you make once every 5-10 years) then perhaps spending money on games isn't a wise move. As a side note, if you add the PS4 camera, the cost goes up $60, so at the end of the day all this stuff is the same. It's just preference.

    Live started offering 2 free games per month now. I got Fable 3 today (never played Fable) and AC 2 is next. Forget all the online stuff for a moment. If I get 2 free game each month, I'm paying $50 per year for 24 random games. I'll take that bet.

    With the changes to Live, I think both Plus and Live are becoming more inline with each other.
  • stephenszymanski
    stephenszymanski Posts: 114 Member
    Why are people trying to use paying for multiplayer ($5 a month, still cheaper than Live) as a negative? If you can't spare $5 a month, then don't expect to buy the $400 machine, IMO.

    PS Plus is well worth the $5 a month to play online multiplayer. It's better than Live. You get a ton of free games. Now in the US they are finally starting to give us AAA titles on it, too.

    PS4 has won the next generation and it hasn't even started yet, especially if the only 'negative' people come up with is paying to play multiplayer.

    I'm buying the One (the "negatives" aren't an issue to me) but may get a PS4 at some point (still have one on pre-order). Personally, I don't care who won this or that. I just want to be entertained.

    And yeah, I don't understand why PLUS is being used as a negative by anyone. But then again, I don't get why things like console price even matters. If just $100 is the sole thing moving you from one console to the next (a purchase you make once every 5-10 years) then perhaps spending money on games isn't a wise move. As a side note, if you add the PS4 camera, the cost goes up $60, so at the end of the day all this stuff is the same. It's just preference.

    Live started offering 2 free games per month now. I got Fable 3 today (never played Fable) and AC 2 is next. Forget all the online stuff for a moment. If I get 2 free game each month, I'm paying $50 per year for 24 random games. I'll take that bet.

    With the changes to Live, I think both Plus and Live are becoming more inline with each other.

    I've always been more leaning towards Sony personally, but I had a 360 and enjoyed it. Price also doesn't matter to me when I'm already spending that much. I would get a PS4 if it was $500.

    This coming generation though, I won't be getting an Xbox One. The policies of Microsoft has killed any chance of me purchasing their box. I believe DRM only hurts honest consumers, and really doesn't punish any of the pirates. If someone wants something bad enough, the DRM will only slow them, not stop. I also desire the ability to borrow games from my friends, or rent them if I'm unsure of purchasing. Beyond that, it's all just a matter of preference.
  • DesignGuy
    DesignGuy Posts: 457 Member

    I've always been more leaning towards Sony personally, but I had a 360 and enjoyed it. Price also doesn't matter to me when I'm already spending that much. I would get a PS4 if it was $500.

    This coming generation though, I won't be getting an Xbox One. The policies of Microsoft has killed any chance of me purchasing their box. I believe DRM only hurts honest consumers, and really doesn't punish any of the pirates. If someone wants something bad enough, the DRM will only slow them, not stop. I also desire the ability to borrow games from my friends, or rent them if I'm unsure of purchasing. Beyond that, it's all just a matter of preference.

    I was set to spend $599 on the PS4, so $399 is a windfall of extra cash. I figured about $500 for the One, so no gain there.

    The important note is the same DRM type stuff is actually in the PS4 too. All a company has to do is activate it. Give it one year. If EA and others see they are making money on used games via the One's stuff, it's popping on PS4.

    At the end of the day, I think both systems will do just fine and life will go on.

    I went to Amazon and looked to double check, but I have a "launch day" PS4, which is guaranteed to be delivered on release date. I'm kind of curious if we're going to see Holiday shortages and super-high eBay prices this time around or if they've made a ton of these systems right away.
  • zombiesama
    zombiesama Posts: 755 Member
    Final Score: Playstation: 4 - Xbox : 1

    Xbox down! Someone call an ambulance... Wii U Wii U Wii U...

    LMAO! This cracked me up

    I've always been a Sony fangirl, but wooooooow MS SO FAILZ!!!!

    I'm totally sold on the PS4.

    And uber fangirlgasmed over Kingdom Hearts 3 :heart: :heart: :heart: :blushing:

    I was super excited that they showed something for it! :D
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Meh I still love my Kinect and can't wait for DC 4 :)
  • bullsfan22
    bullsfan22 Posts: 104
    Was thinking the same thing. Got myself a launch edition also with all the bad feedback for One it seems that PS4 might sell out and be the hot item. I don't really need to sell mine but if some rich dude offering like $1500 for it I'd be an idiot not to upgrade my gaming rig instead.
  • Genem30
    Genem30 Posts: 431 Member
    Was F5'ing the Amazon PS4 page leading up to the end of the E3 press conference, got in on a launch edition pretty quick. Pre-ordered Watchdogs and Killzone, may end up getting Knack, too, haven't decided for sure.

    PS4 is also going to have Planetside 2 and Warframe at launch, both Free 2 Play games and don't require Plus to play them online if that's a concern for people. If you haven't played Planetside 2 on the PC already, you're definitely in for a treat. Haven't played Warframe on the PC, but I've heard good things.

    Now that MS has relaxed their DRM stuff, I may pick up an XBO at some point down the line, but PS4 is definitely my launch console of choice given that Sony tends to step outside the box when it comes to games. Titanfall looks fine and all, but it looks like future Call of Duty with mechs, and I've seen more than enough Call of Duty. Dead Rising 3 peaked my interest, but hearing that it doesn't have the humor and quirkiness that DR1 and 2 had is bumming me out.
  • astartig
    astartig Posts: 549 Member
    With PS finally requiring PS+ for online play for all people I think I am going to switch also.

    I always hated the free online for PS, it was terrible because everyone would use it often flooding the place with people who were really bad (no mic) etc. I always loved Xbox for that one reason they forced you to pay to play.

    Xbox really really screwed up, I was ready to buy both but with all this crap coming out from Xbox camp I think I'll stick to PS4.

    Did you hear about Gaikai, sounds very interesting, the ability to go back and buy any game you might've missed. I am dying to try Ni No Kuni but don't feel like buying a PS3 for 1 game especially with PS4 on the brink. Now I can just buy it and play at a later date.

    This, but really other than new halo games I don't have a lot of reason to be on xbox any more. and now that halo isn't bungie and bungie is still doing stuff that looks an awful lot like halo but I can play it on ps4.. not a lot of reason for both consoles even ignoring the ridiculous requirements of xbox4.
  • StarGeezer
    StarGeezer Posts: 351
    I pre-ordered Launch Editions for both consoles during E3. Was on the fence about the XBO, but it does have some exclusives I'm interested in. The new Halo, Project Spark, etc. However, push-comes-to-shove, and I'm more excited about the PS4. As I'm already a Playstation+ member (have been since day 1), requiring it was a non-issue for me. It will likely be my console-of-choice when considering cross-platform titles, as it seems to have a slight edge in performance specs. I'm intrigued by some of the features, particularly the Share capability, Gaikai, and ability to cross-play on the Vita. Bring it! :)
  • Genem30
    Genem30 Posts: 431 Member
    I pre-ordered Launch Editions for both consoles during E3. Was on the fence about the XBO, but it does have some exclusives I'm interested in. The new Halo, Project Spark, etc. However, push-comes-to-shove, and I'm more excited about the PS4. As I'm already a Playstation+ member (have been since day 1), requiring it was a non-issue for me. It will likely be my console-of-choice when considering cross-platform titles, as it seems to have a slight edge in performance specs. I'm intrigued by some of the features, particularly the Share capability, Gaikai, and ability to cross-play on the Vita. Bring it! :)

    I'm a huge Dead Rising fan, so I'll be picking up an XBO at some point, probably next holiday season, then I'll be able to buy the game for a song. I figure MS might drop the price on the system by then, maybe pull out the Kinect completely, but even if not, I kind of expect a price drop regardless. I'm not a big Halo fan, Spark Project looks cool, but it's coming to the PC and 360 as well, so I'll just try it out on one of those.