Week #7 posts & schedule

Week 7 Schedule
Day 1: Max Cardio Conditioning
Day 2: Max Interval Circuit
Day 3: Max Interval Plyo
Day 4: Max Recovery
Day 5: Max Cardio Conditioning and Cardio Abs
Day 6: Core Cardio & BalanceDay 7: Off

Shaun T Week #7 Video http://youtu.be/ukx2hgL1iyk

Sorry I was away most of week 6. I had a passing in the family and I am not really coping well. I did not do much last week. So I am continuing on, however, I will be adding week #6 to the end of the program and doing it then. :( I will do my best to be better at posting again for our motivation and encouragement.
I did Max Cardio Conditioning today and toasted 460-something calories. Then added TurboFire 30class totaled 778 cals burned. It was very hard to not get/be emotional burning the TF workout though....but Im getting better. Last week I couldn't even do a workout for more then 10mins w/out being emotional. Progress is happening! :D


  • boberrymom
    boberrymom Posts: 362 Member
    So sorry for your loss **hugs**
    Glad to see you back in the groove of Insanity. Woot woot for progress.

    **hugs** just in case you need extra :) Thanks for posting Week 7 :)
  • ghsfitnesspal
    ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member
    Glad to see you back too - it's incredibly hard to get back into normality once you've had such a disruption to your life. Take your time - dont be rushing anything, you know how important it is to look after yourself both body and mind. Well done for getting those snippets in :)

    I didnt rock this mornings workout anyway - an hour less sleep = zero muscle energy!
  • ghsfitnesspal
    ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member
    By the way - I pushed my cals up to 1800 or so. For the last couple of months I've been thinking allll the time about how to reach the macros blah blah blah. Last week I thought sod it, just eat normally and log away.

    And guess what - higher, better cals, and no stress. Bonkers!
  • ghsfitnesspal
    ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member
    NSV!! I hopped out the shower this morning and looked in the mirror and tightened my 'upper abs' area, I dont know what it's called, but by the diaphragm, just to see if I could even notice it moving..or something! I then spent about 5minutes giggling to myself as I moved the muscles around my stomach and being totally impressed that I could a.control them and b. know theyre there!

    This isnt a toned tummy folks, I'm probably around 35% body fat, but there are things under there! And they, like, totally DO stuff!
  • boberrymom
    boberrymom Posts: 362 Member
    lmao you gave me a visual of you standing in front of the mirror doing like the wave with your tummy muscles lol.

    Woot woot for muscles being under there! I have yet to see mine but i don't like looking in the mirror lately. Will try that sometime :)
  • JoyfullySimpleFit
    Week #7 Day #3

    Thanks EVERYONE for the sympathy. It really is hard to move forward with the body when the mind is elsewhere. This was my first loss so its new but I am doing well. Yesterday was hubby's birthday and it went well. We had breakfast for dinner...lol...his request.
    I did Max Ploy today and did 492cals. Yikes! That is intense...lol. But I am liking the Plyo workouts. :D

    So today I want to just remind you (as I had a friend in the Facebook group need some motivation and encouragement today)
    Keep providing positive affirmations to yourself, and go into the workouts ready to push yourself and get the max out of the time you spend doing INSANITY. That intensity could be the difference between meeting your goals and falling short.

    Oh and @GHS, thanks for the visual. That is great to see improvements no matter how big or small. It helps keep that fire inside burning to achieve more. Congrats on the progress. :)
  • ghsfitnesspal
    ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member
    Breakfast for supper - is that like cereal or eggs, or like a 'full English' we make over here, with bacon and eggs and tomatos and bananas and sausages and mushrooms and toast because that sounds awesome :D

    No..no tummy wave...that move makes me feel ill when I see it!
  • ghsfitnesspal
    ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member
    Sounds like you're crazy busy BBMom - you're doing very well and sometimes life gets in the way of what you intended to do. If you're shattered leave it one day and pick up with more energy the next day :) You wont let it slide, we're so close now!
  • boberrymom
    boberrymom Posts: 362 Member
    I picked it up today and did yesterdays workout again and felt so awesome after i was done although i didn't feel that way while i was doing it lol. I noticed today that while i was out running playing soccer with the kids, i could run longer and faster, it was so fun. I know in the end of Insanity i will be so much stronger. I just need to plan more ahead i think and be prepared.
    I'm so glad that i have you guys to support, it makes all the difference when I am having a bad day.

  • ghsfitnesspal
    ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member
    "Over a day, you need about 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. (Plenty of Internet "experts" confuse kilograms with pounds on this one. Pesky metric system. To determine your weight in kilograms, divide your weight in pounds by 2.2.)"

    There was a post about eatin' from Insanity earlier - http://beachbodysocial.com/CdZ that quote above is from it. Thought it might be of use for you guys :)

    REST tomorrow, FINALLY! I had to skip rest day to catch up last week, and so keep the rest day at the weekend, and so tomorrow I'm so thrilled I can sleep until 9am not have an hours of leaping about before heading to rehearsal. Whoop!