What supplements are you taking?

Hey everybody! My husband and I are both 23 and have been ttc for 4 years.
We have done three cycles with femara and have tried metformin (which made me so sick I couldn't leave the house)
We had an HSG test and found that my right tube was slightly blocked but the dye cleared it out. Still no baby.
We are now trying the natural route.
I am on cinnamon to control blood sugar, iron, magnesium (because those with PCOS are usually low on mag.), flax seed oil, a prenatal, vitex, and inositol powder with choline.
I only started with these 2 weeks ago and would love to hear some success stories about them.
Are there any other supplements I'm missing?
Would love to hear from all you PCOS ladies!


  • fairie_marie
    I only take my prenatal because I am able to tolorate the met. We have been trying for 2 years and I am on my 3rd round of clomid. I am not taking any more after this.. I am getting close to being under 200 lbs and I'm pretty sure that my body will work once Im there.

    Good Luck
  • CharRicho
    CharRicho Posts: 389 Member
    I just started working with a naturopathic doctor, so step 1, she has me on a gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free low-carb diet - with that I'm taking:
    A multivitamin
    A probiotic
    Vitamin D
    Milk Thistle
    Something called Glucoplex that has Thiamine pyrophosphate, biotin, chromium, alpha-lipoic acid, n-acetyl-l-cysteine and gymnema sylvestre.

    I am also still taking my birth control pill, and she wants me to stay on that for another 6 weeks to let the diet and supplements do their work, and then she'll take me off the bcp, and start other supplements to target ovulation.
  • joeylu
    joeylu Posts: 208 Member
    vitamin E

    I followed the 40%carbs 30%fat 30%protein and was Pregnant in 4 months after 2 yrs of TTC and specialists. I dont take any medications like metformin
  • Flo_Abreu
    Flo_Abreu Posts: 1 Member
    1 Prenatal
    2 Fish Oil
    1 Magnesium Tablet
    30 drops of liquid Maca extract 2x per day
    (and alegra for allergies...lol)
  • Cinam1234
    Cinam1234 Posts: 3
    I use cinnamon and folic acid
  • WifeofPJ
    WifeofPJ Posts: 312
    I just started working with a naturopathic doctor, so step 1, she has me on a gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free low-carb diet - with that I'm taking:
    A multivitamin
    A probiotic
    Vitamin D
    Milk Thistle
    Something called Glucoplex that has Thiamine pyrophosphate, biotin, chromium, alpha-lipoic acid, n-acetyl-l-cysteine and gymnema sylvestre.

    I am also still taking my birth control pill, and she wants me to stay on that for another 6 weeks to let the diet and supplements do their work, and then she'll take me off the bcp, and start other supplements to target ovulation.

    What does the Milk Thistle do? I take the rest of the stuff that you take but the Glucoplex as well but I take Cinnamon with Chromium in it.
  • CharRicho
    CharRicho Posts: 389 Member

    What does the Milk Thistle do? I take the rest of the stuff that you take but the Glucoplex as well but I take Cinnamon with Chromium in it.

    Yah I've seen the "other" Glucoplex lol, weird that there are two similar things with the same name, but different ingredients.
    I think that milk thistle is just for liver support, I was recommended to take it for the first couple of months after switching my diet, which I think is support for cleaning out the bad stuff that I was eating before, but I think I'm just finishing off the capsules that I have and probably not buying it again because the last time I saw my naturopath she didn't say to keep taking it.
  • noojim
    noojim Posts: 49 Member
    At the moment I take:
    pre-conception multivitamin
    high dose D3-vitamin
    co-enzyme Q10
    omega 3

    Occasionally zinc, chromium, selenium and evening primrose oil or sea buckthorn oil.