Starting it again

nysha145 Posts: 28 Member
SO i'm starting insanity again the first time I did it I go to 25 days and I was mad that I only lost 5 pounds and stop. But this time I'm going to do it again because now I know more about fitness and so far I've lost 24 pounds and I know this time I will do the whole 60 days and I'm also going to measure as well so that I can see the inches. Well wish me luck I can't wait. I hope this will get me to 180 I'm 196 right now:)


  • singh72047
    singh72047 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm on my third try, something always came up and distracted me. This time it's for real, NO PAIN NO GAIN!!!
  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    Let's kick butt people :drinker:
  • nysha145
    nysha145 Posts: 28 Member
    We can do this and we are going to make all the way through:) lets do this day 4
  • singh72047
    singh72047 Posts: 10 Member
    Day 4 and I screwed up my elbow. I can barely move it. I'm gonna do my best today and hopefully nothing goes wrong.