healthy snacks while breastfeeding

TheJamLady Posts: 21 Member
What are your favorite healthy snacks that you make or keep on hand to keep up your energy while breastfeeding? Lately I'm finding I'm grabbing lots of foods I know aren't great for my weight loss goals (cookies, chocolate chips, granola bar, etc.) simply because they are quick and easy. With a newborn and two older kids running around, my free time is at a minimum. I will often also grab healthier stuff like fruit or a glass of milk, but it just doesn't stave off the hunger. Ideas?


  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Protein shakes and/or bars are what get me through the day. I also try to grab Greek yogurt, but that usually requires two hands to eat efficiently.
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    Try adding cheese or nuts with your fruit to add in some protein. I agree that fruit by itself isn't all that filling.

    Not all granola bars are that bad, try to find ones that are high fiber/low sugar.

    Oatmeal (plain/steel cut with chopped nuts, dried fruits).

    Boiled eggs.

    Can you prep sandwiches the night before? Tuna, and PB/PBJ are my faves.

    Veggies and hummus.

    I agree with RBX about protein shakes/bars being filling, same with Greek yogourt.

    I use a breastfeeding pillow when I nurse, and it allows me to feed my baby hands free, and I make sure I'm sitting at the end of the couch so I can set things on the side table for easy access.
  • 80lbslost
    80lbslost Posts: 93 Member
    This is what I eat: Greek yogurt with nuts and/or trail mix, string cheese, cottage cheese with wheat crackers or triscuits, Nature Valley protein bars, rice cake or slice of whole wheat bread with tbsp PB.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I also bought chia seeds to add to my Greek yogurt but haven't had the guts to try it yet...
  • ks4e
    ks4e Posts: 374 Member
    I have a busy schedule and sometimes I hardly have time to eat. I try to have a high protein/high healthy fat diet.

    -Protein powder in greek yogurts or as shakes
    -Protein bars (if you have time to make them, it'll be cheaper)
    -Peanut butter/almond butter/cashew butter (just do spoonfuls at a time if you don't have time to make a sandwich!)
    -Drizzle fish filets/vegetables with olive oil when you do have time to sit down and eat
    -Typical fruits/veggies (but too much of that instead of other things results in me not having enough cals for making milk)

    I also find myself wearing baby in a mei tai and eating with both hands sometimes, but honestly, my day is kind of peppered with snacks to meet my calories.
  • marshmallow8978
    marshmallow8978 Posts: 57 Member
    When mine was a newborn I ate a lot of; Cheesesticks, kind bars, greek yogurt, hard boiled eggs, popcorn, sandwiches, fruit, veggies and hummus.
    Basically anything i could eat one handed that wasnt messy.
  • ikes_mama
    ikes_mama Posts: 4
    Greek yogurt sounds awesome.

    Chas, your little one looks like mine at that age, does he also have torticollis?
  • TheJamLady
    TheJamLady Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks for all your the great ideas. Hauled out the protein powder I already have and picked up some Greek yogurt. Doing better with cravings
  • akmokihanag
    I've been snacking on almonds, low fat string cheese, & I cube all my "larger" fruits in advance like cantelope & honey dew melon so its grab and go.