Living with Crohn's

Kougra Posts: 358 Member
I was diagnosed over 15 years ago and let me tell you, It has been a crazy journey. It hasn't been easy and I know that it will always be difficult. But I am taking my life back from this illness and do what I can to help in the fight to find a cure. I hope others will join me in fighting these devastating illnesses.


  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    I've been living with Crohns since 2008 but am sure I've not seen the worst of it yet. Somehow managed to avoid getting too ill or having any operations. I suppose its only a matter of time.

    My philsophy is to now get myself into a best shape as I can to help my body and mind deal with Crohns when it flares up.

    Funny thing is, the only thing I don't suffer from with Crohns is the "weight loss". Ah well.

    Happy for any Crohnsy friend adds - just make sure you include a mesage. :)
  • Kougra
    Kougra Posts: 358 Member
    The best thing you can do is stay stay healthy. My weight is like a crazy roller coaster. Also make sure you practice stress management. Meditation is a wonderful tool.

    Glad to hear you haven't had severe symptoms or surgeries. Glad to have you here!! :flowerforyou:
  • toontownchicky
    toontownchicky Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there. My name is Pam and I was diagnosed with Crohn's back in 2005. I have not had any surgeries but have been on all sorts of medications and am presently on Remicade. I have periods of time where I feel like I am doing well ... but other times really quite honestly feel like hell. I have no energy and all I want to do is sleep but can't stay away from the bathroom long enough to get rested.

    I have been a heavier set person for as long as I can remember ... and every time I saw the gastro who diagnosed me he would tell me I needed to loose weight ... when I myself could not for the life of me figure out how I was to do that when I as my husband says it "**** like a goose" and absorb none of my nutrition. Awhile ago I switched gastroenterologists and she sent me to a nutiritionist. That nurtrionist told me that I needed to stop worrying about losing weight and worry about being healthy. She put me on a ton of vitamins etc and since then I have started to loose weight. There are some things I know are triggers for me .... and then other times it feels like anything I put in my mouth is a trigger.

    I have never been part of a support group for my Crohns but I am frustrated and sick and tired of being sick and tired. Looking forward to hearing from some of you. :wink:
  • hdlb
    hdlb Posts: 333 Member
    Hey everyone. I'm newly diagnosed (April 1st this year) and its been awful. 3 hospitalizations before finally having surgery last week. They removed almost 3 feet of small intestine, and found 2 abscesses (one was leaking) and a fisture. It's been a long few months, but now I am finally able to focus on being as healthy as I can through diet and eventually exercise. I still have a section with active Crohns, so I'm not out of trouble yet. Just hoping to hold things off for as long as possible.
  • HardcoreP0rk
    HardcoreP0rk Posts: 936 Member
    My bf has Crohn's and I never knew how devastating this disease was until I dated him. I'm here for you!
  • Hey everyone,

    I was diagnosed with Crohns in 2009 after waking up to severe stomach pain which lasted about 3mths and 50lbs weight loss. I found out I had a fistula in 2010 and had a bowel resectioning on October of 2011. Im currently taking Remcaide every 8wks, Lialda, and a host of other vitamins. I have flare-ups every now and then but not as severe as they were before the surgery. I have many days a month where I just cant get out of the bed. Whether Im super tired or in pain. I refuse to let my doctor place me back on steroids so Ive been toughing out the pain. Im mostly afraid of gaining more weight back. She told me last week I need to drop lbs but not sure how to do so when the meds makes me gain more lbs. Very frustrasted and glad there is a group I can chat with where others are having the same issues.

    Are there any suggestions on what you ladies did to lose the weight?? I have changed my eating although I dont allows follow through with it. UUugh Help