Favourite/Least Favourite 5 x 5 Lift?



  • shellfly
    shellfly Posts: 186
    Like many of you, my favorite lift is the squat. I think a lot of it is a matter of famliarity - I started doing unweighted squats way back in Feb. and advanced to doing squats with dumbells (increasing weight over time), so when I moved to SL, obviously it's different with the bar, but I at least was quite familiar with the concept. I started with high bar though, not really seeing that Mehdi was doing low bar. Once I figured that out, I transitioned to it, but it's been a bit challenging, as I was so used to keeping super vertical in my squats.

    I like deadlifts, as it's amazing to be able to lift that much weight, but as the weight goes up, I get a little more scared/intimidated each time. I try to keep good form, but I worry that it's not good enough or might falter at the wrong moment. The other lifts seem more forgiving (although that may be an illusion and just due to they're currently being at lower weights).

    I actually don't mind the rows. I thought I was doing terribly with them, thought my form was all wrong, but I took video of my session, and my form was actually really close to what it should be, so that cheered me up about them!

    I like bench presses. They're so challenging, and again, I've been doing a form of them for a while - was doing chest presses before with the dumbells.

    I'm extremely frustrated by the OHP. I had gotten to 40 lbs and then was watching a bunch of the videos on form and realized I wasn't doing them correctly. Now, with correct form (or as close as I can get to it right now), I'm back down to 35 lbs. I just want to hit the Olympic bar weight so I can stop using the other lighter bar with weights! I don't know why I'm so weak on this one or what it's going to take to strengthen it.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    I dislike rows so much I have never even tried them with a barbell. I love doing (one-armed) dumbbell rows on a bench, though. They feel safe and I can do a lot of weight on them.

    I suck at OHPs and always feel like I am about to come apart at the seams when I do deadlifts.
  • kopmom
    kopmom Posts: 491 Member
    Favorite - Deadlift

    Least- OHP
  • miovlb6
    miovlb6 Posts: 339 Member
    My favorite is definitely the Deadlift. I've always had pretty strong legs and back so I feel really comfortable with deadlifts.

    And least favorite is probably the Overhead Press. My shoulders have always been my trouble area, so I just seem to struggle with these more than with anything else.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    favourite: squats or deadlift, can't decide

    least favourite: OHP my shoulder mobility sucks I can't even get my arms to go back as far as they do in the videos on form. plus my shoulders are weak. working on both those things though....
  • Sugar_Junkie
    Sugar_Junkie Posts: 366 Member
    Favorite: this is tough but its a toss between squat and bench. I love that I can bench press, and I love that I have people in the gym come over to me and say your squats are awesome, you go so low and your form is perfect.

    Least Favorite: OHP only because it is taking a light year to advance. 6-7 weeks in and still just at 55 lbs which is still rough to hit 5x5!