Weight Stats

tiff1632 Posts: 52 Member
I was thinking we could post our weight stats to help with the motivation! If you're not comfortable with putting numbers then put how much you have to lose to get to pre-pregnancy weight (+40lbs)!

Name Pre-Pregnacy Weight Post-Pregnancy Weight
Tiffany Snyder 132lb 198lb (so far...) :noway:


  • Hello! :)

    I'm not going to post my weight just yet, I'll wait till after I have Layla and know where my real starting weight is, but I need to lose a ton. I had issues with an eating disorder and had just kinda gotten over it before getting pregnant. And uh... yeah... all those years when the dr. said I was killing my metabolism by doing what I was doing... he wasn't lying-lol- I gained a lot in the year before getting pregnant so...yeah. I have quite the weight loss journey ahead of me. But I've lost 60lbs in a year before and that was when I was only trying to sporadically, so I figure with this support group and me making a real conscious effort daily to lose it the right way... I'm thinking my goal will be to hit my goal weight by my birthday (March 7, 2014). I'm having a hard time picking a realistic weight too. My husband and I have very different views on what I should weigh. We will see.
  • Yep I am gonna wait until after I have the baby but I have gained 30lbs while preggers thus far; so I know at least that much!
  • natosha
    natosha Posts: 2
    Me too. I think I'll wait until after I have him to know where I stand. Thankfully, I've only gained 15 lbs during the pregnancy so far (34 weeks), but I need to lose so much more than that, so my goals might be a bit different than the typical, "lose the baby weight" kind of goal. :)

    And Emily....you should go with what you think your goal weight should be (as long as it's healthy) since it's your body, after all. :)
  • See, I think 110 is good. It is just barely underweight (18.3 on the bmi scale). He thinks that it isn't realistic or healthy. So... we'll see. I might set a goal weight, but actually just go by how I fit/look in my old clothes. Because if I can fit into some of my favorite smaller clothes and look good doing it, then the actual number on the scale won't bother me as much... I think-lol
  • Ive gained a good 50 ish lbs this pregnancy so I would actually like to lose about 60 to get where I want to be.
  • daisee214
    daisee214 Posts: 3
    hi ladies!

    i think i'll wait too (lower starting point.. hehehe) .. so far i've gained 40+lbs but i'm starting to stabilize so we'll see. i'm glad we have this group to help keep us motivated and somewhat accountable! =)

  • Yikes this is scary to admit!! Before I got pregnant I was 138 lbs. and so far I am up to 189 lbs. Holy cow do I have a long way to go once my little one is born! Let's do this!!!
  • murjes81
    murjes81 Posts: 4
    Ok I am at 168 right now, I had put on a few pounds prior to getting pregnant after stopping birth control (it messed with my body pretty bad). So far I have gained 36lbs but ideally I would like to be at around 115-120 once everything is said and done.

    I am not going to update my info in the system until after birth.
  • alifargas
    alifargas Posts: 1
    I'm up 25 pounds with 5 weeks to go! I would love to get back down to my pre-pregnancy weight of 135 (maybe even less!) . So I figure I will have around 30 pounds to lose. It's gonna be hard with a little one. I also plan on using Shrinks Hips and a belly band to shrink my waist. Hope it works!!
  • taylorlhb
    taylorlhb Posts: 1
    Well, I started out at around 130 and I'm now at 186. Thankfully I seem to have plateaued at that weight and haven't gained anything for the past few weeks! My mom put on around 60lbs during each of her pregnancies and she took it all off quite quickly so hopefully we'll all be able to do the same, especially given that we have the support of the group. Ideally I'd like to lose an extra 5lbs since 125 seems to be my "sweet spot" where I look and feel my best.
  • April_K
    April_K Posts: 4
    I started at 164 which is about 14lbs heavier than my goal weight :( Thankfully I haven't gained that much and I am only up to 180 (5lbs less than when I started my weight loss efforts in October of 2011)...I will update after the baby comes when I start up with this again! I am so excited to have this group on here to help keep motivated!!!
  • blakes422
    blakes422 Posts: 1
    How funny, April we are in the same weight position. I was 164 when I found out I was pregnant and I'm floating between 178 and 180 right now. My lowest in the past 3 yrs was 145 and super toned for our wedding day but an ideal weight for my body type is a muscular 150 / low 150s.
  • I need to lose 20 lbs. Its hard but I know with help from people on here it will be great. My son will be 2 next month and I wanna be able to run the 10k with my son. Its a mommy and me run. I'm needing to lose the weight and eat healthier. Hope some of you on here would add me and help me out.
  • ziggy1435
    ziggy1435 Posts: 2
    So I need your opinion. Which starting weight would you use? I track my weight pretty religiously. When I found out I was pregnant I was 130 lbs. I gained 4 lbs a week or so before I found out I was pregnant b/c I pigged out (probably b/c I was pregnant and didn't know it). So my weight at the beginning of the month was 126. I know this is probably a no brainer, but I'm also trying to figure out which weight to use so I can track how much weight I've gained so far.
  • tiff1632
    tiff1632 Posts: 52 Member
    My weight at the midwife's today was 203.4 <--- WTF!! Ugh....
  • ToxicRain
    ToxicRain Posts: 1
    Well im not TOO shy about my weight though i know alot of people will look at me and think why in the hell not LOL. I was 210 to start with :-( the heaviest i've ever been! And to my knowledge has gained about 30 pounds this pregnancy, but probably more now :-( But i absolutely love my curves (when they look like curves and not fat) hahaha. So im thinking i only wanna get down to about 180 or so. My boobs and *kitten* takes up half of my weight anyway so i can only imagine adding the milk x_x Hope your girls can keep my lazy behind motivated after this little girl is here ;-)
  • I must admit that I'm starting to feel a bit concerned. If I am feeling too tired to go to the gym now... what is it going to be like on less sleep and taking care of a baby? Y'all had better kick my butt and hold me accountable-lol