Where to go from here...

devan33 Posts: 177 Member
Today I officially hit my original goal weight. 3 years ago I lost the weight so I could get pregnant and be healthy, and I told myself if I got back to that size/weight, that I would be happy and satisfied. However...now that I am here...I wonder how much my body can improve from this point. I know there is a lot of room still to see this happen. I'm going to start with a new 10lb goal and change my ticker to reflect that. I can't remember the last time I was in a 140ish range...10lbs will put me in the middle of that range, and hopefully I will continue being more fit and comfortable with myself :) Thanks for your support!!!


  • runner115
    runner115 Posts: 321 Member
    I am impressed and envious! I had a minor setback the last two days...my evening 200 calorie snack got a little out of control and I didn't track my calories/meals yesterday...my older daughter turns 19 tmw...I will be doing a lot of cooking today and tomorrow...and don't want to be burdened with the calorie count so I have decided to give myself the weekend of from the journaling, but will still aim to eat well...so far, so good, two small healthy meals in...and I went to the gym, grocery store and pulled weeds this morning, so not all is lost : )

    Have a great weekend everyone...I'll be 'back' on Monday...
  • wannabesexymama
    wannabesexymama Posts: 367 Member
    First off WTG Hun you look amazing! Good luck getting to that next goal always strive to be better! :drinker:
  • devan33
    devan33 Posts: 177 Member
    Thanks guys!!! It's been a long 6 months...this is the point where I would just normally be happy and then put it all back on.... :( BUt now I am thinking..if I keep this up..another 6 months could be a whole new and fitter me!!! My mom passed away at 48. She was obese, a smoker, food addict, pain medication dependent...and also a nurse who knew better...she had a routine shoulder surgery and then died almost 2 weeks later with no warning at all..just collapsed...she had ruined her body and it gave up so easily...I don't want to leave my kids like that :(
  • cassondrarn
    cassondrarn Posts: 11 Member
    So, I decided today to shoot for running my first 5k ever. It's near my birthday and its a zombie theme. You can choose to run either as a zombie or a survivor (who of course get chased by the zombies). I'm up to 2 miles on the treadmill so I think I'll make it!
  • wannabesexymama
    wannabesexymama Posts: 367 Member
    @devan33 This is me hun my dad passed in '04 after 9 years of battling Heart Disease then 2 years almost to the day My mom passed of a blood clot to her lung... My dad was only slightly over weight but my mom was very big and didnt take care of her self most of my childhood she was always caring for others more then her self after dad passed she had started to care for her self but by then there was so much that wrong she was having a hard time! My parents were only 54 when they passed and I know that I have to do this for my children! I do not want to leave them like my parents left me! Lost and alone at barely 22.

    @cassondrarn That sounds like so much fun all though I dont know how your zombies are going to fair in the heat lol as for knowing if you should or not well I have never ran as an adult other then to keep my kids out of crap so cant really help ya there! I would run it just because of the theme with no real experience running, Probably fall out after about 20 yards but I would try!
  • spicypepper
    spicypepper Posts: 1,016 Member
    I wish I had the magical answer to your question :( You'll have to do what is best for you and you only. I will probably do the same thing when I get to my goal though and see just how far I can go.

    @cassan - Theres an obstacle run that I want to do in September that looks like fun! I won't be ready quite yet though.
  • umekanzah
    umekanzah Posts: 94 Member
    Wayyy to go devan! Sooo happy for you proud of you at the same time. I hope i can come back to these forums a few months down the road and report similiar results. Keep it up, you deserve to take care of yourself!