Fast Track Stories

msnique2 Posts: 18 Member
I just purchased the Fast Track book and started reading it. I'm going to get started on Monday.
I would love to hear success stories or just comments from others that have done the Fast Track or is doing it now.


  • DominoTr
    DominoTr Posts: 11 Member
    I read there's a couple of people doing it on the "is anyone out there" thread. Huge weight loss
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    I just purchased the Fast Track book and started reading it. I'm going to get started on Monday.
    I would love to hear success stories or just comments from others that have done the Fast Track or is doing it now.

    I will do it with you!!! Starting Monday the 25th - right???
  • msnique2
    msnique2 Posts: 18 Member
    That would be wonderful if you would do it with me!
    Yep, Monday the 25th.

    Have you done it before?

    THANKS for the support and motivation!

    If there's anyone else that would like to join us on the Fast Track starting Monday, 2/25; we'd love to have you. The more the merrier!
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    Have you done it before?

    No not before, this will be the first!
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    Have you done it before?

    No not before, this will be the first!

    I was going to start the 2nd but it did not happen so this will br the first time! I am excited and glad I have someone doing it with me.
  • msnique2
    msnique2 Posts: 18 Member
    This will be great for both of us!
  • kj4kis
    kj4kis Posts: 6 Member
    I have been on the Belly Fat Cure Fast Track Program. Today is my 15th day. So far I have lost 13 pounds. It was pretty simple, sometimes hard to eat some of the food I wasn't used too. I had never been able to eat fish, but I set my mind to it and have eaten quite a bit of it here lately. The results suprised me. I am going to do it again, but I am changing it up a bit to make it more affordable and more desirable. I am taking all the red meat and bacon out in exchange for more fish and turkey bacon. We will see how good it works the second time around.
  • Francoisee
    How does the Fast Track differ from the BFC and The 100?