Day 6 - June 16 I can post!!!!

spicypepper Posts: 1,016 Member
Sorry I've been MIA, everytime I tried to log into this group it wouldn't complete the request.

How have the past 2 days been? Are you still logging????

Any exciting plans for today?


  • bsracer
    bsracer Posts: 35 Member
    Still logging! I feel like I'm doing pretty good but still need someone to look at my eating and see how I can improve. will weigh when I get home from work on Thursday!
  • coachredhead
    coachredhead Posts: 26 Member
    Still logging and staying on track. Hope your doing great.
  • wannabesexymama
    wannabesexymama Posts: 367 Member
    Yesterday was awesome logging for me and a great burn day because I mowed the lawn burned as many calories mowing as I had to eat so I ate a great dinner last night and my water intake has been Great! I still have my whole day ahead of me today though So far Im doing ok!
  • umekanzah
    umekanzah Posts: 94 Member
    I hosted a dinner party for 12 people yesterday so there was a lot of cooking involved. I didnot stay within my calories and was too busy with cooking, cleaning and taking care of kiddos to report out here. So i gave myself permission to not work out or count my calories till i get back on my feet (which is tomorrow). Today, i just want to study some and spend time with my children. I will back to logging faithfully and working out like i should.

    So glad to write all this out and to have this outlet to share.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    I had a great work out week last week
    8 exercise sessions in 5 days. Repeat this week.
  • spicypepper
    spicypepper Posts: 1,016 Member
    Still logging! I feel like I'm doing pretty good but still need someone to look at my eating and see how I can improve. will weigh when I get home from work on Thursday!

    Today is looking good, but yesterday you had a lot of sodium intake. Did you increase your water at all to counter the salt? Today you might be just a bit swollen from water retention.

    I think you're definitely on the right track, just monitor that sodium; I'm guilty on that too.
  • spicypepper
    spicypepper Posts: 1,016 Member
    Still logging and staying on track. Hope your doing great.

    Awesome!!!! Almost done with the first week!!! Do you weigh weekly, daily?
  • spicypepper
    spicypepper Posts: 1,016 Member
    Yesterday was awesome logging for me and a great burn day because I mowed the lawn burned as many calories mowing as I had to eat so I ate a great dinner last night and my water intake has been Great! I still have my whole day ahead of me today though So far Im doing ok!

    I <3 mowing the yard! I have to fight the hubby for that so I need to up my game and do it when he's at work! Ha ha!
  • spicypepper
    spicypepper Posts: 1,016 Member
    I hosted a dinner party for 12 people yesterday so there was a lot of cooking involved. I didnot stay within my calories and was too busy with cooking, cleaning and taking care of kiddos to report out here. So i gave myself permission to not work out or count my calories till i get back on my feet (which is tomorrow). Today, i just want to study some and spend time with my children. I will back to logging faithfully and working out like i should.

    So glad to write all this out and to have this outlet to share.

    I try to allow myself a cheat day about 1 x a month. I'm thinking today just might be that day. I personally think it helps keep me in check. I think you're on the right path with getting back into the swing of things today for sure.

    Wow, 12 people dinner party? I don't even think I've got that many close friends to have over at the same time. :)
  • spicypepper
    spicypepper Posts: 1,016 Member
    I had a great work out week last week
    8 exercise sessions in 5 days. Repeat this week.

    Amazing!!!! I try to exercise daily because my motto is if I don't then I won't.
  • doompop
    doompop Posts: 25 Member
    Had an major energy crash yesterday, couldn't focus on my work or really think straight, and craved carbs (quick fix?). Instead of viewing this as an inevitable giving-up-for-the-day, I *planned* to get a big snack that would keep me within calories. My personal challenge this week was tackling mental road blocks and realizing that deciding a day was a failure would, drum roll please... lead to failure.

    Well, I found pop chips (!), and drank a bunch of water to even out the carbo-load and salt. Logging calories might be my way out of a vicious snack cycle. I worked out this morning and have energy, to boot. Feeling positive about a successful week 1 -- excited to see what will come after 7 more!

    one decision at a time, thank you all,
  • doompop
    doompop Posts: 25 Member
    Nice work everyone!
  • cassondrarn
    cassondrarn Posts: 11 Member
    I'm consistently within my calorie goals, trying to correct my percentages to match. Feeling great, almost looking forward to weighing this week :-). Working on building stamina on the treadmill.
  • wannabesexymama
    wannabesexymama Posts: 367 Member
    Yesterday was awesome logging for me and a great burn day because I mowed the lawn burned as many calories mowing as I had to eat so I ate a great dinner last night and my water intake has been Great! I still have my whole day ahead of me today though So far Im doing ok!

    I <3 mowing the yard! I have to fight the hubby for that so I need to up my game and do it when he's at work! Ha ha!

    Haha that's what I done yesterday hubby was at work and came home and was like wow you did a lot today, I haven't been hungry today hardly at all I don't know if that all the calories I burned yesterday or my water intake or just my sinus mess but either way bring on the weight loss I'm way motivated after getting back in a medium shirt this week :bigsmile:
  • TinaBaily
    TinaBaily Posts: 792 Member
    Posting here on day 7. I put on 1.5 lbs this week. My TOM is approaching. The calendar and my stomach tell me so. WHY does my body crave carbs for a few days, and so strongly, as it approaches??? ARgh!!! Anyway, I had a great start to the week, staying in a calorie range for losing, then came the weekend and that was it. It didn't help that I had a family stress trigger happening in the midst of it all. (I'm a stress eater, too.) I guess I should be happy that all I gained was 1.5lbs from last Monday.'s a new day and I'm starting it off right! Best of luck to everyone! Keep that willpower up, hit those workouts, and let's all get to feeling and looking more fit!
  • bgpoole
    bgpoole Posts: 10
    I feel pretty good about last week. I logged every day except Sat/Sun....back on track today...will TRY to do better this weekend.
  • Cinderellis
    Cinderellis Posts: 17 Member
    still logging - have been MIA as I was out of town to visit my daughter for her baby shower. I caught up on my log for the weekend and am determined to make this week a good one (as soon as I catch up on a little sleep tonight). I will try to go back and get caught up with everyone's posts. Hope all is well and we are headed forward!