Challenge Schedule

melissalanggin Posts: 46 Member
Hey Everyone,

Now that things are coming back to normal (somewhat) I am able to get back into the swing of things. I was going to put out a schedule last week but with everything that went on I just didn't have time nor the energy to get on a computer. Below is how this challenge will work. Please let me know if you have any questions and I will be happy to help out any way that I can.

Starting Weights: End 5/31/2013
1st Week Challenge: 6/03/2013-6/7/2013 1st Weigh in 6/7/2013
2nd Week Challenge: 6/10/2013-6/14/2013 2nd Weigh in 6/10/2013
3rd Week Challenge: 6/17/2013-6/21/2013 3rd Weigh in 6/21/2013
4rth Week Challenge: 6/24/2013-6/28/2013 4rth Weigh In 6/28/2013

One week of the challenge is a REST WEEK for observance of Independence Day (NO CHALLENGE AND NO WEIGH IN) Will start back up the following week

5th Week challenge: 7/8/2013-7/12/2013 5th Weigh in 7/12/2013
6th Week Challenge: 7/15/2013-7/19/2013 6th Weigh in 7/19/2013
7th Week Challenge: 7/22/2013-7/26/2013 7th Weigh In 7/26/2013
8th Week Challenge: 7/29-2013-8/2/2013 8th Weigh In 8/2/2013
9th Week Challenge: 8/5/2013-8/9/2013 9th Weigh in 8/9/2013
10th Week Challenge: 8/12/2013-8/16/2013 10th Weigh in 8/16/2013
11th Week Challenge: 8/19/2013-8/23/2013 11th Weigh in 8/23/2013
12th Week Challenge: 8/26/2013-8/30/2013 12th Weigh in 8/30/2013

This will put us at the weekend right before labor day. I figured we could all rest this day and then think about another challenge before then :)
