Hello my name is Debbie.

Dee717 Posts: 1 Member
I've been on and off MFP but know this is the best way to lose the weight. I would love to have some friends for support on my long journey. I feel like I'm never going to hit the 40-50 pound mark but I keep saying to myself that I didn't gain this weight overnight. I find myself struggling on what to eat for lunch and dinner. Can anyone suggest low calorie foods?

Hope to chat soon.


  • sprue31
    sprue31 Posts: 2
    I often make enough of a healthy dinner to have leftovers for lunch. What sorts of things do you like to eat? Do you need to pack your lunch? Do you like to cook?
  • Nikilet
    Nikilet Posts: 7
    I think you are doing wonderfully on your journey. Sounds like you might be getting impatient tho. Don't let that bug get you. You are right in thinking you didn't gain it overnight so don't expect to lose it overnight. I am on this journey and I have my discouragment days too, but I'm hanging in there.