How many calories do you eat to lose weight?



  • amiaow
    amiaow Posts: 35 Member
    I'm 5'11.5", 167lb and I eat 2000-2100 to lose and 2500-2600 to maintain. I use the TDEE method and custom goals on MFP and only thus only track food and not exercise calories burned. Eating 2000-2100 is hard but am so close to BF% goal so it's not long until I can eat more food again! :)
  • joyjay4fun
    joyjay4fun Posts: 160
    Im 5'10, 186 currently. MFP had me on 1200 but I bumped it up to 1500. So if I get anywhere in that range I am happy. I work out 4-5 times a week and I dont eat back calories. I have a difficult time just hitting 1200 calories it seems. I eat 3 meals a day and a few snacks and Im not hungry in between so now I have incorporated a before gym snack and that seems to help me hit my calorie goals. So far so good, I started somewhere around 200-205.
  • Mischa413
    Mischa413 Posts: 16 Member
    MFP has me at 1700 to lose 1.5 lbs a week, but I strive to be under 1500. Sometimes the stupidest snacks or serving choices ruin the whole day for me. Thank goodness the weather is getting better and getting out to exercise will be more attractive.
  • samcat2000
    samcat2000 Posts: 106 Member
    Height: 5'10"
    Starting Weight - 158 lbs (started MFP at the end of Jan. 2013)
    Current Weight - 144 lbs
    Goal weight - 135 lbs
    Exercise days (5x/week) - 1,800 to 2,000 cal/day
    No-exercise days - about 1,400 cal/day

    MFP dropped me to 1,270 after I lost that first 10 lbs, but I'm not following that and am still eating the higher cals and still losing about .5 to 1 lb/week. (I usually weigh every 2 weeks or so so take the average.) While I'm working on losing the last 9 lbs, I'm also starting to strength train and am interested to see how that affects things.

    That is awesome! Since starting this thread I have upped my cals several times.. and am now eating 2000 on workout days (which is only lifting weights) and 1800 on rest days. So I ate 2000 calories today and it was awesome! I was also finally able to hit my protein goal, which I couldn't do before. I am even a little hungry still so I think that means that it is not too much food for me. Strength training makes me so hungry! And I love it! Never going back down to less than 1800!!

    I too have had to up my calories several times since joining MFP in January - even since my response above. Those MFP numbers are just WAY too low for me. No way no how could I only eat 1,270 a day on a regular basis.

    My TDEE at moderately active is 2151. I read somewhere that since I'm really close to my goal weight I should do the TDEE - 10% which takes me to 1,936. On days I don't workout, I aim for 1,500 calories and I don't even remember where I got that the other poster said NFI! I guess I'm doing a hybrid MFP - TDEE - 10% thing. I'm not gaining and I'm still slowly losing but don't know WTF I'm doing. Have seriously considered getting a consult with a nutritionist because the goal weight is not that important to me whereas I want to gain some muscle and probably need to be in some kind of calorie surplus. Like you, I've got to eat a lot after I strength train, especially upper body. I'm going to check out the eat to lose group like you suggested.
  • ukgirly01
    ukgirly01 Posts: 523 Member
    I started eating 1200 im at a healthy weight now so i usually stick under 1800 but I'm paleo so getting the calories in is harder as I seem fuller for longer so it usually ends up at 1400 fairly naturally
  • GeekAmour
    GeekAmour Posts: 262
    Just wanted to pop back in & say to Annelies11 that I am doing great now eating a proper amount of calories - losing slowly, but losing in a sustainable, healthy way.

    So big bump for tallies who JUST AREN'T EATING ENOUGH! xx
  • MissJen84
    MissJen84 Posts: 109 Member
    I'm 28 6ft tall and about 198, Myfitnesspal has me set at 1200 calories to loose 2 pounds a week, Ive bumped it up to 1430 which is a pound and a half a week, but I never loose more then about a pound and I work out 3-4 days a week. I did the TDEE calculation and it shows 2360 (with the option working out 1-3 days a week). If I subtract 20% that is 1888. I'm kinda of wanting to try it, but I have to be in a wedding in like 2 months, so it is making me nervous. I already have my dress, so I cant afford to gain any weight, I really need to be toning up so it looks better (a little tight in my hips and rib cage).
  • mermaidme23
    mermaidme23 Posts: 60 Member
    I'm 5'10 and I eat about 1250.....take a lot to keep that amount. I love me some food :o) <sigh>
  • Celeigh12
    Celeigh12 Posts: 763 Member
    I'm 6ft and have lost the last 120 or so pounds at 1700 calories. I would be unbearable to associate with at 1300...
  • Jayne19099
    Jayne19099 Posts: 149 Member
    Wow! What an eye opener! I eat way too little calories. I was trying for 1200 and I workout 4x a week and walk/run. I have been okay with the hunger I was just lethargic. I am totally upping my calories! Thanks ladies!! Oh and I am 5' 10" 169 pounds and training for a 5 mile obstacle race on the 20th.

    I'm 5'10" and weight 168.9 lb. I eat about 1800-2000 a day and almost exercise daily. I've lost 8 lb so far. My goal weight is around 150 lb.
  • livincleanly27
    I used to eat 1200-1500 and lost weight quickly but I had the rebound effect of gaining 5 lbs back when i tried to increase my calories.
    Now, I eat about 2000-2200 but im fairly active 5x/week cardio, 2x weight lifting. I'm still losing but its more around .75/lb a week. I really want to reach my goal and KEEP IT OFF this time!
  • HoneySunrise
    HoneySunrise Posts: 29 Member
    I'm 5'9", 210lbs. I try to stay at 1600 on no exercise days, and around 2000 on exercise days. It's not too hard calorie-wise but I really need to keep my sodium levels lower and up my protein.
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    I'm 6'2 and lost 77lbs eating 1200-1400 and now that I moved up to 1700 to lose only 1lb per week, I'm not losing at all. Well, I've lost one pound since April. Going back to 1400 immediately.
  • sissiluv
    sissiluv Posts: 2,205 Member
    I'm 5'10, 190lbs and eat between 1300-1700 on most days (which seems to be working thus far because I lost three pounds this week!), because I'm trying to follow a plan set out to me by my dietitian. c: She's got me eating the very basics that I need to stay healthy, keeping my height in mind.

    What this looks like, or should look like, is:

    Breakfast: 1 serving of milk/milk product or 1 serving of protein,
    2 servings of grains/ starches
    1 serving of fruit
    (Usually this amounts to a bowl of cereal with some fruit in it for me)

    A snack of: 1 serving of fat
    1 serving of fruit
    1 serving of milk/protein OR 1 serving of starch (Snack optional)
    (Bread with peanut butter spread and sliced fruit on top)

    Lunch: 2 servings of grains/starches
    2 servings of protein
    1-2 servings of veggies
    1-2 servings of fats
    (A sandwich or homemade smoothie of some sort)

    Snack: 1 fruit serving
    1 milk/protein serving OR 1 serving of starch
    (Glucerna bar)

    and Dinner! 1-2 servings of grains/starches
    4 servings protein
    1 servings fruit
    1-2 servings vegetables
    1-2 servings fats
    (Whatever mom cooks!)

    Snack: 1 serving starch
    1 serving protein
    1 serving fat.
    (Usually don't eat)

    So basically I usually don't go over two hours without eating and all my needs are met! Sometimes I'll substitute here or there with a meal replacement bar or shake, and it's difficult to get it all in there because we're kind of strapped for cash right now (protein? What protein? I should invest in protein powder...) but there it is. c:
  • kampshm
    kampshm Posts: 93 Member
    I just started MFP again. I'm 5'9" and weighed 240. My goal is to lose 2 lbs per week, and MFP said I'd have to eat only 1400 cal a day to meet that goal. However, I've used a different calculation that put me at 2400 cal to lose 1 lb a I decided to go somewhere in the middle, so right now I am eating between 1600-1800 calories and exercising moderately (walking the dog or swimming) 2-3 times per week.

    With this plan, so far I have met my goal on the dot and lost 6 lbs in 3 weeks!
  • Dcharnice
    Dcharnice Posts: 56 Member
    I'm 6' 2" & I'm eating 1930 a day. I (NOW) workout 5-6 day a week & have a physically intense job (3200+ calorie burn), so I need every single calorie or my body will hold onto to the fat instead of burning it off.
  • shellynotnj
    I am 5'10 and weigh in at 170. I want to get down to at least 150. I am eating 1300 - 1400 calories a day. I have a very sedentary job but I go to the gym six days a week and do 20 minutes on the bike or eliptical and 30 - 40 minutes on either the leg/ab machines or the arm machines. I hope I am gaining muscle because weight wise I am only losing about a pound a week. Just started tracking measurements.
  • CrazyAnimalLady
    CrazyAnimalLady Posts: 104 Member
    Thanks for this thread, its been a real eye opener. Ever since my calories were lowered to 1610 I've been starving every day. I went and used the Scooby calculator and it says my BMR is 2045 and I should be eating about 1900 calories a day. This could also explain why I haven't been losing as much weight since being lowered, and have been having headaches more frequently. I do crossfit 4 days a week, and occasionally walk 4-5 miles on my days off from crossfit, so I'm pretty active. I set the Scooby calculator to a sedentary setting because there are days where after working out I do absolutely nothing but computer work. I think a re-evaluation of my caloric intake is definitely in order! Oh, and for the record I'm 6' tall, weigh 281 and am 34 yrs old.
  • mermaidme23
    mermaidme23 Posts: 60 Member
    Update: I've bumped my intake up to 1500 when I exercise. Stay around 1300 when I don't. Started strength training, so we'll see how it goes.