Summer Challengers( 3 more days) #100DaysTilSummer

SexyLovinmeCook Posts: 1,393 Member
Just wanted to pop in it's been a minute...We all have had life events that took a front seat to our lives but we are kicking butt as we end this challenge. I cannot say enough how proud I am of each one of you! Some made their goals and others may not...But the ultimate goal that was the main focus that you learn more about yourself. Discipline, new workouts, needed adjustments to your eating, etc. We all needed that and I am sure you learned something you didn't even think before. As it come to an end take what you have learned apply it and make even more goals during the summer and ultimately for this lifestyle. I know I do...and the journey won't stop here.

Love you guys,



  • MsSassy45
    MsSassy45 Posts: 65 Member
    Yes I've learned more and its life so I'm taking the bitter with the sweet. I may not reach my goal in 3 days but I'm not where I used to be and with that being said I'm not turning back. I appreciate the challenges as I continue this lifestyle I will get there one day because I'm not giving up! High 5 to those who did and hang in there and keep at it to those who didn't :)
  • shannypoo21
    shannypoo21 Posts: 329 Member
    I know certainly that I will be continuing these practices past the 100 day. I know that I'm capable of limiting my sugar and not being shamed of what I ate. If I had a bad day, so be it, got to continue to improve and not beat myself up too bad. I sooooo appreciate you for creating and spear heading this challenge Steph! Amazing things ahead of us!
  • Addicted2_fitness
    Addicted2_fitness Posts: 403 Member
    This has been an amazing challenge and I am pretty sure that I would've lost some motivation along the way if it hadn't been for this group of women! It's hard to believe that it has been almost 100 days since we began! I have learned so much about myself in these 100 days and I WILL keep up this lifestyle when this challenge is doubt! I have met my weight loss goal (145lbs) BUT decided to continue on with a new goal of 135lbs. Now that I have learned what works for my body, I am on my way to becoming a "better me!!!" Thanks for this challenge and your genuine support throughout it all, Steph! You are an amazing leader and FRIEND!!! Love ya lady!
  • Miss_Krissy87
    Miss_Krissy87 Posts: 214 Member
    I am very thankful for you and the challenge. I have learned alot about myself and what im capable of. I will continue what I learned from this challenge and keep giving it a 100%. This challenge has taught me to love myself again????. I have gained many friends from this experience and thankful for your support through this journey. Your one of a kind love????!????????????❤????
  • Healthy_4_Life2
    Healthy_4_Life2 Posts: 595 Member
    Thanks for starting this challenge, hunni. It definitely jumped stared my focus to losing weight and being healthier this this year! I will continue to push forward and reaching for my goals. Once again, the challenge has been wonderful. Thanks for doing it. :)
    KAY1BELLE Posts: 29 Member
    Im so grateful that you started this challenge it certainly gave me the courage to try different things all while stay committed to myself and my fitness.