June 19, 2013

FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member


  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    I guess I am having a rare day off exercise, its cold and rainy out, i know its an excuse but thats the way it is!!!

    I also gained 1 1/2 lbs from eating junk last few days from party, got into fight with husband because of asking him to throw it all out, cookies, chips, etc. He looks at expense and won't let me explain my side of it about my body is more important than money.

    He wants me to take it to work…I work in tiny office so would be less than 3 ft away from it all day….personally I got pissed at that!

    I finally compromised to bring some of it to work only because I am leaving at 1pm today so won't be tempted if I eat good breakfast. What ever is left tomorrow I will throw out.

    Conclusion is next time I give party stop trying to please other people and buy crap food, put out my healthy stuff.
  • allison0820
    allison0820 Posts: 325 Member
    Thanks for this one too!!! I was on vacation all last week.. and worked out up until we left for the beach which was Wednesday ( I ran that morning before leaving)... then no real workout until last night I did Zumba... but I haven't run yet..
  • LizardQueen4PointOh
    LizardQueen4PointOh Posts: 245 Member
    I've been pretty unmotivated the last few days. Just day to day stress and then TOM came three days early during the high point of my stressful days. Yay... not. Anyhoo, I managed to do a Hip Hop Dance Workout I found on YouTube today. I got most of the moves, even with my lack of rhythm. :laugh:

    Marla - Sorry to hear about your troubles. I know what you mean though - if it's something that is my weakness I'll eat it until it's gone.

    Allison - How was your vacation? The beach sounds wonderful!

    Hope everyone has a nice day.
  • jjscholar
    jjscholar Posts: 413 Member
    I have admit that sometimes I have felt unmotivated... Not from working out but, rather from teaching Zumba... It isn't easy especially when I am the only male Zumba instructor where I live... Attendance at my first two Zumba classes had been quite low..

    But, I know that I need to keep trying... I also need to realize that Saturdays during the summer are quite quiet...
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Hey all!!!

    Well, I got a little bit done today. I walked a bit, ran a bit, walked a bit.
    It is now several hours after I started the above message. sigh. One of those days.
    Hope everyone's having a great day!

    Happy hump day
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    haha, there were no replies, when I started my first message. Now I see that there have been lots! haha

    Marla, it's still hard for me to practice, but conceptually, I have finally come to understand that eating food "just not to waste it", is still a waste! There's no difference between putting it in the trashcan and putting in my body, if it will only add unwanted fat to my body. The difference is that I don't want my body to be trashcan. The money is lost either way, but at least in the trashcan, it doesn't add ill health effects to my body that can end up costing later. It's all in how you look at it. But, also, maybe you can find a girl or boys club or scout troop that might be interested, for their meeting??

    Ooo, gotta go, dinner's here (take-out, after my son's taekwon-do test...he did good, got his blue half belt and broke a board with his foot :smile: ).
  • PamHealthMission
    PamHealthMission Posts: 471 Member
    Good Day Wednesday to all!

    CLX Push Circuit 2 focused on SHOULDERS & legs for 35 minutes this morning. OMGOODNESS, shoulder workouts seem extra tough for me but they sure do look nice. For the shoulders I was able to use the following dumbbell sets (7.5, 8.75, 10, 11.25). For the legs I used the following dumbbell sets (11.25, 13.75). Maximum reps from 6 to 8 per exercise.

    Everyone keep pushing play or whatever you do to get that exercise done and eat healthy. :wink:
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member

    Marla, it's still hard for me to practice, but conceptually, I have finally come to understand that eating food "just not to waste it", is still a waste! There's no difference between putting it in the trashcan and putting in my body, if it will only add unwanted fat to my body. The difference is that I don't want my body to be trashcan. The money is lost either way, but at least in the trashcan, it doesn't add ill health effects to my body that can end up costing later. It's all in how you look at it.

    by the way, that was more for your husband than for you, since obviously you already "get it". but it was only after I heard it explained this way that I really "got it", that our bodies shouldn't be used as trashcans for excess food...so I thought maybe it might help you to find new ways to talk to your husband about it next time (if there is a next time)
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    Don't know if anyone will see this but I ended up on treadmill. I didn't have anymore of the junk. Gave some to guys at work and got rid of rest.
  • PamHealthMission
    PamHealthMission Posts: 471 Member
    Hey Marla, good deal getting on the treadmill and ditching the junk. :wink: