June goals



  • belle_of_the_bar
    belle_of_the_bar Posts: 474 Member
    I just started my third week, so I'll keep my goals simple

    Finish a 5x5 with the bar on my OHP
    Keep Saturdays within 100 calories of goa

    Everything else is gravy after I get those. :flowerforyou:
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    My June Goals:

    1. Not whine about having to do a chiropractor ordered deload, even though I was right at my 2013 goal of deadlifting 200lbs and had to back down to 175. ???? (okay, just that one last whine)

    2. Watch videos/study more on form.

    3. Keep myself at 1800 calories daily. Been failing at this for some time now...

    4. Add some finishers into my routine.

    5. Finish up first round of SL 5x5 June 21.

    6. One frigging pullup. Just one.
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    Hi! I just switched to 3x5 last month. It was suggested to help me bust a strength plateau and so far it has helped, whether coincidentally, I don't know. I also do 3x10 of dumbbell stuff which was also suggested to help me out.

    Squat 100# 3x5
    DL 105# 3x5
    Bench 65# 3x5
    OHP 55# 3x5 (or at least 55 1x5 and 50 2x5 ;))
  • diroka
    diroka Posts: 48 Member
    1. Keep going with Stronglifts, try to push past plateaus on Overhead Press and Bench Press
    2. Be better with tracking my food - wedding's in 33 days!
    3. Add in some hiit and tabata to get some fat off these muscles!
  • RunAlyndaRun
    RunAlyndaRun Posts: 162 Member
    I'm new to the group and on my third week of SL. I'm trying to think in terms of progress versus where I'm NOT. I've been below the minimal weight suggested this whole time, but am slowly making progress.

    My main goals by the end of June:

    Squats: Current: 30 pounds, Goal: 70+
    Chest: Current: 25 pound bar, Goal: 50+
    Overhead:Current: 20 pound bar, Goal, 50
    Row: (was doing inverted, but just moved to the bar): Current: 25 pound bar, Goal: 55+
    DL: Current: 50 pounds, Goal: 100+
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Goals...this is going to be a weird month because I have another 5K toward the end...however...

    1. Ability to do five COMPLETE pull-ups with 50# of assistance (I can only do 2.5 now.)
    2. Ability to complete five regular pushups - Only able to do 2-3 part way down now.
    3. Continue to lift 3-4x per week. - Weight goals:
    :glasses: Squat - 120#
    :glasses: Bench - 80#
    :glasses: Row - 90#
    :glasses: OHP - 60#, dammit!
    :glasses: DL - 135#, because THOSE use the big-girl plates. :bigsmile:
    4. Eat more veggies - I have been uber slack on that, lately.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    -Eat all the food. (Get between 1800-2400 daily, and limit the blow outs; that said, German buffet next week...)
    -Add in at least 10 minutes of rowing to my cardio days in preparation for rowing classes. (Once I get the hang of this, I'll likely make this my cardio warmup before lifting too)
    -Squats from 100 to 120
    -Bench from 77.5 to 85
    -Row from 70 to 80
    -OHP from 55(ish) to 60
    -DL from 160 to 180

    Some of those are rather aggressive since I foresee deloads in my future. Who knows.
  • bimmer2331
    bimmer2331 Posts: 59 Member
    So I have never set any goals really.....but for June I would like the following...

    Squats -115 lbs
    BP-75 lbs
    Rows-80 lbs

    Get more sleep each night....about 8 hours..I do with less than 6 most nights and yes this is affecting my lifting in a bad way...no energy to lift ....

    Get in more veggies..yes I eat veggies but could definitely do better....

    be able to do 10 "real" pushups and 1 real "pullup"
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Screw it... Let's go out on a limb...

    I need to update mine:

    Squats - 125
    Bench - 85
    Rows - 95
    OHP - remains 60.
    DL's - 160. Bu month end that should be my body weight, unless it takes me six more weeks to lose one pound, lol.

    I found myself within five lbs of my squat goal by 6/7, within 5 lbs of my bench goal same day, within 5 lbs of row goal on the 5th of June, lef OHP, simply because I will be lucky to get the reps out at 60, and DL's because tonight I surpassed that goal by 5 lbs.

    Some months I surprise the hell out of myself!
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,779 Member
    I finally broke through feeling intimidated by the guys in the gym and the fear of not doing this "perfect", so my goal for June is consistent workouts 3x/wk and good form.

    Squats - 75
    Bench Press - 75
    Rows - 65
    OHP - 55
    DL - 55
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    June goals-shucks we're nearly halfway thru the month so I won't go crazy here.

    Squat - 3x5 with good form @160
    OHP - 2x5 @90
    DL - 1x5 @ 200
    Bench - 1x5 @ 120
    Rows - 3x5@110

    Cardio - trail run 2x a week thru 6/21. My kids' afternoon schedules change for a couple weeks, so I'll have to do some HIIT stuff at home until camp starts.

    Future planning - buy the Wendler 5/3/1 book and read it. I think this is what I'm moving on to, but I need more info.
  • claritarejoice
    claritarejoice Posts: 461 Member
    Hi! I wanted to check in with everyone here! The goal my trainer gave me is to gain 1 pound of muscle by August 30, and 3 pounds of muscle total. To meet that goal, my mini-goals are to keep my protein over 114g a day, focus on whole foods and minimizing sugar, weightlift 3x/week, get enough quality sleep, and minimize stress.

    I have had a hard time increasing the weight I'm lifting. I've been doing SL5x5 consistently since January and my squat (for example) is only at 110 pounds. I feel like maybe I'm doing something wrong. I also feel pretty tired, hence the need to get better sleep which should help my lifting!
  • miovlb6
    miovlb6 Posts: 339 Member
    Starting over...I tore a tendon in my shoulder in November of 2012 and had to stop doing just about EVERYTHING. Before the injury, I was doing lots of running, yoga, Stronglifts, and Krav Maga and it all had to be put on hold while I recovered. It took a long time and a lot of physical therapy, but I think I'm ready to jump back in. I started running again back in February and unfortunately, in April, I discovered that I have PTTD (Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction) in my left leg. So I'm back off running again and I'm in a brace until at least early July. My orthopedist wants me to take it easy on the squats--she actually wants me to skip them altogether, but we'll see...I desperately need to get back into my routine.

    Not sure where to start though. It's been over 6 months since I've done any lifting. Wish me luck! :smile:
  • beautifulswan1
    beautifulswan1 Posts: 58 Member
    Just started SL this week. I want to be consistent and get in 3 lifting sessions a week and 2 cardio-like sessions (preferably kickboxing or the like). Eat enough food to fuel my workouts.
  • xxempress
    xxempress Posts: 122
    Started SL on Monday. I completed my first part B workout early this morning; my body is totally feeling that 5hit today. I should've listened when I read to REST in between each training session. My lifts for today ~ Squat 140lbs OHP 55lbs DL 205lbs. I should've went lighter on the DL!!!

    :bigsmile: Goals for the rest of June:

    Lose 5lbs
    Finish up week 2 of SL strong & hit my projected goals
    [ Squat 160# Bench 105# OHP#65 BB Row 75# DL 225# ]
    Get my body fat % measured
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    I'll start this one too :-)

    Main goal, get used to and progress with 3x5 as 5x5 was taking too long *wail*
    Work on doing a press up!
    work on the assisted pull up machine thingy can do with 50kg of support at the moment...
    be accountable with my food (yes it is on here for the third month in a row! Will I ignore it yet again?!). I've dropped my diary target to 1800 as it was so easy to sail past 2000. In reality this means I'm giving myself a cushion, so I'm not going to fret about being under target but I'd like to get some of this body fat melting!
    do some fricking cardio. I need something short, sharp and effective as steady state cardio makes me feel like hulking out. I will start a topic on this!

    Plenty I think :-)

    ooh not quite the end of the month, but:
    3x5 feels great, taking about 40-45 minutes usually, giving time to do a HIIT session on the bike. I've also done a couple of circuits (ow my underarms are sore from pressups!)...
    I've done ONE WHOLE PROPER PRESSUP!! The huz said 'but your nose didn't touch the ground' cos he was being cheeky, but it was about 5ml from there.. and I got back up too!
    I can do 5 pullups with 35kg of assistance
    and I've been logging everything (for a few days only, but hey!) and it's always been in the 'red' but it's under 2500 so that's a start lol..
  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member
    been thinking about this today.... I havent made my weight goals in a few months...
    I think my goal for June will be to be able to do 25 pushups (non-girly) & 15 pulls ups.... Baby steps! I cant do ANY pullups right now nor can I do 10 non-girly pushups

    failed at pushups & pullups goal

    Im down 3.5 pounds for the month....down inches in some places Id rather not lose anything else.... hips down 1, natural waist down 2.5" ..... other waist ( belly button) not down at all (grrrrrrr)...bust down 1" (double Grrrrrrrrrrr)

    I do have a plan for July....will post it later when a July goals thread is started
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    June goals-shucks we're nearly halfway thru the month so I won't go crazy here.

    Squat - 3x5 with good form @160
    OHP - 2x5 @90
    DL - 1x5 @ 200
    Bench - 1x5 @ 120
    Rows - 3x5@110

    Cardio - trail run 2x a week thru 6/21. My kids' afternoon schedules change for a couple weeks, so I'll have to do some HIIT stuff at home until camp starts.

    Future planning - buy the Wendler 5/3/1 book and read it. I think this is what I'm moving on to, but I need more info.

    Squats - success! It's right where I am now.
    OHP- I've managed 1x4@90 on at least two occasions.
    DL- success; right where I am now.
    Bench - I seemed to have stalled here. I failed at 110 last week after having done 1x5 @115 the week before. Will have to work back up
    Rows - did 3x5@110 last time, but form didn't feel that great.

    Cardio - have been getting some in a couple times a week, although regular trail runs won't resume for a couple more weeks.

    Still need to buy the book.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Screw it... Let's go out on a limb...

    I need to update mine:

    Squats - 125
    Bench - 85
    Rows - 95
    OHP - remains 60.
    DL's - 160. Bu month end that should be my body weight, unless it takes me six more weeks to lose one pound, lol.

    I found myself within five lbs of my squat goal by 6/7, within 5 lbs of my bench goal same day, within 5 lbs of row goal on the 5th of June, lef OHP, simply because I will be lucky to get the reps out at 60, and DL's because tonight I surpassed that goal by 5 lbs.

    Some months I surprise the hell out of myself!

    Squat - didn't make it. Maxed out at 110.
    Bench - didn't make it. Maxed out at 75.
    Rows - didn't make it. Maxed out at 85.
    OHP - Met. Stayed at 60.
    DL's. HAHAHAHA...that was a joke. Maxed at 140.

    Had to stop lifting mid-month due to another back injury, as I refused to do another 5K with a hurt back. So I will maintain the same goals for July and see if I can't get a little increase in strength.
  • belle_of_the_bar
    belle_of_the_bar Posts: 474 Member
    I officially met my June goals with the exception of last Saturday. Oh well, still a success to me! Yay!