Workout Challenge

yoyofatigued Posts: 33 Member
I am so excited about this challenge! In just 4 days days, Zuzana (previously of, Z Warrior, Zuzana Light) is launching a new 6 week series for BEGINNERS. Have you all seen her workouts? omg. They are insane. I have done a few and even though most are in the neighborhood of 12 minutes... they will more than kick your butt and make you wish for sweet death, or something to throw up in. The idea of packing in a great workout in a minimal amount of time, with no equipment (so free) and designed so I can keep up is extremely appealing. Zuzana will whip us into shape, she gets results!
Plus, talk about motivation, she is in amazing shape, incredibly inspirational and such a sweet girl.
You can check it out here:
So, you have 4 days to consider this challenge. Who really wants a better, stronger, healthier body... and by August 3?


  • nm_honeybadger
    nm_honeybadger Posts: 8 Member
    I am also a Zuzka fan, and am so excited about the ZGYM and beginners' series. I too have tried to do some of her workouts and even bought the power yoga DVD but... damn! Count me in.
  • ThaithaiChocolate
    ThaithaiChocolate Posts: 46 Member
    I would bee even more incline to do this challenge. if it didn't require money. I am a mom of 2 my income is the only income. I find it hard to buy the right foods, let alone paying to work out when I can do that for free to sorry guys just not with this one.
  • Me2FitMe
    Me2FitMe Posts: 1,284 Member
    Same here...
  • sukiwabi
    sukiwabi Posts: 221 Member
    I clicked on that link yesterday to check it out. She seems really great. But omg, the spam that I have gotten on my iPad since!!! Sheesh.
  • FrecklesAndLocs
    FrecklesAndLocs Posts: 35 Member
    I was excited until I read that I'd have to pay for it. :cry: Just don't have it right now.