Is stress weight a real thing?

mozzypug Posts: 7 Member
Hey girls, i haven't really posted much in this group, but i really need some advice/help.

My dad, sister, and I have always struggled with our weight. My dad and sister believe that a lot of the weight we have can be from stress. I am under A LOT of stress right now and im at my heaviest weight. I have been exercising and eating decently, yadda yadda..but i cant seem to even BEGIN losing the weight. Is stress weight a real thing preventing me from dropping the lbs or is the just another excuse?

Thanks girls, hope everyone is staying on track :)


  • SilverLotusGirl
    SilverLotusGirl Posts: 537 Member
    I don't think it's an excuse. If you look into it, stress causes the body to release cortisol and cortisol causes weight gain/makes it harder to lose weight. I'm sure if you did an online search about stress and cortisol you could find some really good info and more details than I can give. But don't let that get you down. If you know you're stressed, use that as more motivation to eat right and exercise, since exercise does relieve stress. Also work on some other stress relieving techniques to help you calm down too. I know all this is easier said than done. Good luck.
  • aanaheldd
    aanaheldd Posts: 32 Member
    Stress is always a pain in the rear. It causes so many issues in our lives. I hope that this time of stress for you is just a phase and soon you will be a little bit more relaxed so you can enjoy things. Just keep at it and don't get discouraged. You will get through it!
  • mozzypug
    mozzypug Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for the advice and support! The stress has lightened up a bit since i last posted. i also lost 9lbs since my last weigh in, which motivates me even more. Hope you all are doing well too!

    thanks again for the support! :)