Provera makes you exhausted?

Hi guys, I'm taking Provera to bring about my period since it thinks its ok to turn up once every 15 months or so. I've taken it before and been fine but every time I take it now it's like taking a very strong sleeping pill and it's a struggle to stay awake. I'm taking it at 11/11pm, 5mg tablets, and I didn't get out of bed until 12:45 today :/ Has anyone else had the same effect from it? I wanted to stop taking them but I don't think my husband will be too pleased as he thinks I just can't be bothered with them


  • preshusgem
    preshusgem Posts: 204 Member
    I take, or actually I should be taking Provera to bring about my period. That's the only med that will work. I hate how I feel when I'm on it. It upsets my stomach even if I eat something with it. I feel groggy and very sluggish. I just want to be lazy and not work out. It's the worst feeling! I hate taking it because those 10 days when I'm on it, I just want to delete because it offsets my attempt at weight loss and eating right. My gyne says I should have a period at least once every 3 months but I'm going to stretch it to 6 months. Your doc says 15 months? I'll ask her if that will be safe for me.

    I'm 43 and in early menopause so I don't see why I need to have a period. I have 8 year old twins via in vitro...Good luck to you!
  • I've been told to have a period every 3 months also but seriously, day 2 and it's already a nightmare! I've also been having GI issues from it...
  • fighterdiva
    fighterdiva Posts: 33 Member
    When I was on it, yes, it made me exhausted. Like I had to drag myself out of bed.