Hi everyone

gothicangel101 Posts: 10 Member
Hi everyone!

If you are reading this, then thank you! please don't be shy and add me to you friends list or become a member of my group so that we can encourage each other to achieve their goals.

My goal is to get down to 55 - 60 kgs and I am currently 90.2 kgs as of today but I am going to take it one day at a time.

I would love to hear from you all about your goals or just anything in general, send me a message!




  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    Such a better way to look at the situation right .I knew immediatly the day I started making better choices it was different than any diet I have ever been on.

    I weigh 258 today and my goal is 150 so only 108 to go.......

    Friend request on the way .
  • melody_leigh
    melody_leigh Posts: 7 Member
    Agreed!! Diets just set you up to fail as they restrict something and as we all know, when you restrict something you want it more. Changing the way we think is key.
    I am 92 as of today and today that will be the last time I will be that weight. I would like to get to 70. Tomorrow I will be closer!!
    Lets support each other along the way!
  • curleegirl68
    curleegirl68 Posts: 53 Member
    Please feel free to add me as a friend. I have been on my weight loss journey since 2009 and I take it day by day. Recently I haven't had the need to weigh myself. Many have stressed, its just a number compared to the weigh I feel and live my life.
  • latoyahbrown
    latoyahbrown Posts: 6 Member
    This is exactly the group I have been looking for. Feel free to add me as a friend. I need all of the motivation I can get.
  • Journeywithyou
    Journeywithyou Posts: 49 Member
    Hello Group

    My name is Angie - I recently wrote a blog on this subject 'Diet is a 4 letter word'. My thoughts I tell everyone who mentions 'Are you on a diet?" My reply is No I'm on a life change journey.


    My goal set for me by my doc is 140 - I have 25 more to go. Feel free to FR Me I'm always looking for more support buddies. Lets do this journey together!
  • gothicangel101
    gothicangel101 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks for all your comments and way to go everyone, keep up the good work and keep each other motivated. Because I know I need it and I bet u guys do to.
  • tamramakin
    tamramakin Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I am so excited, I had my first weigh in since I started this journey, and I had lost eight pounds. I am really trying to make this a lifestyle change. I am making better food choices, and looking forward to more activity. I have started parking in the rear of the lot, just so I can walk farther, get more steps. There is a small amount of peace not having to look for the closest spot, and then no anger at having to walk the parking lot. It is amazing how making a small attitude change can lead to such peace. Another benefit I have noticed, is that my inner voice has been rather encouraging. Normally that inner voice is kinda a bully, she doesn't say nice things about the way I look, but lately, our mantra is "SOON" rather than 'NEVER." That in and of itself is a wonderful feeling.

  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    Tamra ,

    Welcome , I'm so happy that your inner voice had joined in the battle to be healthy . Mine has as well .

    I wish you much possitive luck with your lifestyle changes.
  • gothicangel101
    gothicangel101 Posts: 10 Member

    Welcome and Congratulations on losing 8 pounds and that is great to hear that ur inner voice is not so negative and mean anymore. mine sometimes is still mean to me but not as often as it use to be but instead I have a brother to do that for me instead of my inner mind.

    if any of you would like to add me don't hesitate to do so!

    And keep up with the fabulous work everyone!!!
