Awesome Healthy Smoothies

I really like these that I found on

Jet Lag No More Smoothie

As a travel writer, I often find myself getting creative with ingredients from new countries. Traveling across multiple time zones can add stress to the body and your digestive system. If you're a frequent flyer, taking care of your digestion and adrenal glands will make for smooth sailing. This recipe can help.

1/2 cucumber
1 stalk celery (juiced)
1/2 lemon
1/2 orange
Younger You Smoothie

Research shows that higher amounts of sucrose may speed up the aging process. You can satisfy your sweet tooth with all-natural sugars from these powerful fruits. These picks are packed with age-defying antioxidants.

1/4 pineapple (juiced)
1/2 lime (fresh-squeezed juice)
1 cup pear
1/2 banana
1/2 cup soy milk, almond milk or coconut milk
5 ice cubes
Cravings Be Gone Smoothie

Lose weight and feel great with this powerful smoothie. It's loaded with vitamin E and healthy carbohydrates, which will fill you up but not out.

1/2 apple (Fuji is my favorite)
1/2 cup spinach
2 Celery stalks
1 tablespoon almond butter
1 banana
5 ice cubes
Ditch the Digestion Issues Smoothie

All the ingredients combined in this power smoothie can help ease your digestion.

1 cup grapes
1 pear
1-2 kiwi fruit, peeled
5 mint leaves
5 ice cubes
Stress Be Less Smoothie

Carrots are loaded with magnesium (the best ingredient to fight off stress) and selenium (helps fight against infection). Chamomile and lavender can help ease the body and mind to aid in instant relaxation.

1/2 cup of chamomile herbal tea
1/4 cup pineapple
4 carrots (juiced)
1 cup of pear
3-4 drops of lavender tincture
5 ice cubes


  • tigers2747
    Thanks for the recipes! they sound great and I am going to try the stress be less smoothie
  • Butyou
    Butyou Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks for sharing! Going to try these with my shakeology!
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    One of my favorite awesome healthy smoothies goes like this:

    1 bag of frozen strawberries
    Juice of a couple of limes
    6 or 7 ounces of rum

    Blend it all up and chug it down.
  • babynew
    babynew Posts: 613 Member
    Thanks for these. ..always interested In NEW Combos