I am not going to lie...

josiereside Posts: 720 Member
I am craving carbs... almost done with induction and all I can think about is bread and swedish fish! I know I lost a couple pounds my first week of induction, holding off on getting on the scale yet this week. My husband says I am trimming down... so hopefully that keeps me motivated to stick with this.

Who goes off the wagon on this diet?? Can you have the occasional bad carb splurge and then get back on track? I assume you almost need to at least repeat 1 week of induction. I know I have some things coming up where I won't have control of the food but at least I am being good when I do have control.

I am tired, my workouts have no ooomph... Does this pass. I am probably actually too low carb as I am more or less following the old Atkins (original) plan and too cheap to buy the new stuff. I do plan on upping my veges and slowly adding back in my blueberries. I am a runner and plan on doing at least 3 miles tomorrow... I hope I have it in me.

Any beer drinkers here??? I am more of a wino but I do like my occasional beer. I have gluten free beer, I wonder if that is lower in carbs than regular beer...


  • JanetLynnJudy
    JanetLynnJudy Posts: 173 Member
    You may be experiencing some symptoms of keto flu.

    "What is “keto flu” and how long will I have it?

    During the induction phase of a Ketogenic Diet, most people experience a horrid “flu” that often makes people believe from the start that it isn’t right for our bodies. Consider it the first test in one of your many trials to come. The flu is a manifestation of your mental and physical dependence on carbohydrates and the body is essentially going through a phase where it has to learn to use fat as fuel.

    Keto flu can be treated by replenishing your electrolytes. (See next section.)

    The flu-like symptoms should dissipate in a few days or weeks. But be warned: For as long as you eat low-carb, if you don’t take care to get enough sodium, potassium and magnesium (a.k.a. electrolytes) in your diet, you may experience fatigue, muscle twitching, headaches, muscle cramping, and in severe cases, arrhythmia. Leg cramps may be the most common sign that your electrolytes are out of balance."


    As far as cheats go, I think it depends on the individual. I've had to learn from experience though that for me cheats are much more worthwhile when I have them rarely, go for quality over quantity, stay in control and try avoid the guilty and sick feeling afterwards and by doing extra damage control (extra workout time).

    I've been following this diet for quite a while and I can honestly say that the longer I do it the easier it gets.

    I don't drink beer often, but when I do I drink Budweiser Select 55 because it has 2 carbs.

    Here's a relevant image.


    I hope this helps!
  • jillg89
    jillg89 Posts: 23 Member
    My first 2 weeks on Induction, I had to buy the Atkins bars because I was having a sweet tooth. That helped me and satisfied that craving. I followed Induction for about 15 days and this was during Memorial weekend. I did drink (miller lite or Bacardi and Fresca) and I still managed to loose. This is my 4th week Low carbing it and I'm down 8 pounds. Tomorrow is my weigh in day, so I am hoping to add to it.

    After 15 days I had to start adding fruit back. I missed it. So I've been eating strawberries, cantaloupe and watermelon. Small quantities because they taste so sweet to me now. But it's so nice to have those back.

    One thing I am noticing is it's a lot easier to follow now, I'm not hungry and I really haven't craved anything. It's really fascinating to me how this is working.

    Good Luck!
  • jillg89
    jillg89 Posts: 23 Member
    Great list...thanks for sharing!
  • Birdy989
    Birdy989 Posts: 52 Member
    Have you tried eating more? It's good to be under calories, but you're way under today! Also, here's a trick that works for me. I buy that Carefree sugarless gum in dessert flavors. You know, Key Lime Pie, Root Beer, Lemon Bar, Apple Pie, etc. I eat one stick after lunch and dinner, or when I'm really craving something sweet. It works great! By the time I'm done chewing, craving is gone. =)
  • Birdy989
    Birdy989 Posts: 52 Member
    I agree, thanks for that list! Good to know for 4th of July weekend!! =D
  • JisatsuHoshi
    JisatsuHoshi Posts: 421 Member
    A tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar before each meal can help curb carb cravings
  • CEBMurray
    CEBMurray Posts: 2
    I, too, am on Induction and I don't think I will make it for two weeks. I am STARVING all the time even though i keep trying to eat as much protein and fat as I can get. Yesterday I found a jar of peanut butter and went nuts and today I ate two burritos. I know I'm suppose to keep my net carbs below 20 for the first two weeks, but this is day four and I am going NUTS.

    My weight loss surgeon suggested I try Atkins so I could lose weight and get my GI issues under control. I have noticed much less gas and diarrhea (I had the Duodenal Switch) and have even lost 6.6 pounds in 4 days, but I don't think that's enough motivation to keep me going.

    Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated.
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    Have you tried eating more? It's good to be under calories, but you're way under today! Also, here's a trick that works for me. I buy that Carefree sugarless gum in dessert flavors. You know, Key Lime Pie, Root Beer, Lemon Bar, Apple Pie, etc. I eat one stick after lunch and dinner, or when I'm really craving something sweet. It works great! By the time I'm done chewing, craving is gone. =)

    Believe me, I am not trying to eat under... I am just not hungry eating higher protein/fat and I cannot justify eating when not hungry. When I had more carbs in my diet (prior to Atkins), I was always hungry and always had to have a snack but I just stay full...
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    I, too, am on Induction and I don't think I will make it for two weeks. I am STARVING all the time even though i keep trying to eat as much protein and fat as I can get. Yesterday I found a jar of peanut butter and went nuts and today I ate two burritos. I know I'm suppose to keep my net carbs below 20 for the first two weeks, but this is day four and I am going NUTS.

    My weight loss surgeon suggested I try Atkins so I could lose weight and get my GI issues under control. I have noticed much less gas and diarrhea (I had the Duodenal Switch) and have even lost 6.6 pounds in 4 days, but I don't think that's enough motivation to keep me going.

    Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated.

    I have the opposite problem I am not hungry at all, or should not say I am not hungry at all but I certainly don't find myself starving... I have my breakfast and can go hours without even thinking of food.... When I ate more carbs, I was always hungry.
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    Have you tried eating more? It's good to be under calories, but you're way under today! Also, here's a trick that works for me. I buy that Carefree sugarless gum in dessert flavors. You know, Key Lime Pie, Root Beer, Lemon Bar, Apple Pie, etc. I eat one stick after lunch and dinner, or when I'm really craving something sweet. It works great! By the time I'm done chewing, craving is gone. =)

    I do love that gum, but in the old Atkins book it said to avoid ANYTHING with sugar on induction and I believe there is a small amount in those gums, but I love the key lime!
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    A tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar before each meal can help curb carb cravings

    I don't mind vinegar in foods, but I don't think I can do a tablespoon!
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    You may be experiencing some symptoms of keto flu.

    "What is “keto flu” and how long will I have it?

    During the induction phase of a Ketogenic Diet, most people experience a horrid “flu” that often makes people believe from the start that it isn’t right for our bodies. Consider it the first test in one of your many trials to come. The flu is a manifestation of your mental and physical dependence on carbohydrates and the body is essentially going through a phase where it has to learn to use fat as fuel.

    Keto flu can be treated by replenishing your electrolytes. (See next section.)

    The flu-like symptoms should dissipate in a few days or weeks. But be warned: For as long as you eat low-carb, if you don’t take care to get enough sodium, potassium and magnesium (a.k.a. electrolytes) in your diet, you may experience fatigue, muscle twitching, headaches, muscle cramping, and in severe cases, arrhythmia. Leg cramps may be the most common sign that your electrolytes are out of balance."


    As far as cheats go, I think it depends on the individual. I've had to learn from experience though that for me cheats are much more worthwhile when I have them rarely, go for quality over quantity, stay in control and try avoid the guilty and sick feeling afterwards and by doing extra damage control (extra workout time).

    I've been following this diet for quite a while and I can honestly say that the longer I do it the easier it gets.

    I don't drink beer often, but when I do I drink Budweiser Select 55 because it has 2 carbs.

    Here's a relevant image.


    I hope this helps!

    I don't think it is the keto flu as I don't feel sick, just don't have the pep I had previously. I do get plenty of potassium from my avocados!
    Thanks for the alcohol list... unfortunately what I like to drink as far as booze, sweet tea vodka is high in carbs. I like the good beers which are not low carb but I can do amsteel light... I love my wine so might have to stick to that as much as possible..
    Thanks for the advice!
  • lyttmab
    lyttmab Posts: 87 Member
    I, too, am on Induction and I don't think I will make it for two weeks. I am STARVING all the time even though i keep trying to eat as much protein and fat as I can get. Yesterday I found a jar of peanut butter and went nuts and today I ate two burritos. I know I'm suppose to keep my net carbs below 20 for the first two weeks, but this is day four and I am going NUTS.

    My weight loss surgeon suggested I try Atkins so I could lose weight and get my GI issues under control. I have noticed much less gas and diarrhea (I had the Duodenal Switch) and have even lost 6.6 pounds in 4 days, but I don't think that's enough motivation to keep me going.

    Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated.

    If you can go just a few more days, I promise the cravings DO go away. I was a person that had bread at EVERY Meal and inbetween. It's amazing, I thought I could never do this way of eating, but I did. Your body has to go through a type of withdrawal, if you will, and when it get's used to not having all those unhealthy carbs, the cravings stop and you can slowly introduce the healthy carbs (beans, fruit, sweet potatoes, etc.). You have my word (I know you don't know me from Adam, but I really am being sincere). It will get better, I promise!!! Let me know how you are doing and feel free to friend me -
  • JumpingDog
    JumpingDog Posts: 125 Member
    I second the post about sodium, potassium, magnesium, keto flu and alcohol.

    My "keto flu" at 60g of carb a day didn't necessarily leave me feeling sick. I started at almost 300g of carb a day though. First I was sick, then I felt lethargic, and then I just felt off. It might be a mild carb flu. You have to admit that you are changing your diet, whatever you call it, it's probably a direct result of your dietary changes unless something else is going on.

    Frankly, I just don't feel good on less than maybe 50g of carb a day. I have been eating primally for over a year and I have never felt good at very low carb levels. I ate 102g today but that only comprised 31% of my calorie intake. That's a relatively high day for me though.