What are the negatives of surgery??



  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    For me, I consider dumping a blessing. I can no longer eat like I used to, and I hope this lasts FOREVER. It's pretty much trial and error in the beginning. I can't eat really spicy stuff anymore, but I'm OK with that. Here are some of the negatives I have experienced so far:

    1. 3 week post-surgery liquid diet. That sucked.
    2. Hair loss, which freaked me out, but it is growing back now. (Biotin has helped tremendously.)
    3. Gas :tongue:
    4. Constipation :tongue:
    5. And last but certainly not least, intestinal blockage due to adhesions. Now, this REALLY sucked, especially considering it happened almost exactly 6 months after my surgery, on Christmas eve. I needed an emergency surgery because I had scar tissue (from the original surgery) in my small intestine that caused it to twist and block. This is potentially a LIFE THREATENING situation. If you feel pain in your intestines the first thing you tell the ER to check for is INTESTINAL BLOCKAGE. Had I not known that, I could have died. Oh, and FORCE them to give you a CAT scan. If they don't offer to do it when you get there and are in excruciating pain, DEMAND IT. It's the quickest and most accurate test they can do to detect a blockage.

    But I have to say, after 94 Lbs lost, I feel great now and I would still do it all over again - even with the things that sucked about it. :bigsmile:

    I, as well, had this exact complication (#5) - but mine was three years - almost to the day - post op gastric bypass. Because I was so far out I never would have thought that this was the cause of my excrutiating pain. My fiance was 4 months post sleeve and immediately voiced concern to the ER Dr that it could be a complication of RNY. Even after a week of HELL and the worst experiences of my entire 34 years of living - would I have Bypass again tomorrow and take that risk again -- YES YES YES!
    Yep all the bumps in the road were worth the weight loss and changed life!! I too would do it again!
  • kidskart
    kidskart Posts: 79 Member
    I did the vertical Sleeve Feb. 2012, with NO regrets. But with that said you have to change what you eat and your mind set about food.

    My father had his stomach 'stapled' in the '90s lost weight, did not change his lust for food, gained weight then had sleeve surgery in in 2008, still did not change his lust for food. He ate smaller portions, but it was smaller portions of Cheetos, cookies etc and not protein and healthy food. He died almost 2 years following surgery because of malnutrition!

    It is a serious surgery and shouldn't be decided upon lightly. I went into it knowing the serious nature but not finding a solution for my obesity. It was the BEST decision of my life but I mourn every day that my father never took it seriously.
  • spfldpam
    spfldpam Posts: 738 Member
    I am just a year post op from sleeve and didn't experience anything negative. Yes the first couple months post op were rough but things got better. I can eat about anything but just in small portions. It isn't a magic wand but a tool and if used correctly it works! If I sit around eating ice cream all day I will gain bak the weight. If I don't move my butt doing exercise I will gain also. You have to learn to eat the right foods, get 80 grams of protein in, at least 80 oz of water in a day and exercise daily to be succesful. You also have to log all food that passes your lips and be honest with it too.
    Good luck!
  • mainey65
    mainey65 Posts: 343 Member
    Thank you to all those who have posted so far. I have not had the surgery, but my dr. has suggested it may be the way to go for me. I am scared to do it, so I am trying, once again, to lose it on my own (going to WW - have lost about 20 lbs in 3 mos.) I need to lose over 100 lbs, so I am still considering surgery????? I have not seen 1 person who regrets having the surgery - even if there were complications. Again, Thanx for the info!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member

    The main benefit of the surgery is to lose the weight fast and then it is up to us or you to keep it off. It has almost been 9 years for me and I have kept off 240 pounds even though I have gained some back. It would have taken me forever to lose 300 pounds on my own. Even though I am still morbidly obese I am still much better off than I was 9 years ago. I saw my surgeon the last Thursday and he told me once again I am doing great and he is proud of me. Sometimes I need to hear that because sometimes I forget how far I have come.

    I investigated the surgery for 3 years. The one thing I said afterwards is I hated how long it took me to do the surgery and many feel this way too.

    Good luck to you dear and keep up the good work! Congrats on 20 pounds lost too!
  • chelley_79
    chelley_79 Posts: 102 Member
    I lost a lot of my hair.... really thinned and hasn't really come back. To this day I abhor jello and broths... LMAO.

    But I do NOT regret it... not for a second... I have gained so much by doing it and losing a good bit a weight.

    The BEST result from having my surgery?? Well... she turns 4 next month. :heart:
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Thank you to all those who have posted so far. I have not had the surgery, but my dr. has suggested it may be the way to go for me. I am scared to do it, so I am trying, once again, to lose it on my own (going to WW - have lost about 20 lbs in 3 mos.) I need to lose over 100 lbs, so I am still considering surgery????? I have not seen 1 person who regrets having the surgery - even if there were complications. Again, Thanx for the info!

    Just as a side note -- I think you must try all other options as many times as you need to in order to feel satisfied in your own mind. I knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I had ried (and failed) at every attempt, every diet, every exercise plan... etc. It was not the right time in my mind for me to consider surgery until I knew I was just out of options. And, when they wheeled me into the operating room, I had the biggest smile. I was not scared. I knew, in my heart this was my last option and I was thrilled to finally be there.

    If you decide surgery is right for you -- come back and seek advice, support, love and encouragement from those of us whao have been there. Best of luck to you!!
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member

    The BEST result from having my surgery?? Well... she turns 4 next month. :heart:

    Agreed. One year old last Wednesday.