Will Keto help me lose the last 10?

kaittea Posts: 96 Member
Hey! So today is my first day of cutting carbs ( I was eating 100g a day), and I've been doing a lot of research and mixed reviews regarding whether or not keto will really help me shed the extra weight because I'm fairly close to my goal.
Has anyone else lost the last 5/10/15lbs using keto successfully? I heard that the last 10lbs usually requires more of a rigorous exercise regime rather than a change in diet (so long as its healthy/calorie defecit).

I'm 19, 5'5" and around 138lbs. I calculated my BF% using a really quick measuring method so I don't know how accurate it is, but apparently I sit around 26%. Ideally, I would like to get down to 125-130lbs. I've been in a 6 month plateu and it's driving me insane. How intense should my workouts be while in keto? What do you think would be the most beneficial for me?


  • JisatsuHoshi
    JisatsuHoshi Posts: 421 Member
    Keto can make you lose that last 10+ more, but it's something that wont happen in a matter of days. I recommend you give it one month and see how things are then.
  • Blizaine
    Blizaine Posts: 32 Member
    I went from 245 to 205 doing a traditional, 5 meals a day method, while in a cal deficit and working out (over a 2 year period). I then switched to Intermittent Fasting about this time last year and dropped to 185 over several months. I maintained at 185-190 over the course of 6 months before I learned about Keto. I stated Keto about 4-5 weeks ago and I'm now 172. So, yes, for me Keto was the reason I lost the last 12-15 lbs. And it's also the easiest and most satisfying diet I've ever been on. Also, on average, I've been able to eat more calories than I had been eating before, and still loose weight. I think my body was/is super carb sensitive, so it worked really well for me. Good luck!
  • kaittea
    kaittea Posts: 96 Member
    Thank you! I remember cutting carbs out last summer (without knowing what keto is or anything) and I remember losing weight and everything. I think I'm extremely carb-sensitive too. Hopefully this will do the trick. :) Congrats on your weightloss, that's totally the inspiration I need!